Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1242: , Where are you kicking? Don't you want **** for the rest of your life?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

The next day, Tong Qiao opened his eyes, and the goal was a large piece of **** honey-colored skin. Under the neck was a man’s arm, with a strong man’s palm around his waist. Tong Qiao wanted to roll out of the man’s arms. Pressed and held her, then the lazy voice drifted from the top of the head, "It's still early, sleep again."

Tong Qiao burst into hair instantly, pushed away Lu Jinshen with a palm, and sat up from the bed, "I sleep with your uncle, who made you hug me?"

Lu Jin Shenjun did not have the usual fierceness and fortitude on his face, showing a bit of laziness and casualness just awake, and he was particularly sexy. He frowned slightly, "Don't say rude words to girls."

"I said, can you control it? Sleep your uncle, sleep your uncle...ah..."

Tong Qiao was saying that his arm was pulled by a force, and the whole person fell back to the bed and planted directly on Lu Jinshen.

"You are the mother of my child, I can't control you?"

The man's deep voice rang in Tong Qiao's ear.

Tong Qiao raised his head and looked deeply into Jin Lu's eyes, "I care about your uncle, I..."

Suddenly the two lips pressed down, Tong Qiao's voice stopped abruptly, his eyes were round, and he looked at the enlarged face in front of him.

My mind returned to normal after a brief blank.

He... how dare he kiss her? !

Turn him back! !

Tong Qiao pushed away Lu Jinshen, and when he raised his hand, he slapped him, and his wrist was easily caught by him.

"Lu Jinshen, the old lady is endless with you!" Tong Qiao was fierce and shook off Lu Jinshen's hand. He took a slip and got up from the bed. A round kick kicked towards Lu Jinshen's waist.

Lu Jinshen got out of bed quickly to avoid Tong Qiao's attack, "Qiaoer, don't make trouble."

"Who made trouble with you?" Tong Qiao got out of bed and started to attack Lu Jinshen again, "Dare to bully me, you will not go to heaven if you don't clean up you today?"

Lu Jinshen only attacked and defended, "Qiao'er, you can't beat me."

Tong Qiao was even more amused to hear this, hell, if he could not beat him, he could bully her casually?

Tong Qiao started faster, recruiting Zhao Jinshen to attack deadly, and showed no mercy.

Seeing a kick to hit his crotch.

Lu Jinshen flashed away flexibly, grabbing Tong Qiao's hands and buckling her back, "Where are you going to kick? Do you want **** for the rest of your life?"

"Fuck off, who wants you to give me happiness?" Tong Qiao couldn't move his hands and kicked his feet back.

Lu Jin frowned deeply. She was really an unwilling girl. She walked a few steps forward and pressed her directly onto the bed, her legs clasped her legs.

Tong Qiao couldn't move on the bed, turned his head and glared at the man pressed against her back, "Release."

"You promised to let me go if I didn't do it."

"Think beautiful."

An An's loud crying suddenly sounded. It should be that the two were so moved that they woke the child, and the cry was particularly loud.

Lu Jinshen let go of Tong Qiao, "You scared An An."

Tong Qiao hurriedly got up from the end of the bed and ran to the head of the bed to hug An An. "An An, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t be afraid, your mother is all Lu Jinshen bastards, scare you, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, mother coming."

Lu Jinshen, "..."

The phone at the bedside also rang.

Lu Jinshen walked over and picked up the phone. Huo Yan was calling. The room was full of crying from An An. It was too noisy. Lu Jinshen took the phone to the balcony. "Why call me so early?"

"Is Xin'er here with you?" Huo Yan's slightly anxious voice passed.

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