Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Lu Jinshen put the porridge and vegetables back in the incubator to avoid getting cold, and then sat down on the edge of the bed again, "I didn't lie to you."

Tong Qiao hurriedly asked: "Is the operation successful?"

"The operation was successful, but it may not be possible to wake up."

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, "What does it mean not to wake up?"

"Maybe wake up, maybe... never wake up."

Tong Qiao froze for a moment, "How about my wife, is my daughter-in-law all right?"

"She... is strong."

"No, I have to accompany her." Tong Qiao said that he would get out of bed when he opened the quilt.

Lu Jinshen held her, "How do you go when you have just given birth? Nothing can help her."

Tong Qiao earned it, "No, when I need help most, my wife is with me. At this time, I must go with her. Even if I can't help, I can hug her and give her warmth and strength. ."

"You go, Shu Xin not only has to worry about Yan Qing but also takes care of you, do you have the heart to make her so tired?"

"I..." Tong Qiao's eyes were red with anxiety, but she knew Lu Jinshen made sense, but she was at ease in her heart, and the whole person was a little overwhelmed with panic, "Huo Yan was unconscious, My wife will collapse, I can't let her face it alone."

Lu Jinshen hugged Tong Qiao into his arms, "Yan Qing will be fine. He only had surgery for the sake of comfort. How could he be willing to leave her alone?"

Tong Qiao nodded and muttered: "There will be nothing, there must be nothing."

After a long while, Tong Qiao's emotions calmed down and found himself leaning on Lu Jinshen's arms, pushing him away with a palm, "Who made you hug me?"

"Are you hungry?" Lu Jinshen got up to serve porridge.

"Lu Jinshen don't think you will forgive you like this, tell me the truth, can I not let you go? But you choose to deceive me, and sin is unforgivable."

Lu Jinshen saw that Tong Qiao was back to life again, and he smiled, "I had been hiding Shuxin before the feast of the operation, fearing that she would not agree, so I didn’t tell you this morning, I was afraid you told Shuxin, Moreover, if I really tell you, with your character, I will definitely go to Fancheng with me. What if you are on your way?"

Tong Qiao knows that Lu Jin is deeply worried, but having a baby is a major event in his life, but he didn’t accompany her beside her. Even if the situation is excusable, the tone that Tong Qiao blocked in his heart was still difficult to evacuate.

Lu Jinshen took the porridge and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Yes, I quibble, it's all because I'm wrong. Looking back, your body is well-cultivated. I'll ask you to have a meal. Now, open your mouth to drink porridge, will you?"

"No, my hands hurt when I hit you."

"Isn't it distressed?"

"I want to be beautiful. When I gave birth to a child, I swear in my heart that I will leave the Lu family with the child after giving birth."

The smile on Lu Jinshen's face faded, "Don't forget that you promised I wouldn't say leave easily."

"Don't forget that after the agreed child is born, if I still don't want to be with you, you will let me and the child leave."

Lu Jinshen looked at Tong Qiao deeply, "Do you really have no feelings for me?"

Tong Qiao looked away, "No."

"Dare you look at me and say?"

"Why don't you dare?" Tong Qiao turned his head to look directly at Lu Jinshen. "I have no feelings for you at all. I have been keeping my fingers on my fingers for a long time, hoping that I will get rid of the bitter sea soon."

There was a trace of injury in Lu Jin's deep eyes. Does he feel that the fulfilling and beautiful day is a bitter sea in her eyes? !

The room fell silent, and the atmosphere became a little dull. After a while, Lu Jinshen handed the porridge in his hand to Tong Qiao, "Drink while hot and take a good rest."

Tong Qiaowang landed on the back of Jin Shen's depression, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but thought of these days and Sheng Yufei's open fight and closed his mouth again, it doesn't matter what he thinks, she doesn't care anyway.

Lu Jinshen walked to the door and stopped, "Recuperate well, and leave when the body is well adjusted."


A week later, Tong Qiao was discharged from the hospital. On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Lu Ziqian had already put on winter vacation.

Lu Ziqian saw Tong Qiao coming in and dropped the toy in his hand. Fart ran and ran past, and when she approached, she slowed down again, and the smile on her face also converged.

It's just that the kid didn't quite understand hidden emotions. His black grape-like eyes shone brightly, filled with thoughts and joy, and Ruanuo Nuo shouted: "Tongqiao."

Tong Qiao bent slightly and touched Lu Ziqian's hairy head, "Little devil, miss me?"

"Not at all." Lu Ziqian grunted and rolled his eyes in disobedience.

"But I miss you." Tong Qiao really wanted Lu Ziqian, and got used to playing with him. Suddenly I didn't see him for a week, and his ear was no longer his noisy voice. I always felt that there was something missing, even My heart is a little empty, "Why don't you, a little conscience, go to the hospital to see me?"

Lu Ziqian heard Tong Qiao say that he missed him, and his mouth could not help but lifted up slightly. Then he looked at Lu Jinshen carrying his luggage and Tong Qiao together, "Dad won't let me go, saying I will affect your rest ."

Tong Qiao looked back at Lu Jinshen. He changed his shoes and walked towards the stairs with luggage. Tong Qiao saw that Lu Jinshen didn't look at her. She retracted her gaze and walked towards the sofa with Lu Ziqian.

Since she said she was leaving the day after she gave birth, Lu Jinshen seems to have changed and become less talkative, and even less eye contact with her, although he was taking care of her in the hospital this week, but he was quiet It seemed to be non-existent, but she was so careful that she even gave her cleansing water.


"Huh?" Tong Qiao turned to look at Zi Qian.

Lu Ziqian shook the remote control in his hand, "Which station do you want to see? Now you are a patient, I won't argue with you, but I only let you in this period of time, when you are in good health, the TV still belongs to me. "

Tong Qiao smiled and rubbed Lu Ziqian's heart, "So intimate?"

Lu Ziqian gave Tong Qiao an unpleasant glance, and while arranging Tong Qiao's messed hair, he grumbled and said, "No, don't mess up my hairstyle."

"Well, it's just you, and the hairstyle? Isn't it just a pot-head?" Tong Qiao said with a smile.

"You're the lid of the pot, hum." Lu Ziqian twisted his **** and slipped off the sofa.

"Where are you going?" Tong Qiao asked.

"I'm annoyed to see you. I'll see my sister." Lu Ziqian ran upstairs.

Tong Qiao looked at Landing Ziqian’s back and disappeared on the stairs before retracting his gaze and leaning into the sofa, holding the remote control to adjust the station. At this time, there was a doorbell ringing at the door. He got up and opened the door.

Open the door and see Sheng Yufei's face Tong Qiao's face unabashedly showing an unwelcome look, "What are you doing?"

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