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The teacher in class said that childbirth is good for the fetus and adults, so Tong Qiao intends to give birth naturally, but listening to others said that childbirth is very painful, and the pictures on TV are also terrifying. The mother is sweating, screaming loudly, think about the child Qiao is a bit numb.

But the joy of being a mother will dilute this fear.

Tong Qiao wanted to tell Lu Jinshen and Aunt Lin about the news, but now it was just over five o'clock. It was when she had a good night's sleep that she endured it and she would not bother them first. Anyway, she would not be born so early.

Tong Qiao remembered what she had learned in the maternal and child class. At this time, pregnant women should clean themselves first. After giving birth, they should not take a shower for a few days. After Tong Qiao cleans himself up, the weather outside has just been polished.

Tong Qiao lay back in the bed and looked at the sky outside the window. She was so excited that she couldn’t sleep at all. After a while, Lu Jinshen was about to get up, and Aunt Lin would have to get up for breakfast, if she gave her birth The news tells them how they will react?

Will you be happy and broken?

Tong Qiao thought that the corners of her lips bent unconsciously. At this time, the door of her room was pushed open. Tong Qiao saw Lu Jinshen come in. "How do you get up so early?"

Lu Jinshen was surprised to see Tong Qiao with his eyes open, but that’s fine. Before he came in, he was worried about interrupting her to sleep, so it wouldn’t be. “The army has an urgent task. I’m going out for a few days to tell you. "

Tong Qiao grabbed Lu Jinshen's hand, "No, you can't go."

"Reluctant to me?" Lu Jinshen's eyes dizzy and smiled. This was the first time Tong Qiao relied on him so much. Before every time he sent a mission to tell her, she said let's go, go quietly.

"Who can't bear you anymore?" Tong Qiao glanced at Lu Jinshen, and shrunk his hand back into the bed.

Lu Jinshen helped Tong Qiao pull the quilt and tuck the corner, "I will come back as soon as possible, don't worry."

Tong Qiaowang landed Jin Shen did not speak.

Lu Jinshen touched Tong Qiao's round belly through the quilt, "Obe, don't toss your mother, Dad will come back soon."

Tong Qiao heard the words "Mom and Dad", thinking that the child would come out immediately, and couldn't help saying: "Lu Jinshen, actually I..."

Lu Jinshen waited for a moment and Tong Qiao didn't go down and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Tong Qiao's eyes fell on the shoulders of Lu Jinshen's straight combat uniform. The gold stars on the epaulettes dazzled, which was his honor and her pride. He was not only the father of her child, but also a national soldier.

Tong Qiao withdrew his gaze, "It's nothing, pay attention to safety, my child and I will wait for you to come back."

Tong Qiao said this to him for the first time. Lu Jin deeply smiled in his eyes, "Okay."

Tong Qiao touched his belly and looked at Jin Shen’s leaving. He whispered, “Baby, Dad is going to catch the bad guys, you can’t witness your birth, but you can’t blame him, we’re proud and proud of him.”

In the mother and child class, the teacher said that it would not be so fast to give birth to a child, especially the first child. The mobilization process is generally longer. Tong Qiao did not want to be too excited about the teacher, and did not tell Aunt Lin until the stomach began to ache painfully at four in the afternoon It was Tong Qiao who told Aunt Lin she was about to give birth.

Aunt Lin immediately called the family doctor.

Then he called Lu Meihua for a good news, and then loaded the already packed mother and baby supplies to prepare to send Tong Qiao to the hospital.

Tong Qiao sat on the sofa and made a phone call to Xia Daiyun while her stomach wasn't severely painful yet. Lu Jinshen wasn't around. She wanted Xia Daiyun to be with her most now.

Xia Daiyun said on the phone that he would go directly to the hospital to meet Tong Qiao.

Everything was loaded into the car. Aunt Lin helped Tong Qiao to the door of the villa, when a man in camouflage came in.

"Ji Ji, why are you here?" Aunt Lin asked.

Ji Ji first smiled and said hello to Aunt Lin and Tong Qiao, "Aunt Lin, sister-in-law." Then she explained her intention, "I didn't find an approval letter. I think it might be taken home by the boss. The boss rarely asks for leave and doesn't want to trouble him. I came and got it myself."

"Leave leave?"

"Leave leave?"

Tong Qiao and Aunt Lin asked in unison.

Ji Ji was taken aback by their posture, scratching her head for unknown reasons and saying, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Tong Qiao forced himself to calm down, "You have no urgent task today?"

Ji Ji shook his head, "No."

"Qiao'er, don't be angry, maybe Jin Shen has other urgent matters." Aunt Lin finished looking at Ji Ji and winked at him.

No matter how silly, Ji Ji saw that something was wrong, he hurried to remedy, "Sister-in-law, sometimes the boss will not notify us when there is an urgent task, but act alone..."

"Don't lie for him, how can you arrange a task for him since you took the leave?"

"..." Ji Ji was sad and speechless. Boss, where did you go? Can't blame me for tearing down your desk, you didn't ventilate me in advance, I don't know.

After a burst of abdominal pain, Tong Qiao's hand curled up slightly. After a few seconds, the pain disappeared. Tong Qiao loosened his fist and looked up to see the family doctor put the phone back in her pocket. She just heard it. The family doctor secretly gave Lu Jinshen called and asked, "Dr. Li, did you tell him?"

Dr. Li smiled forcefully, "Mrs. Lu, I didn't call the chief just now..."

"Don't lie to me, or do you want me to call him in front of you again?"

Dr. Li hesitated for a few seconds and said, "The chief may be really in a hurry..."

Tong Qiao interrupted Dr. Li, "tell him that I am going to have a baby?"

Dr. Li nodded, "Say."

"What did he say?" Tong Qiao asked.

Dr. Li, "He said he had arranged in advance in the hospital, let me take you to the hospital."

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, "He didn't say he'd come back?"

"...No, Mrs. Lu, I think the Chief Executive must have encountered an emergency..."

"It doesn't matter if he comes or not." Tong Qiao lifted his foot expressionlessly toward the door.

"Ji Ji, you can go to Jin Shen's study room to find your approval. I have no time to control you." Aunt Lin hurried out after explaining.

Ji Ji watched several people disappear at the door and hurriedly called Lu Jinshen's phone, "Boss, you come back quickly, the sister-in-law is angry... What is more important than the sister-in-law's child-bearing... well, then you should come back as soon as possible ..."

Ji Ji hung up the phone and scratched the back of his head, whispering to himself: "What's the life-threatening event, even I am hiding it?"

The process of giving birth was painful and long, but Tong Qiao did not shed a tear or scream. When the pain was terrible, she curled her fist, and after the pain, she loosened again, and the pain struck her again. Repeatedly, for a long time, her hands were sour and numb, and her palms were full of deep and shallow nail pinches.

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