Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1220: , Shen Tingxi's warm and hard chest was on her shoulder

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She had to find a way to get rid of their current embarrassing situation.

Shu Xin was thinking, the phone ringing came from the chess and card room, Shu Xin subconsciously looked over there, saw Shen Tingxi took out his mobile phone while answering the phone while playing cards, immediately counted his mind, Shu Xin lightly hit Mu tranquil arm, "You Will you play mahjong?"

"know a little."

"Shen Tingxi is answering the phone, you go to help him play two games."

Mu Tranquility shook his head hurriedly, "I'm not going."

"You twice refused him a proposal, which hurt his heart, shouldn't you take the initiative?"

Mu Tranquility lowered his head, watching the juice in his hand not humming.

Shuxin took the glass in her hand and placed it on the coffee table, got up, and pulled her arm, "Go, for your happiness, work hard!"

Mu Tranquility rose along Shuxin's strength. The two dragged and pulled to the chess room. Shuxin pushed Mu Tranquility towards Shen Tingxi.

Mu tranquil frowned and looked at Shu Xin shaking his head.

Shu Xin is really going to be defeated by Mu Tranquility. It is too difficult to wait for Mu Tranquility to speak. There is no way, she comes, "Shen Tingxi, you answer the phone, Ning Ning will help you play two games?"

Shen Tingxi held the phone in his hand and turned to look at Mu Tranquility behind him.

Shu Xin hurriedly nipped gently behind Mu Tranquility.

Mu Serenity said softly, "I know a little."

Shen Tingxi looked at Mu Tranquility for two seconds, got up, gently squeezed Mu Tranquil's shoulder, and then took the phone and went to the living room to answer the phone.

Mu Tranquility sat down in the place where Shen Tingxi had just left, and his residual temperature was left on the chair, which was transmitted to her skin through the thin fabric, which made her a little warm and unstable heartbeat.

Shu Xin watched behind Mu Tranquility for a while, and felt that she played well and was correct.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, she knew Shen Tingxi was back, walked away comfortably, moved a stool and leaned down beside Huo Yan to sit down.

Huo Yan poured out a hand to hold the comfortable hand, turned to look at her, "Go to the lounge if you are tired."

"Well, I don't want to sleep at this time." Shu Xin said.

Shen Tingxi just walked behind Mu Tranquility, Mu Tranquility planned to get up, Shen Tingxi held her shoulder with one hand, "You hit."

Mu Serenity said softly, "I don't know much."

"It's okay, I will teach you."

Mu Tranquility was not good enough to postpone, sitting on the chair to continue staring at the card, but his heartbeat was already messed up.

Just because Shen Tingxi's hand had never been taken away from her shoulder, now it was summer, she only wore a grass-green chiffon short sleeve, the temperature of his palm penetrated through her clothes into the depth of her texture, she seemed like half of the body They are all burning.

His clean and unique masculine flavour mixed with a touch of wine seemed to drift into his nose.

Shen Tingxi always had a faint smell of tobacco on his body, but today he didn't, because he wanted to light a cigarette while eating and was stopped by Huo Yan. Huo Yanqing said that Shu Xin was a pregnant woman and no one was allowed to smoke tonight.

Mu Tranquil thought had long gone, and suddenly felt the breath on Shen Tingxi's body approached her. The next second, Shen Tingxi's warm and hard chest was next to her shoulder.

Mu Serenity turned to look at Shen Tingxi. He was reaching out to touch the cards on the table. This only came back. It turned out that she should touch the cards, but she didn't even know.

Shen Tingxi put her hand on her shoulder, the other hand touched the mahjong in the card in front of her, and the other hand squeezed the other card with a distinct finger and threw it out. During the whole process, he held her in a half-hold gesture Surrounded between his chest and the table.

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