Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"What's the child waiting for? I knew I wouldn't tell her in advance." Yao Huiqin entered the house.

"Young grandma?" Ma Zhou was shocked when she saw Jian Xi who came in later.

Jian Xi was also stunned. She didn't expect that mother Ma Zhou was still doing things in Shu's family.

Mother Zhou turned around and ran towards the house, shouting while running: "Old lady, grandma is back..."

Jian Xi reacted and wanted to prevent it from being too late, so she could quickly follow in.

Walking ahead, Yao Huiqin heard the nanny calling the old lady and thought she was calling her, turned around, but saw the nanny staring at the sofa and ran directly in front of her.

"Old lady, grandma is back..."

"What are you talking about?" Cao Guifang hurriedly interrupted Zhou Ma's words.

Ma Zhou pointed to Jian Xi, "Old lady, look, I didn't talk nonsense, it's really less..."

"I'm not going to make tea yet." Cao Guifang interrupted Zhou Ma's words again.

Ma Zhou looked at Cao Guifang and Jian Xi again, without talking, and turned into the kitchen.

Cao Guifang walked over and held Yao Huiqin's hand affectionately, "Come, sit down."

Yao Huiqin nodded with a smile, "How can your grandmother's health be?"

"It's still tough." Cao Guifang replied with a smile, looking at Jian Xi behind Yao Huiqin, with a trace of a strange color in his eyes, "This is your old daughter-in-law who has been missing for five years?"

Yao Huiqin, "Yeah, I didn't expect to see her again in my lifetime. God treats me well."

Jian Xi could feel that Cao Guifang's eyes were stained with different emotions, with irony and resentment. Jian Xi's face changed slightly, and she squeezed out a smile, saying hello, not knowing how to call it. ."

"Hello." Cao Guifang also smiled back, but how reluctant that smile was, how much resentment was behind the smile, only Cao Guifang knew.

Cao Guifang took Yao Huiqin together and sat down on the sofa.

Jian Xi sat down opposite the two.

Mama Zhou came out carrying the tea, and her eyes were glued to Jian Xi when she put the tea.

Yao Huiqin saw the strangeness of the babysitter, remembered the matter just now, and asked Cao Guifang with a smile, "How about this babysitter from your family, my daughter-in-law called my grandma just now?"

Jian Xi's nerves immediately tightened and looked at Cao Guifang nervously.

Cao Guifang also looked at Jian Xi, and said with a smile: "Your eldest daughter-in-law is a bit like my former daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law, the nanny is old, and at a glance admitted wrong."

"Oh." Yao Huiqin didn't continue this topic. After all, his daughter-in-law left her husband and other men to run away. This was not a decent thing for the Shu family.

But when Jian Xi heard the words "Abandoned Husband and Child", her face suddenly turned white. She picked up the tea that Mama Zhou placed in front of her, and her hands were shaking, her head lowered...

"Be careful..." Zhou Ma reminded, but it was too late. Jian Xi was completely absent-minded, took a sip directly, bowed his tongue a moment, and the water in his hand did not stabilize, all spilled out and splashed on his legs.

The white slim trousers that Jian Xi wears today, the fabric in summer is thin, the water is hot on the skin through the pants, and the sharp pain like a needle stick makes Jian Xi stand up directly from the sofa.

"Xiao Xi, is it hot?" Yao Huiqin asked worriedly.

Jian Xi endured the pain on her tongue and leg, comforting Yao Huiqin, "I'm fine."

Cao Guifang got up and said to Jian Xi: "He's similar in shape to you. There are still some clothes that she didn't get pregnant before. I will accompany you upstairs to change your pants?"

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