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Shen Tingxi didn't find this point, Huo Yan's indistinct fingers gently tapped the watch on his hand, so it seems that the possibility that He Jingxing is Luo Yichuan is very high, but there is no evidence that He Jingxing is Luo Yichuan. Molecular disposal He Jingxing.

Huo Yanqing thought for a moment and said, "He Jingxing is very dangerous. You can't stay with him. I'll find a chance to restore your identity. Will you return to Huo's house?"

Ding Han shook his head, "No, because he is dangerous, I can't let him endanger the safety of Huo's family. I must find out that he is Luo Yichuan's evidence, so that he can be brought to justice and Huo's family can completely lift the crisis. , Otherwise he is like a time bomb, the Huo family is in danger all the time."


Ding Han interrupted Huo Yanqing, "Since you call me a big sister, you will listen to me, the Huo family has so many lives, and your big brother... all died in his hands. I am also a member of the Huo family. The Huo family has removed this scourge, and my heart has been decided. Don't persuade you."

Huo Yanqing said helplessly: "Then you pay attention to safety, I arrange for Yang Ji to protect you in secret, you can find him in any case."

"Okay." Ding Han got up. "I can't stay here too long, otherwise He Jingxing should be suspicious."

"Huh." Huo Yanqing also got up and the two went out together.

At the door, Ding Han stopped, "You just opened Shuxin and Xiaobai, did you want them to know what He Jingxing did?"

Huo Yan nodded. "It's too dark and cruel. They still have less contact. I don't want them to live in peace."

"Well, you're hiding my mom first, so she won't worry."

"it is good."


The night before Huo Yanqing's birthday, Shu Xin thought about getting up to make a loving breakfast for him the next morning, but when he woke up at eight, Huo Yanqing had already gotten up to work.

Shu Xin scratched his messy hair and was annoyed, "Are you a pig, Shu Xin? You can oversleep on such an important day."

Shuxin got up to wash, went downstairs, and began to get busy in the kitchen after breakfast.

Since love breakfast is not made, let's make love lunch.

Shu Xin came to the Huo Group at eleven o'clock with a good caring lunch, and knocked at the door of the president's office.

"Come in." A deep, familiar voice came from inside.

Shuxin pushed the door in and closed the door with a backhand.

Huo Yanqing thought that it was Song Li, without looking up: "After the documents are put here, you should inform the department heads to have a meeting at two in the afternoon."

Shu Xin came to the desk and smiled and said, "Mr. Huo, do you want to eat first?"

Huo Yan listened to the familiar voice and looked up, seeing the rigorous face of the coming person dyed with a trace of softness, and a faint smile appeared on the bottom of his eyes, "Why are you here?"

"Bring you lunch, I made it myself." Shu Xin took the loving lunch in his hand.

Huo Yan put down the documents in his hand, got up, came to Shu Xin's side, took her hand and walked to the small round table next to him, "How can Yaxing cook for me so well today?"

"You will not forget what day is today?"

Huo Yan pondered for a few seconds and reacted in an instant. The smile in his eyes grew, "My birthday."

"You forgot?"

"It's not a special day."

Between the two, the two sat down at the small round table.

Shu Xin put out the lunch and said, "Is your first birthday very special?"

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