Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1261: , Do you hate her?

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Shu Xin got out of bed and walked lightly to the balcony. The man who was always vigilant didn't find her close. Shu Xin hugged Huo Yan's tight waist from behind and placed his head gently on his broad back. What do you think is so fascinating?"

Huo Yanqin twisted the cigarette between his fingers and gently patted the comfortable hand in front of him, "Don't hold me, I smell of smoke."

"Hold." Shu Xin hugged a few more times.

Huo Yan tilted the corner of her lips helplessly, raised her hand and fanned in the surrounding air, disturbing the smell of smoke, "How did you wake up?"

"You haven't answered me yet, what are you thinking? Why not sleep?"

Huo Yan tilted his hand on the back of Shuxin's hand, and was silent for a moment before answering, "...the company's business."

"Oh..." Shu Xin paused. "Don't try too hard. You can never make money. The body is the most important."


Quietly, the smell of smoke gradually dissipated.

After a moment of silence, Huo Yan shouted, "Heart."


"...Have you ever thought about finding your mother?"

"No." Shu Xin answered without any hesitation.


"She left when I was two months old, and since she abandoned me and my dad for other men, I didn't need to keep her in mind."

"Do you hate her?"

In the night, Shuxin blinked and thought for two seconds. "Only when I give my feelings will there be hatred. I have no impression of her, and I have no feelings, so I can't talk about hate. At most... I am complaining about her and being too cruel. It hurts Dad for so many years."


Shu Xin let go of Huo Yan's leaning hands, grasping the robe around his waist with both hands, raised one foot, tilted his head, and leaned over to see Huo Yanqing, "Why did you say this to me suddenly?"

Huo Yan leaned back, leaning his back on the railing, holding both hands with a smooth and delicate shoulder, and rubbing his thumb with her fingertips on her shoulders, "Is there no cave, so you woke up in the middle of the night?" "

"certainly not."

Shuxin's attention was instantly diverted.

Huo Yan leaned his head down, his forehead pressed against his comfortable white forehead, "Otherwise make it up now?"


Huo Yan smiled, "Really?"

"Don't." Shu Xin blushed and muttered in her heart: It was as if she was hungry.

Huo Yan tilted his head to look for the comforting lips.

Shuxin leaned his head away.

Huo Yan leaned over to chase.

Shuxin tilted his head to the other side again, with a bright smile on his eyes, "Say no."

Huo Yan let go of her comfortable shoulders, holding her face, and their lips pressed against each other, "You don't want it, I want it."

Finished her lips.

The lip angle of Shuxin lifted up, no longer hypocritical, his hands wrapped around Huo Yanqing's smooth neck, and opened his lips to meet his kiss.

Heart to heart, lips and teeth are intertwined.

There was a faint smell of tobacco in his mouth. It had been a long time since I had tasted it. Shuxin found that she missed it a bit and kissed him deeper and deeper.

On the balcony, under the moonlight, the shadows of the two overlapped, as if alone.

A light breeze blew away, and Shuxin's mind returned, opening his confused eyes, and found that he had a shoulder strap that hadn't faded to his arm sometime, the scenery on his chest was looming, and the gully was white and charming.

"Let's go in?"

Shuxin's voice was stained with emotional hoarse, like a lazy cry of a kitten, Huo Yan was tickled.

"right here."

Shuxin shook his head, blushing as if to bleed. "No, this is the balcony."

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