Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1506: , Can you let me go?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Tong Qiao and Lu Ziqian talked about the family affairs. Lu Jinshen was no longer in the army. He just hung up a vacant job. He now took over the Lu Group and abandoned Rong to do business.

Lu Meihua and Fu Zhengyao remarried.

Fu Zhilei is also married.

Xu Fengyu has been listening quietly, not speaking.

At the end, Tong Qiao asked: "What shall I call you later? Lu Ziqian or Xu Fengyu?"

Xu Fengyu slightly raised his lips. "Except for the little devil, everything else will do."

Tong Qiao's eyes lit up, "Yes, I can call you a little devil."

Xu Fengyu's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, but his eyes clearly contained a thin smile, "I'm a public figure now. You, this seriously affect my image."

Tong Qiao wanted to ravage Lu Ziqian's head like a child and then say, ‘big fart, what image? ’Raised his hand in the air and paused. He was no longer the little boy with a bobo head at the age of five or six. He had become a famous singer with handsome hairstyle.

Tong Qiao's hand finally landed on Lu Ziqian's shoulder and patted lightly, "I still call you Ziqian?"

"it is good."

There was movement at the door between the two talking.

"It should be that your dad is back." Tong Qiao said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

Lu Jinshen entered the door and saw the young man sitting on the sofa in front of him, holding a tea cup in his hand and bowing his head to drink tea.

Tong Qiao took the briefcase in Lu Jinshen's hand and the blazer he took off and whispered: "Zi Qian is here. He agreed to live at home."

Lu Jinshen's shoe-changing movement paused and looked again at the young man on the sofa.

Tong Qiaolan landed on Jin Shen's arm, a little woman's posture, and looked at Lu Ziqian on the sofa, whispering to Lu Jinshen's ear, "Did it change?"

Lu Jinshen withdrew his gaze, looked at the young wife who was shining brightly in her eyes, and nodded.

"Tall, handsome, I almost didn't recognize it." Tong Qiao said after landing, Jin Shen walked towards the living room, and when the sofa was about to go, he released Lu Jinshen and said aloud, "You father and son talk, I will pack Go to the study upstairs."

Tong Qiao went upstairs, leaving space for their father and son.

Lu Jinshen walked over to the sofa, "Come back?"

Xu Fengyu stood up and nodded toward Lu Jinshen.

Lu Jinshen sat down on the sofa, and when he saw Lu Ziqian still standing, he said, "Sit down, the family doesn't have to be so cautious."

"Okay." Xu Fengyu sat down and sat upright. Based on Lu Jinshen's strict education when he was a child, he still had awe of Lu Jinshen in his bones. That awe did not decrease with his age, but with him. The longer the separation time, the worse.

Lu Jinshen was not a good-spoken person, he also felt Lu Ziqian's rustiness, did not know what to say, after a moment of silence, he took out a cigarette case, took a cigarette, lit it, and took two bites to think of Lu Ziqian Now that he is an adult, ask him, "Do you want to smoke one?"

Xu Fengyu shook his head and swallowed his throat slightly.

Once, Xu Fengyu was addicted to smoking and burned two packets a day. He felt that he could paralyze himself and relieve his psychological pressure.

When Liu Lingfeng died, he said to him: ‘Zi Qian, grandma wants you to get out of the haze, quit smoking, and sing. You only have no worries in your eyes while singing. ’

That year, he quit smoking.

Also that year, he entered the entertainment industry.

"It's better not to smoke." Lu Jinshen whispered, blue and white smoke around him, blurring his fierce and deep features.

Xu Fengyu was silent for two seconds and opened his mouth. "You also need to smoke less, which is bad for your health."

"Hmm." Lu Jinshen responded subconsciously, and the next second reflected what Lu Ziqian said. The smoke biting in the corner of his mouth seemed to be a little hot, and his heart was also hot.

Lu Jinshen took the smoke from the corner of his mouth and smashed it into the ashtray. The fluctuation of his inner emotions caused his distinct fingers to smash the smoke.

Tong Qiao stood in the corridor for a while after putting his briefcase back in the study room, but he never heard the two people talking downstairs. It was awkward to talk to them, and it was embarrassing to sit down. There was time in the future. ,Take it easy.

Tong Qiao lifted his feet and walked downstairs. When he went downstairs, he called Lu Anran and Fu Yiran downstairs to eat.

After dinner, Xu Fengyu said that all his luggage was in the hotel, and he stayed in the hotel tonight.

Tong Qiao nodded and got up ready to send Lu Ziqian, Lu Anran said with a smile: "Mom, sit down, I'll send it." Then took Xu Fengyu's arm out, a very sensible look, "Brother, let's go. "

Suddenly Xu Fengyu heard the voice, and he was startled.

Outside the door, Xu Fengyu looked at the girl who was half a head shorter than herself, "Can you let me go?"

Lu Anran withdrew his hand from Xu Fengyu's arms and stood in front of him. His clever and sensible look on his face was long gone. He asked in a disgruntled tone: "Do you really want to live here?"

Xu Fengyu walked around Lu Anran.

Lu Anran caught up and stood in front of him again, this time with open arms directly blocking his way, "I asked you what you didn't hear?"

Xu Fengyu put his hands in his pants pockets, looked at the girl in front of him who was clearly hostile to him, and did not answer the question: "Do you not want me to live here?"

Lu Anran looked at Xu Fengyu with an idiot, "Nonsense, who wants to live with the children of my dad's ex-wife?" Then he began to move to make sense, "Actually, it's embarrassing to live here as you If I were you, I would definitely not live. I live more than myself. Why do I have to run and destroy other people’s families? Are you right?"

"I didn't want to live, it was Tong Qiao who wanted me to live."

"Then you can strongly disagree."

"Why should I strongly disagree? Not staying in a hotel can save a lot of money."

"You... don't you say you have money?"

"You can't spend money with money, frugality is the traditional virtue of the Chinese."


Xu Fengyu saw that Lu Anran was choked with a red blush, and he couldn't say a word. He felt happy for no reason, bypassed her, and continued to walk forward.


Lu Anran shouted at Mo Xin's long back. The other party ignored her at all. She chased angrily and grabbed his arm. "How do you like to be deaf and dumb?"

Xu Fengyu frowned slightly and pulled his arm out, "Is there anything else?"

Lu Anran uncomfortably cleared his throat, lifted his chin slightly, looked away, "Don't tell my parents about the high speed today."

Xu Fengyu tickled the corners of his lips lightly, "I want to beg someone, and I also show an arrogant gesture and a commanding tone. Why should I listen to you?"

Lu Anran raised his voice, "Where did I order you?"

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