Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1350: , Are you going to help arrest together?

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"Huh." Huo Yanqing nodded in agreement.

"So the Huo family must be vigilant recently to prevent his dog from jumping off the wall." Shen Tingxi asked: "Should I send some manpower to protect your family's safety?"

Huo Yanqin, "No, I can transfer all the people in Longquan Villa. You can help the police arrest He Jingxing secretly. He is too cunning. There can be no problems when arresting him, otherwise it is not Huo. It’s so simple for his family to suffer. He can do everything for a very fierce and terrible person. I don’t want the people in Fancheng to be implicated innocently, so I must guarantee foolproof day of arrest."

"OK, listen to you."


Yesterday afternoon, there was heavy snow in Fancheng, and it didn't stop all night. Shuxin woke up in the morning and saw the white outside, completely transformed into a snow-white world.

Shu Xin washed and went downstairs, and Yun Ma told her that Huo Yanqing received a phone call in the morning and went upstairs to the study.

Shuxin was a little uneasy, turned and went upstairs again.

Since the relationship between Jian Xi and her mother-daughter broke out, the Huo Group has been turbulent. Although Huo Yanqin used forced methods to suppress it, no one dared to talk more, but the stocks continued to fall, and many shareholders have begun to sell stocks. .

There are even rumors that the Huo Group will go bankrupt within half a year.

The door of the study was not closed, it was concealed, and the door was pushed in comfortably, Huo Yan leaned in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his back was tall and tall, and the side was a little smoky.

He is smoking.

Huo Yan tilted his head back to see Shuxin, and instantly calmed the emotions in his eyes, Wen said with a smile: "Rise?"

"Well." Shu Xin walked over and hugged him from behind. "Why didn't you go to the company? Did the company have another incident?"

"No." Huo Yanqin twisted his unsmoked cigarette in the ashtray on the window sill. "It's so big under the snow. I won't go to the company to accompany you at home today."

Huo Yanqing will never tell her no matter what the company has. Shuxin feels that Huo Yanqing must have something to hide from her, and he asks with confidence: "Yun Ma said you went upstairs when you received a call in the morning, and then kept Did not go down, who called you?"

Huo Yan turned around and touched Shuxin's head, with a small grin in his eyes, "Why, Chagang is so strict? Even my phone number?"

He turned the air when he turned around, and the faint smell of smoke filled his comfortable breath. She looked at him with a frown, "I'm not kidding you, I'm worried about you."

Huo Yan tilted his mouth to elicit a sultry smile, lowered his head over his comfortable lips, and tossed and grinded.

Shu Xin found that Huo Yanqin's kissing skills became more and more adept, and he was as fascinating and intoxicating as the calm and restrained masculinity in him.

After a long deep kiss, Shuxin leaned softly in Huo Yan's arms and gasped.

Huo Yan tilted her long fingers around her comfortable hair strands, "I'll make a snowman for you to play, okay?"

"Don't think that you kissed me dizzy, and if I change the subject, I will forget what I asked."

Huo Yanqing, "..."

"Who called you?"

Huo Yanqing knew that he could not hide it and said truthfully: "Tingxi."

"What did he call you?"

"Tingxi has collected the evidence that He Jingxing is Luo Yichuan. I have also submitted the evidence and I am going to arrest He Jingxing today."

Shu Xin rose from Huo Yan's arms, "Are you going to help arrest together?"

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