Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1226: , The hand on Shen Tingxi’s side was dripping blood

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The pictures that were insulted by Lv Zhiwen uncontrollably emerged in my mind. Mu Serenity was tense and his eyes were filled with fear and tears. "Don't... don't touch me... please don't touch me..."

Shen Tingxi heard Mu Jingran crying, and she looked up from her neck. She found her face was full of tears. Her hot body seemed to be splashed with cold water, and Qing Guqian disappeared instantly.

Shen Tingxi released Mu Tranquility and was about to wipe her tears, but she was pushed away by her palm.

Mu Serenity stepped back, stopped until his back reached the head of the bed, curled up and hugged himself, Mu Serenity was afraid, and kept saying: "Don't touch me, don't touch me..."

Shen Tingxi saw Mu Tranquility like this, knowing that she was too anxious to scare her just now, which might remind her of her bad past. She regretted it and tried to approach her. "Ning Ning, don't be afraid, sorry, it's me So anxious."

"Ah... don't... don't touch me..." Shen Tingxi's hand was opened by Mu Tranquil's arm as soon as she touched it. She shrank and shivered at the head of the bed, her face pale.

Shen Tingxi's eyes were full of regret, and he said very softly: "Ning Ning, this is Shen Tingxi, take a good look, I am Shen Tingxi."

Mu Tranquility is in chaos now, and Lu Zhiwen forced her to alternate back and forth with Shen Tingxi pressing her back and forth. She clasped her arms tightly with her hands, and her long white fingers caught her arms full of red marks. As if holding yourself tight like this, you can escape the aggression of others.

Shen Tingxi saw the red mark on Mu Tranquility's arm, and she was afraid and helpless. She felt remorse hard to add. Before, he hated that he didn't meet Mu Tranquility earlier, so she could not suffer so much irreparable harm. .

But now he himself has caused Ning Ning such injuries, he cannot forgive himself.

Shen Tingxi got up, clenched his fists, and went to the door to hit the wall with a punch, the wall was recessed, and Shen Tingxi's fist was also vague.

He walked to the door of the lounge next door and patted the door, "Sister-in-law, are you asleep?"

Huo Yanqing came to open the door. He had a keen sense of smell and immediately smelled the **** smell. His eyes swept. He saw the hand on Shen Tingxi's side dripping blood. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong with your hand?"

"Let Sister-in-law take care of Ning Ning, she was frightened." Shen Tingxi finished and turned and walked towards the door of the box.

"Xin'er, go and see Mu Tranquility." Huo Yan leaned into the room and raised his heels to Shen Tingxi.

Shuxin came to the next door and saw Mu Tranquility flexing her legs, sitting on the bedside with her arms folded, and her face was terribly white. She stared blankly at some place, not knowing what she was thinking.

Shuxin came to the bed and sat down, "Ningning..."

Mu Serenity did not respond.

Shu Xin patted her arm lightly, and she reacted violently, screaming, "Ah... don't touch me... don't touch me..."

Shu Xin didn't know what happened to Shen Tingxi and Mu Tingxi. How could Mu Tingxi and Shen Tingxi intersect?

Shen Tingxi suddenly ran to knock on their door, and then turned around and left, Mu tranquil was like a frightened look.

Shu Xin really couldn't understand, "Ning Ning, what happened to you and Shen Tingxi?"

Mu Tranquility hadn't calmed down yet, and his body was still shaking, "Don't treat me like this...please... don't touch me..."

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