Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1311: , Blood bead popped out instantly

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Shu Xin came to Yao Huiqin from his residence. Huo Xiangwei and Qiao Ling had already left. Gu Jingyu and Huo Qianning were going to school, and they left early in the morning.

Huo Jibai accompanied Jian Xi for two days and also went to work in the company.

In the living room, only Yao Huiqin and Jian Xi sat on the sofa and didn't know what to say. Shuxin came in to say hello, "Mom, sister-in-law."

Yao Huiqin hurriedly greeted Yun Ma and asked her to prepare breakfast for Shuxin.

Jian Xi nodded lightly towards Shu Xin.

After Shuxin ate breakfast, Yao Huiqin called her on the sofa, "Heart, come here, sit next to Mom."

Shu Xin sat down next to Yao Huiqin.

Yao Huiqin took a comfortable hand, her favorite sight fell on her stomach, "Are you full?"

Nodded comfortably, "full."

Yun Ma brought two cups of tea and a cup of boiled water. The tea was placed in front of Yao Huiqin and Jian Xi respectively. The boiled water was for comfort.

Jian Xi lifted the tea cup and looked at Shuxin, "You should exercise properly after eating, and you will have good health in the future."

Shu Xin looked at Jian Xi with a smile on her face. This was the first time Jian Xi took the initiative to care about her after returning, "Thank you, Dasao."

Jian Xi unconsciously looked away, looked at the tea leaves floating in the cup, and stopped talking.

Yao Huiqin looked at Jian Xi and said, "Xiao Xi, you will come back to the Jane's house and let Xiao Zhang send you to you later. I bought some gifts and you brought them."

Jian Xi nodded, "Trust you."

Yao Huiqin gave Jian Xi a glance, "What are you saying, I used to be wrong. From now on, we all have good benefits and live in harmony."

Jian Xi glanced at Shuxin unconsciously. I was afraid that I couldn't get through this day, but I still nodded.

Yao Huiqin said again: "You go back and talk to your parents and brothers. Let them come together at home tomorrow weekend. I had planned to call them together yesterday, but you also know that your mother and Xiaowei have never dealt with it. I am afraid of them. Meeting to quarrel, so please separate."

Jian Xi, "Okay."

After finishing talking, Yao Huiqin looked at Shuxin, "Xin'er, you also called your dad and grandma and let them come over tomorrow..."


The tea cup in Jian Xi's hand slammed to the ground, his face instantly turned white.

Yao Huiqin looked at her, "Xiao Xi, what's wrong with you?"

Jian Xi squatted in a panicked expression to clean up, "It's okay, my hands are slippery, and I'm not steady." Because of my panic, my hands hit the pieces of porcelain, and blood beads suddenly appeared.

"Sister-in-law, your hands are bleeding." Shu Xin exclaimed.

Yun Ma heard the sound and hurried over, holding up Jian Xi, "I will give you medicine first, grandma and grandma, and I will clean it up later."

Jian Xi said embarrassedly: "I can just go to the medicine myself. I'll trouble you here."

Shuxin stood up, "Sister-in-law, shall I give you medicine?"

"No." Jian Xi immediately refused, and after seeing Shu Xin's face was not very good, realizing that he might have spoken too quickly without paying attention to the tone, thinking of Huo Yanqing's words yesterday, Jian Xi added another sentence, "You sit here with mom Well, a little injury, I can handle it myself."

Soothing his face eased a little, "Okay, call me if you are inconvenient."

"Well." Jian Xi went upstairs back to her room, casually dealt with the blood stains on her hand, and then posted a band-aid. Then she hurried around in the room. If her parents and Shu Youkang met tomorrow, I couldn’t hide anything. The former son-in-law turned into a relative, and according to her mother’s personality, she couldn’t yell, her mouth didn’t open the door, she knew it, not everyone in the world knew it. ?

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