Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1326: , Crying Dad's heart broke

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Shu Youkang appeared in the picture. He hurriedly took the bottle and put the bottle on the table, then picked up the child from the crib, then held the child in one hand, held the bottle in one hand, and put the **** Put it in her mouth.

The crying stopped immediately, and the sound of smashing and smashing breast milk sounded.

The child was hungry, and took a pacifier without stopping to eat for a while, and then let go, exhaling heavily, as if afraid to run away, and continued to feed before the anger was changed.

Shu Youkang coaxed softly, "Yiyi, eat slowly, don't choke."

His posture to hold the child is awkward, obviously he is not good at taking children.

The picture changed and turned into a night. Shu Youkang walked back and forth in the room in his pajamas, holding the child. The child was crying, and his eyebrows were full of anxiety and helplessness. As if the child was crying again, he would cry with him. Too.

"Yiyi, what's wrong? Are you uncomfortable? Don't cry, tell Daddy if it's OK?"

Shu Youkang rubbed her face on the child's cheek, "Don't cry baby, your father's heart is crying."

Suddenly, Cao Guifang came through the door and wore a coat, and his face was obviously not very good.

Shu Youkang doesn't care about Cao Guifang's tone. It seems that this kind of thing should happen frequently. He walked up to Cao Guifang with his child and said anxiously, "Mom, please help me to see what's going on? How can I? If you don’t coax, you just cry.

"It's not as worrying as her mother." Cao Guifang said in his mouth, but he still reached out and hugged the child in Shu Youkang's arms, looked around, then put it on the bed, looked at the child's little **** No problem, finally pinched the child's mouth, looked at it, frowned and said, "She is hungry."

"Impossible, I just fed her milk and she lost it after taking two sips."

"She has bubbles in her mouth, sucking milk hurts, and naturally cried."

"Is there a bubble in my mouth?" Shu Youkang hurriedly pulled the child's small mouth to see it. He should have seen the bubble and asked hurriedly, "What should I do? Is it going to the hospital?"

"You feed her some milk first, you won't be so noisy when you are hungry, and then you will be taken to the hospital." Cao Guifang didn't know if she had taken the child to experience, or she didn't worry about comfort at all, anyway, the expression on her face was faint, look Not anxious.

"But how to drink milk if she has bubbles in her mouth?"

"Let you take the child to Zhou Ma, you don't listen, a big man..."

"Mom, can you stop saying this at this time?" Shu Youkang interrupted Cao Guifang's words, "How should I give milk to Yiyi?"

"Feed with a spoon." Cao Guifang dropped the sentence and turned towards the door with a black face, and his mouth was still whispering: "The woman left you ruthlessly, but you treat her baby as a baby, and the head is lacking."

Shu Youkang pours the milk in the bottle into the bowl and slowly feeds it into the child's mouth with a soft spoon.

Throughout the process, the child has been crying. The tears of the heart-breaking tears seem to pull Jane's heart one hand at a time, giving her a feeling of suffocation.

Jian Xi hurriedly pulled out the card reader, and her crying disappeared instantly, restoring a room of tranquility, only her rapid breathing filled the air.

That night, Jian Xi had a night's dream, and she was awake when she was awake.

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