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Sheng Yufei saw the crystal in Lu Ziqian's eyes, stunned, and was silent for two seconds. He squatted down and stared at Lu Ziqian, touching his small face, his tone was soft, "Sorry, Mom should not yell at you."

Lu Ziqian pursed his mouth and shook his head, "It's okay."

Sheng Yufei looked at Lu Zizi and said: "Tong Qiao is the third person who destroys our family. She wants to take your dad. In the future when her child is born, your dad will not love you. You should stand with your mom. , We strive to drive her out of the Lu family so that our talents can be reunited."

Lu Ziqian pursed her mouth and asked carefully, "Mom, is my father really ours?"

"Yes." Sheng Yufei replied decisively.

"Then why are you divorcing your father?"

Sheng Yufei’s words lingered for a moment, “Don’t care about the children, don’t worry about the children. In short, you remember, Tong Qiao is not really good to you, she just wants to please you with your father, and then let your father marry her, she wants to take the child Take the place of mom and you, understand?"

Lu Ziqian nodded, then shook his head again, "I think Tong Qiao really cares about me..."

"Let you not mention her in front of me, do you still mention it?" The anger in Sheng Yufei's heart burned in an instant, and her face immediately froze.

"Mom, you mentioned it first..."

"You still talk back?" Sheng Yufei raised his hand and slapped on Lu Ziqian's butt, "You even talked back to me for that woman?"

Lu Ziqian looked at Sheng Yufei with red eyes, "Mom, I didn't talk back, Tong Qiao..."

"You still say?" Sheng Yufei raised her hand and hit Chao Luziqian's ass, "I let you say, I let you be disobedient..."

Lu Ziqian did not hide, just cried and said, "Mom, you never accompany Zi Qian to school activities... Zi Qian is bullied by you at school. I don’t care... I think Tong Qiao is not a bad person... I don’t want to hate her anymore. ..."

"Who do you want to hate? Do you hate me?"

Lu Ziqian cried and shook his head, "Mom...I don't want to hate anyone..."

"How long has it been? You're going to that coquette, I'm really raising you white, others will give you a small favor, you remember it in your heart, useless things." Sheng Yufei said while hitting Lu Ziqian's ass, turning his heart against Tong Qi The anger was also spread all over Lu Ziqian's ass.

The tingling pain on Lu Ziqian's ass, the tears kept falling, and the cry of depression filled the corridor. "Mom... what you and grandma said... I heard..."

Sheng Yufei's hand rested in the air, stunned for a few seconds, Tong Ren turned to Lu Ziqian's small face, "What do you... say?"

"I heard it all..."

"What did you hear?"

"I know I'm not actually..."

"Don't say it." Sheng Yufei trembled, tears rolled down, and then the whole person slumped on the ground.

Lu Ziqian raised his chubby little hands to wipe Sheng Yufei's tears, and said in a crying voice: "Mom... don't cry... crying is not good..."

Sheng Yufei hugged Lu Ziqian with no image and cried.

Lu Ziqian's face was stained with maturity and sorrow that did not belong to his age. He patted Sheng Yufei's back gently, "Mom, we won't grab it, will we?"

Sheng Yufei suddenly pushed away Lu Ziqian and shook his head, "No, no one wants to take him away, no one can destroy our family."


Sheng Yufei cried and held Lu Ziqian's shoulder, "Zi Qian, father no longer wants mom, don't you want mom anymore?"

Lu Ziqian shook his head, "I will always stay by your side... protect you for a lifetime..."

"Then help mother drive the woman away."


"Mother begs you, okay?"


One day before discharge, two uninvited guests came from Tongqiao's ward. The fat boy who bullied Lu Ziqian at school and the strong and strong mother with nostrils looked up to them. They held flowers and smiled with a fruit basket. .

With a sincere attitude, he begged for mercy.

After the two left, Tong Qiao looked at Lu Jinshen who had been sitting quietly on the sofa reading the documents. He didn't know when he had closed the documents and looked at her in the distance.

Tong Qiao could see that Lu Jinshen was waiting for her to ask, what happened just now?

Or ask him directly, did he arrange this matter?

Tong Qiao looked at his eyes and knew that this matter must have been arranged by him. She was curious about what method he used to make the unprecedented fat woman come to apologize, find a school to mediate, or directly oppress him as his chief, or something else means.

She was curious, but she didn't ask, so he didn't do what he wanted.

Tong Qiao took the remote control on the bedside table and turned on the TV, and looked at it.

Lu Jinshen put down the file on his leg and got up to turn off the power of the TV on the wall directly.

"What are you doing turning off my TV?" Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows.

Lu Jinshen walked to the bed, looked at Tong Qiao with his hands in his pockets, and he stood casually, also a very straightforward military posture, "Why not ask?"

Tong Qiao pretends to be stupid, "What do you ask?"

Lu Jinshen stared at Tong Qiao for a moment, and sighed softly, "Nothing, you rest, I go out and smoke a cigarette."

Tong Qiao felt that Lu Jin's breath sighed as if it was blocked on her chest, making her uncomfortable. When he was almost at the door, Tong Qiao said, "How can you convince them to come and apologize?"

Lu Jinshen stopped and did not turn around. "The kid's dad was working in the army." After two seconds of silence, he continued to walk forward to the door, holding the door handle in hand to prepare to open the door. At that time, Tong Qiao's voice came from behind.

She said: "Relief."

Lu Jinshen heard what she wanted, and then turned around, looking at Tong Qiao with a smile, "Just relax, go to sleep."

Tong Qiao fell back to the bed, pulled the quilt over his head, gently tapped his mouth, and whispered: "Who asked you to ask? He sighed to shut down your bird business? Many mouths."


After being discharged from hospital, Tong Qiao was almost under house arrest. He stayed at home all day. Aunt Lin took care of him during the day, and Lu Jinshen personally took care of him at night.

Tong Qiao couldn't stand it in a few days. She was so active that she was not allowed to go out or played games. She could only stay in bed and rest quietly. Isn't it her life?

On that day, she sneaked out to play. When she came back, she saw Lu Jinshen sitting on the sofa with a gloomy face, looking like a parent who caught the child out to play.

He asked, "Where did you go?"

Tong Qiao swayed his hands on his side and said with a smile: "It's too stuffy in the room, go out and walk around casually."

Lu Jinshen raised his hand and looked at the watch. "It was a little when you went out. It's 3:30 now, and you went out for two and a half hours..." As she said, she moved her eyes from the watch to Tong Qiao's leg. Are your legs sore? Are you tired?"

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