Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"That... you talk to the boss a lot, maybe he wakes up when he hears your voice."

"……it is good."

After Ji Ji left, the room was quiet. Such silence made Tong Qiao even more worried. She was afraid that Lu Jinshen would lie in bed like this and never wake up again.

Tong Qiao sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes falling on the handsome face of Lu Jinshen, "Lu Jinshen, you wake up."

Lu Jinshen did not respond.

Tong Qiao's heart tightened a bit, she patted Lu Jinshen's shoulder gently, "Lu Jinshen, I'm Tong Qiao, you wake up soon."

There is still no response.

Tong Qiaowang landed on Jin Shen, and her tears came out uncontrollably. She hurriedly wiped it, but she couldn’t wipe it clean. She never knew that she would cry like this, "Lu wake up soon... I'm not going to cold war with you... it's all me bad... distracting you and injuring you..."

Tong Qiao's small hand gently pulled Jin Shen's clothes on the landing, with a guilty face, "You woke up... as long as you wake up I will listen to you... If you lie like this...I will hold your daughter... Marry another man..."

"Dare you!" Lu Jin opened his eyes in a sudden.

Tong Qiao stunned slightly, his eyes full of tears, but the corners of his mouth were hooked, "Wake up, really wake up, I... I went to see Dr. Li..."

Lu Jinshen took Tong Qiao's wrist and said, "Don't go."

"I'm not leaving, I will let Dr. Li come to see your injury."

"I heard everything you just said."

"Huh?" Tong Qiao didn't react for a while.

"You said that as long as I woke up, you would listen to me for anything, still counting?"

Tong Qiao nodded, "count."

Lu Jinshen clung to Tong Qiao's hand and "marry me."

Tong Qiao was stunned. She did not expect Lu Jinshen to make such a request, "I...I..."

"you are not willing?"

"It's too allow me to consider..."

Lu Jinshen coughed twice, "Maybe I may not be able to fully recover, forget it, I can't drag you down..."

"Do not drag."

"Qiaoer, did you agree?"

Tong Qiao looked at Jin Shen, because of his nervousness, his breath was a little unstable, and he gave birth to his children. Just marry, "I..."

The door opened at this time, and Aunt Lin came in with breakfast.

Lu Jinshen really wants to look up to the sky, Aunt Lin and Aunt Lin, can you come in a little later? "Aunt Lin, I'm not hungry."

Aunt Lin came to the bed with breakfast. "You have to eat a little when you are not hungry. You must be well nourished when you are injured.

Lu Jinshen winked at Aunt Lin, hoping she would leave early.

Aunt Lin saw Lu Jinshen look at her and Tong Qiao, and immediately understood, said to Tong Qiao: "Qiaoer, come and feed Jin Shen for breakfast, he has an injured arm, can't..."

"Aunt Lin." Lu Jinshen restrained Aunt Lin in time, but it was too late.

Tong Qiao wondered, "His injured part is his arm, not his chest?"

Aunt Lin blinked and looked at Lu Jinshen to see that he had closed his eyes and looked like an unreasonable look. He knew that he had said something wrong and was busy remedying, "It’s the chest, it’s the chest. I’m old and remember it wrong. , Dr. Li said that the wound was a bit deep and required more bed rest.

"Isn't it possible to wake up?" Tong Qiao watched Jin Shen landing when he asked this.

"Ah?" Aunt Lin was about to cry. Oh, my God, what should she say? "Yes... it's possible to wake up..."

"Aunt Lin, don't help him edit it." Tong Qiao interrupted Aunt Lin. "You go out, I'll feed him for breakfast."

"Aw." Aunt Lin turned around and walked a few steps, uneasy, and turned back, "Qiao'er, you didn't eat breakfast, or you go down and eat it, leave it to me here."

"It's okay, he is a patient, take care of him first." Tong Qiao said very sensiblely.

"Okay." Aunt Lin cast a look at "I can't save you" at Lu Jinshen, and then left the room.

Tong Qiao glared and landed on Jin Shen. "You and Ji Ji joined together to lie to me?"

Lu Jin acted silly, "Qiaoer, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Tong Qiao slipped and stood up from the edge of the bed, and lifted his feet to go out.

Lu Jinshen got out of bed and grabbed Tong Qiao's wrist, "Qiaoer, I just hope you stay."

Tong Qiao shook off Lu Jinshen's hand, "Liar, don't touch me."

Lu Jinshen once again held Tong Qiao's wrist, "Qiaoer..."

Tong Qiao turned around and punched Lu Jinshen on the arm where she captured her.

Lu Jinshen staggered back with her arms covered and fell back on the bed.

Tong Qiao's face tightened, but suddenly returned to normal, "Don't pretend, Lu Jinshen you are a big liar, I will never be fooled by you again." Without looking back, Lu Jinshen fell on the bed. She only saw him slender legs hanging down the bed, but couldn't see his face, fainted?

Are you still loading?

Tong Qiao suddenly remembered that Aunt Lin had just said that the part where Lu Jinshen was injured was the arm. Wouldn’t she just hit the injured hand?

Tong Qiao hurried back to the bed and saw Lu Jin's eyes open, her tight nerves relaxed.

"You still care about me, right?" Lu Jin looked at Tong Qiao with a smile.

Tong Qiao glanced at Lu Jinshen and turned to go again.

"The wound is cracked, please help me deal with it." Lu Jinshen sat up from the bed.

Tong Qiao stood still and didn't look back.

"I didn't lie to you this time, I don't believe in yourself."

Tong Qiao exhaled and looked back, seeing that the clothes on Lu Jinshen's arm were stained with blood, and said with a frown, "I will call Dr. Li."

"No, you can dispel the poison and stop the bleeding. Dr. Li is very busy, don't let him run back and forth."

Tong Qiao looked at Jin Shen, and clearly read: "I won't."

Lu Jinshen lifted his chin in a direction in the room. "You can get the medicine cabinet over there. I will teach you."

Tong Qiao obediently took the medicine box, and Lu Jinshen had taken the injured arm out of his clothes. A deep knife edge on his arm, about four or five centimeters long, was bleeding blood.

Tong Qiao followed Lu Jinshen's instructions and cleaned his wounds step by step. At first, he was in a hurry. He had been talking to her lightly and calmly.

Stop the blood, deal with the wound, and when she tied the gauze, Lu Jinshen started to cry.

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows to watch the landing Jin Shen, "again?"

"It really hurts."

"Don't you hurt when you treat the wound, now it hurts?"

"Before you were punched, you felt numb, and now you feel that your nerves are recovering and it hurts."

"Due! Who made you lie to me."

Lu Jin looked back at Tong Qiao and said nothing.

Tong Qiao saw that Lu Jinshen's forehead was covered with fine sweat beads, and his face was a little scary white. When she left, she swallowed back and lowered her head to bandage his wound seriously.

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