Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1304: , Xiner's mother found it

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Shu Xin thought of the clothes of the child she just bought in the trunk and said, "Go back to Shu's house. I plan to let the Shu's babysitter help wash the clothes of the children. It's not very good for Yun Ma to suffer."


"By the way, Ma said at noon that Dasao was back, let me call and let Ersao and Xiaowei come together for a gathering, and I pushed it to tomorrow."


Shu Xin tilted his head and looked at Huo Yanqing, "What do you say to me?"

Huo Yanqing squeezed the small hand on his leg with a big hand and smiled at Shuxin with a smile, "Wife only follows."

"嘁!" Shuxin's eyes widened with a bright smile.

At five o'clock in the Shu family, Shu Youkang hadn't gotten off work yet. Shu Xin and Cao Guifang looked at the children's clothes, shoes and hats together. The grandchildren and grandchildren laughed happily from time to time. They smiled happily, and the corners of their mouths did not consciously evoke.

After Shu Youkang returned, he greeted each other, and Huo Yanqing went upstairs with him to the study.

Shu Xin is almost used to Huo Yanqing and Shu Youkang going to the study every time they come back. The two sometimes talk about business in the study, sometimes play chess, and sometimes drink tea and chat.

Study room on the second floor

When Shu Youkang saw her daughter-in-law coming, it seemed that her eyebrows were stretched wider. She and Huo Yanqing had been together for a long time. The two were more at ease. With the feeling of a real father and son-in-law, "Do you play chess?"

Huo Yan shook his head, "Dad, you sit, I have something to tell you."

Shu Youkang prepared to go to the bookshelf to get chess. When Huo Yanqing said something was wrong, he came back and sat down on the single sofa opposite him. "Say, what's the matter."

Huo Yanqing's expression was serious, and she was silent for a few seconds before opening her mouth.

Shu Youkang's pupil shrank suddenly, and he blurted out without thinking, "Where is she? How are you?"

Huo Yan looked at Shu Youkang deeply, "I can arrange for you to meet..."

"No," Shu Youkang hurriedly interrupted Huo Yanqing's words. "She wouldn't want to see me..." He paused and said, "Don't you let me check?"

When he found out, how could he keep his heart alive?

"I didn't check, she told me herself."

"Ah?" Shu Youkang looked surprised and responded after a few seconds. He asked excitedly, "She is in Fancheng?"

Huo Yan nodded and remembered Yao Huiqin's reaction in the morning. Instead of speaking directly, he wiped the edge and asked, "Did you watch the news recently?"

Shu Youkang's busy entertainment city project didn't have time to watch. Now the company is famous because of the entertainment city project. The projects are one by one, and there are too many projects. Shu Youkang rejected many projects in order to ensure quality. The more he is, the more trusted others are. He, the more companies he finds to cooperate with.

Shu Youkang has been busy with the company's expansion while busy with the project, so busy with his feet, he has little spare time, "I rarely watch, what's wrong?"

Huo Yanqin looked at Shu Youkang's reaction and certainly did not read today's online news that Secretary He Jingxing was kidnapped yesterday. Everyone guessed Ding Han's identity. However, it is not surprising that when this news came out, he tried to suppress it. After thinking about it, I changed the entry point again, "Do you know Zhongzhou Group?"

"I know that I moved to Fancheng last year and quickly grew to become a multinational company behind the Huo Group. The president He Jing is a very high-profile agent. He often attends major public places and has always been opposed to the Huo Group. Why did he go out of the water park? After the incident, what harm did he do to deal with the Huo Group?"

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