Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1389: Who is she afraid of?

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Lu Jinshen looked away and looked away from her, suppressing her hearty thoughts, "If I didn't eat at that time, would you be happy?"

"Of course I'm not happy. Your ex-wife is watching on the table. You don't eat the food I picked. I have no face." Tong Qiao replied without thinking.

Lu Jin hooked his lips shallowly and nodded, "So I just ate it for you."

Tong Qiao, "..." This is to make her feel guilty. This man... is really bad!

"Don't move and say leave."

Tong Qiao looked at the landing Jin Shen, "Is this to pay for my guilt?"

"If you can agree this way, you can understand that."

Tong Qiao was silent for a few seconds, "I promise you, I am the one who hates the favor of others the most, even."

Lu Jinshen heard the word ‘others’ scowling frowningly, “Go out, I’m going to work.”

Tong Qiao looked at the rash on Jin Shen’s skin and couldn’t help but say, “It’s all like this. What else do I have to work for and can’t take a break?”

"Do you care about me?" Lu Jinshen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a hint of nonchalant smile.

"Cut, am I full? Why care about you?" Tong Qiao turned out of the study with an empty bowl.

Lu Jinshen continued to work, the medicine did not work as quickly as it drank, and itching was too unbearable without distracting his attention.


Three days later, Lu Jinshen’s mother, Lu Meihua, came back on a business trip. She came to see Tong Qiao and was very happy to know that Tong Qiao was pregnant. It was only because of her high position all year round that the whole person showed a strong and capable woman. Strict, even if happy, just laughed at the bottom of my eyes and softened my eyebrows.

However, Tong Qiao was very fond of Lu Meihua, and felt that she had a kind of female soldier heroic taste.

Lu Meihua instructed Aunt Lin to take good care of Tong Qiao and left in a hurry. She came here directly from the airport, and the company still had a lot of things waiting for her to deal with.

As time goes by, Lu Ziqian will fight with Tong Qiao every day, fighting with his wits, but as long as an adult is present, he will be very convergent and show a good look of being bullied.

Tong Qiao was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but she was not discouraged. Instead, she became more and more courageous, and she didn’t believe it. She couldn’t manage a little ass, so the villa staged several two-person duel competitions almost every day.

Aunt Lin is also very helpless to this big one and small one, and they often make them cry and laugh.

Lu Jinshen is very busy. He leaves early and returns late. Sometimes he cannot rest on Saturdays and Sundays. He often goes out to perform tasks. Sometimes he leaves for ten days and a half months, but he will accompany Tong Qiao as long as he is free. But most of them take a walk with Tong Qiao and say that exercising more is good for both mother and child.

Lu Meihua will visit Tong Qiao every three or five days, and she will buy some supplements for pregnant women and children's needs in the future, but because of busy, she only stays for a while and then leaves.

Sheng Yufei will often come to Lujia to brush her presence, but the timing of her choice is very appropriate. Lu Meihua is not here, and Lu Jinshen is at home.

It was just that Tong Qiao said that last time at the dinner table. Lu Jinshen paid special attention to the distance between Sheng Yufei and Sheng Yufei. The woman's face was too thick, as if she didn't know she was in the past.

Tong Qiao feels that Sheng Yufei must be unforgettable about Lu Jinshen, and she wants to recombine with her children, but she never speaks out, and she is close to Lu Jinshen as Lu Ziqian’s mother every time, or Jin Shen is at home on the weekend, Pulling him to bring Landi Qian out to play together, and then pretend to be generous and friendly to ask Tong Qiao to go?

Tong Qiao knew that Sheng Yufei was just asking casually. She didn't intend to let her be a'bulb' at all. Of course, Sheng Yufei was a light bulb in Tong Qiao's eyes.

But Tong Qiao was not as good as she intended. She said every time, looking at Sheng Yufei with a smile on her face, and with the thin needles hidden in her eyes, Tong Qiao was very happy.

Mock-up, Douban Lotus has some tricks. In this era of movie and TV dramas like Zhaidou, Gongdou and Haodoudou, she hasn't eaten pork. Hasn't she seen a pig run?

However, Tong Qiao's method is different from those of the hostile female host on TV. She doesn't hold back. No matter what she knows, she looks uncomfortable and speaks out. She walks too close and opens it directly.

Who is she afraid of?

At first, Tong Qiao thought it was interesting to fight like this, especially when he looked at Sheng Yufei's unpleasant, secretly gritted his teeth, and felt very happy in his heart, but as time went on, Tong Qiao began to get tired of such open fights.

The endless fighting makes her feel very tired, feels like she is not like herself, feels that this is not the home she wants at all.

So that after this period of time, the feeling of affection for Lu Jinshen was covered by these struggles.

Now she just wants to give birth to a child quickly, and then take the child away, to return to the casual childishness before, and live the life she wanted.

On this day, Tong Qiao came downstairs with a big belly, and Aunt Lin brought breakfast to the dining table.

Tong Qiao discovered that Aunt Lin had been sighing while eating breakfast and asked her, "Aunt Lin, what's wrong with you? Is something wrong at home?"

Aunt Lin shook her head, "I'm worried about Zi Qian."

Tong Qiao took a sip of milk and asked casually, "Don't the little devil go to school? Are you worried about him?"

Aunt Lin sat down opposite Tong Qiao, "Zi Qian School has parent-child activities today. Jin Shen originally promised to accompany him, but the army has a temporary task and cannot go."

"Just let Sheng Yufei go." Tong Qiao said.

"Yu Fei Company can't get away with something." Aunt Lin sighed softly. "When I sent Ziqian to school in the morning, he kept his head down and didn't speak. I only found him with red eyes at the door of the school. It was secretly crying in hiding."

Tong Qiao's movement of drinking porridge halted, and then he smiled, "Aunt Lin, you think too much, except that the little devil will cry when he pretends to be innocent bullying me in front of Lu Jinshen. I usually beat him ass. Why are you crying for this little thing?"

"Alas..." Aunt Lin sighed again, "Qiaoer, you think Zi Qian is too strong, anyway, he is a five-year-old kid. You don't know, the school often engages in parent-child activities Or literary and art performances, Jin Shen and Yu Fei are busy and almost never go to participate. Once I went to the school to pick up Zi Qian in advance and happened to meet them for activities. Do you know what I saw?"

"Could someone bully him?"

Aunt Lin nodded.

"What, someone really bullied him?!" Tong Qiao was about to put the milk in his hand on the table, as if his child was bullied.

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