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Because Jane Ruolan left, she had never given Shu Xin a good face, only cold eyes and resentment. Now she wants to understand that all this has nothing to do with Shu Xin. The grudges of the previous generation cannot be transferred to the next generation, which is not for them. fair.

"If this doesn't happen, I have a better way. Do you want to listen?"

Jian Xi wondered, "What's a good way?"

Cao Guifang said quietly, "Everything was fine before you appeared. As long as you stay away from the Shu family and Huo family, everything will be restored."

Jian Xi shook her head, "No, I won't go."

"Why don't you go?" Cao Guifang approached Jian Xi a few steps, his tone was dull, "After all, you still can't bear the days of Jinyiyushi."

"No, it's not like this." Jian Xi stepped back a few steps with a white face. As long as she thought of leaving Huo Jibai and the place where Huo Yanlin had lived before, her heart hurt like a needle. There is the most in her life. Valuable memory, "I can't leave Xiaobai, I can't leave Huo's house, there is my home."

Cao Guifang snorted, "Is that your home? Isn't Xin'er and Yanqing not the same home? How can you have the heart to break them up? After all, you are selfish, thinking only about your own family, completely disregarding your heart. Feel."

"I..." Jian Xi's face grew paler. "It's them who are wrong now, not me. It's their identity that doesn't allow them to fall in love."

"I said before that it was you who caused all this, and Xiner's identity was given by you. Why should you let her take responsibility?"

"I didn't give it." Jian Xi's eyes were red and his voice was full of resentment and grievances. "It was Shu Youkang who gave it to him. He took advantage of the danger and forced me to marry him by virtuous means. It was him. What's wrong, why don't you blame your son, but count all the faults on my head?"

How could Cao Guifang not blame Shu Youkang. When Jian Ruolan left, Shu Youkang was drunk and dreamed every day. She didn't know how many times he scolded him. It was not worth it for a woman who didn't know him.

But people are biased, even if Shu Youkang is wrong, cheated Jane Ruolan, taking advantage of her drunken possession, but Cao Guifang can be forgiven here, and can even attribute the fault to the victim Jane Ruolan.

"It's your fault. If you are really so dedicated, you could kill the child and refuse to marry Youkang, but you didn't. You just think that Huo Boss doesn't want you anymore, so I treat my son as a spare tire. You are holy, but you are also a woman who has gone to the past."

Jian Xi was trembling with anger in Cao Guifang's words. Some things she didn't want to say. After all, she wanted to save Shu Youkang some face, but Cao Guifang's aggressive posture really made her unbearable. "You Do you think that your son is just cheating and taking advantage of others? Why didn't you ask him, what mean means did he force me to marry him?"

Cao Guifang was stunned by Jian Xi's words. Was there anything she didn't know about that year?

Jian Xi thought that she was taking the wrong medicine before thinking of letting Cao Guifang help Huo Yanqing together. He forgot that Cao Guifang was a city lady who cares for the calf, is unreasonable and loves money.

She remembered that when Shu Youkang was going to marry her, Cao Guifang resolutely opposed it because she thought her family conditions were bad, and Cao Guifang also took a fancy to the daughter of a wealthy family who was planning to introduce to Shu Youkang.

Now it's hard to catch a son-in-law of a golden turtle grandson like Huo Yanqing, how could Cao Guifang easily let go?

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