Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1378: , Keeps you alive

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When Tong Qiao returned home, Tong Wenbin immediately greeted him and asked, "How is it? The chief agreed to retire?"

Tong Qiao shook his head in mourning.

Tong Wenbin sighed softly, "I know he won't agree. Some time ago, I specially promoted the marriage between you and the chief. The Lu family is a big family with a big face in the capital, whether in business or political circles. That's all a terrifying existence. Are you regretting your marriage now, isn't that just hitting Lu's face?"

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, "Dad, why are you so confused?"

"I didn't want everyone to know that you were from the Lu family at that time, so even if I had an accident, I wouldn't dare to move you easily in the face of the Lu family."

Tong Qiao, "..." What else can she say? Dad is to protect her, but... "Dad, I really don't want to marry him. I will not be happy in the second marriage. I don't want my child to share a dad with others in the future."

Tong Wenbin used to protect Tong Qiao before, but he came up with this kind of tactics in desperation. Now that the matter has subsided, even if the Lu family power is so powerful, he does not want to wrong his daughter, "Dad knows, you are a big girl It is indeed a bit wrong to marry the chief. Don’t worry. You are under 20 years old, you are under the legal marriage age and you can’t get the certificate. There is still room for manoeuvre. Father Rong will give you a way.

Tong Qiao walked into the room holding Tong Wenbin's arm, "Dad, how are you."

"But before that, you don't have to offend him. It's not easy to do things really stiff."

"Well, I listen to you."

Tong Qiao returned to Fancheng after staying at home for two days. She felt that it was better to be as far away from Lu Jinshen as she grew up in the stomach. She was also afraid of being discovered by Tong Wenbin and Xia Daiyun.

It's just that she didn't expect her to hide in Fancheng. Lu Jinshen could also follow the past in a spirit.

What made her unexpected was that Lu Jinshen and Huo Yanqing turned out to be very close friends, not brothers, but brothers.

It was originally planned to let Yang Ji pretend to be her boyfriend and fool Lu Jinshen, but they knew that they could only do it.

Unexpectedly, Tong Qiao couldn't find anyone to pretend to be a boyfriend. When the old man asked her if she had broken up with her boyfriend, she could only say that she broke up in tears.

Then the retreat was broken.

Before leaving, the old man said that she had reached her 20th birthday on September 25th and reached the legal age for marriage. She unilaterally decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau on October 1st to collect the certificate.

The time passed quickly. On September 23, Shu Xin and Huo Yanqing were engaged. Lu Jinshen came to Fancheng as a guest and took Tong Qiao back to the capital together, saying that he was entrusted by Tong Wenbin and took her to her birthday.

When Lu Jinshen came to pick up Tong Qiao, there was no Fu Zhilei in the car. Tong Qiao asked casually, "What about your sister?"

"Go back." Lu Jinshen knew that Tong Qiao and Fu Zhilei did not deal well, and arranged for others to send her back.

"Oh." Tong Qiao didn't ask any more. Fu Zhilei was against Shu Xin everywhere. He even kidnapped Shu Xin this time. In Tong Qiao's heart, the person who targeted Shu Xin was her enemy. It wasn't right, lest she would endure when she saw it. Can't stop beating people.

On the road, Tong Qiao has been sitting on the front passenger seat in full confidence.

Lu Jinshen found that Tong Qiao kept a posture from the time he got on the bus, his back was straight, and he didn’t lean on the back of the chair at all, making people feel tired after watching. "Sleep, I'll call you when I arrive."

Tong Qiao smiled, "No, I'm not sleepy."

Lu Jinshen continued to drive, and after a while, Yu Guang glanced at Tong Jiao slightly twisting his waist and shoulders. It felt like he was numb. "Let's lean on the seat and people will feel more comfortable."

Tong Qiao twisted her body and stopped sitting for more than two hours. She was really tired, but she dared not lean on the seat. The baby in her stomach had been for more than four months. Although it is not obvious, but leaning back, the stomach will stand out, Lu Jinshen's eyes are poisonous, and before staring at her waist at Shuxin wedding, she said she was fat. What if he was found out?

Although she planned to show off with him this time, she was not ready yet. She was so worried about such a big event.

Tong Qiao stubbornly said, "It's okay. It's good to sit like this."

Lu Jinshen didn't know what Tong Qiao was insisting on, and apparently looked uncomfortable all over the body, but said that it was fine, but since she said it was fine, he was not good to say anything.

Tong Qiao was awakened by Lu Jinshen. The moment she opened her eyes, she was startled. She fell asleep and hurriedly looked down at her belly. Fortunately, she slept sideways towards the window. Sighed with relief.

But these reactions were completely changed in Lu Jinshen's eyes, as if he would take advantage of her while she was sleeping and thin her, and she was just checking if there were any strange clothes on her body. Is this to guard him like a pervert?

Lu Jinshen immediately lost his face, and his voice was a little cold, "Get off!"

Tong Qiao is a little inexplicable, just get off the car, what is so fierce?

Tong Qiao pushed off the door and got off, stood on the side of the road, smiled and said to Lu Jinshen: "Thank you for sending me back, all the hard work..."


The man leaned over and slammed the door shut, and then the car flicked out with a beautiful tail.

Tong Qiao's face immediately fell off, snorting towards Jin Shen's tail, "Is this man sick? I'm begging you to provoke you? For some reason, I shook my face, if not on my dad's face , Can I treat you so happily? Let you, it's still exciting."

Tong Qiao let out a few words and turned to walk towards his doorway, only a few steps later, there was a sound from behind, the sound of tires rubbing against the ground, followed by a low voice, "What did you just mutter?"

Shuxin's eyebrows curled up, does this man have clairvoyance? Turning around, but with a smiley face, the tone was flattering, "Nothing, that is to say, you have worked hard all the way, and left without even a cup of tea. I am so sorry."

Lu Jinshen knew that Tong Qiao was lying to him. Just when he saw her in the rear-view mirror, she was scolding him, but 80% was scolding him, but now she sees her again and again. Can't help but hook the corner of his lips.

Lu Jinshen found that he liked to watch Tong Qiao's man who wanted to do him, but he didn't dare.

Tong Qiao saw that Lu Jinshen had turned off the car, pushed the door down, blinked twice, and asked, "What are you doing in the car?"

"You don't want me to come into the house and drink tea?" Lu Jinshen's eyebrows picked out slightly.

Tong Qiao, "..." Conscience of the world, she really didn't think so, could he not see that she was perfunctory?

Lu Jinshen took a few steps to see Tong Qiao did not follow up, paused, put his hands in his trouser pockets, turned his head to look at her, "Why, what you just said is deceptive?"

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