Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1512: , Selfie in the middle of the night?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

In the evening, Lu Anran guarded Xu Fengyu back, then took a mobile phone, opened the camera and sneaked to the door of his room, gently holding the door handle and pressing down.


How can't you press?

Actually locked from the inside? !

The next second, the door opened from the inside, exposing Xu Fengyu's face of the victims of the country, "I didn't watch enough last night, will I peek again tonight?"

"..." Lu Anran's face turned red at the speed of light. "Who... who peeked?"

"Then what are you doing sneaky at my door?" Xu Fengyu leaned slightly and looked at the phone in Lu Anran's hand.

Lu Anran hurriedly hid the phone behind him, but it was too late.

"You not only want to peek but also want to take a picture?" Xu Fengyu looked at the landing safely with a look of contempt. "I don't see it. Do you still have this hobby?"

"Who filmed it? I... I don't."

"So what are you doing standing in front of my door with a camera?"

"I... I took a selfie." Lu Anran remembered that when she turned on the camera, the camera was facing her. She hadn't had time to adjust, and she felt emboldened at once, straightened her waist, and pointed her phone at herself. , "This is my home. I can take selfies wherever I want to stand, can you control it?"

"Selfie in the middle of the night?" Xu Fengyu was obviously unbelieving, and his slightly raised tone was a bit mocking.

Lu Anran lifted his chin, squinting Xu Fengyu, "I am happy, I am happy, can you control it?"

"I was thinking that if you really wanted to shoot me, I will cooperate. Since you are taking a selfie, feel free." Xu Fengyu said after watching Lu Anran's changing face, then slammed the door shut.

Lu Anran, "..." This man is so angry that she was deliberately saying this. How could he suddenly agree to let her take pictures when he is so small-bellied? Well, the cliff is angry with her!

Not angry, not angry, angry got his way.

Lu Anran took a deep breath, lifted his foot towards his room, and walked to the door. He couldn't keep the breath in his heart. He kicked fiercely against the wall and kicked to the toe. The pain was so sharp that he gritted his teeth, squatted down, and wept. Stroking the red toe out of the cotton mop, low curse, "Xu Fengyu, you bastard!"

Next day

In the lounge, Xu Fengyu took a selfie with his mobile phone.

Guan Sen looked at Xu Fengyu with a surprised look on his side, and his family Feng Yu even had such narcissism, it was rare!

Strangely, the phone beeped, and Xu Fengyu's voice rang in the lounge, "I sent you a picture."

Guan Sen turned on his phone, and Xu Fengyu showed a close-up selfie on his phone screen. His face was three-dimensionally smooth, his eyebrows were thick, his eyes were deep, his nose was tall, his lips were pale and thin. The look is particularly charming.

Guan Sen has never received a photo of Xu Fengyu. He was pleasantly surprised and praised without hesitation, "It's so handsome! Our Fengyu is really 360 degrees without dead ends."

Xu Fengyu turned his head and glanced at Guan Sen lightly, "Not for you."

"Huh?" Guan Sen didn't understand, wasn't it sent to him on his mobile phone?

Guan Sen's phone rang again.

"This is Lu Anran's WeChat. You add it and send the photo to her." Xu Fengyu's voice was faint.

Guan Sen reacted for two seconds, remembering that Lu Anran had to take a picture of Xu Fengyu yesterday morning, and it was instantly clear. Yesterday, he did not refuse to face, and sent it to her today. It seems that Feng Yu still loves this sister very much." OK, I will immediately add Miss Lu to WeChat and send the photo to her."

Xu Fengyu received the phone and got up and walked towards the door. "Don't tell her I let you send it."

Guan Sen blinked, "Then she asked me where did my picture come from?"

"Just because you didn't pay attention to the candid camera." Xu Fengyu walked out without looking back, and disappeared at the door in an instant.

Guan Sen, "..." Does your own artist need a sneak shot?

In the afternoon, Xu Fengyu had a rare morning shift and planned to go home to rest. When he first entered the hall and smelled a burnt smell, Xu Fengyu came to the kitchen looking for the smell and saw Lu Anran wearing a floral apron standing in front of the gas stove and wondering what he was doing. ?

Lin Lan stood beside her and looked like she was guiding her.

"What are you doing?" Xu Fengyu stood at the door and didn't enter. The smell of burnt inside was a bit heavy.

Lin Lan turned to look at the door and smiled, "An'an is learning to cook, Ziqian, why did you get off work so early today?"

"Today's business is over." Xu Fengyu walked into the kitchen with a pungent scorching smell, glanced at the pan on the gas stove, there was a grain of black and yellow stuff inside, I don't know what, "You What are you cooking?"

Lu Anran turned his head and looked at the man next to him. He was dressed formally. He should come back at which event site. The silver-white tuxedo outlined his slender and shapely figure, and it also made him look fair and handsome, like a jade.

"Can't you see the egg fried rice?"

Xu Fengyu is a bit weird. "It's your skill to make egg fried rice so unrecognizable by you."

"I want you to manage." Lu Anran gave Xu Fengyu a glance in displeasure.

Lin Lan smiled and said: "This is much better, you haven't seen it before, it's all black."

"Grandma Lin." Lu Anran looked at Lin Lan with a frown, his tone resentful with a hint of coquetry, the meaning was obvious, Lin Lan shouldn't be ugly.

Lin Lan smiled more, "It doesn't matter, it was like this at first. As long as you are attentive, you can definitely fry the golden fried rice with fried eggs."

Lu Anran nodded confidently, "I also think I can."

Xu Fengyu was undecided and turned out of the kitchen.

Lu Anran stayed in the kitchen for an afternoon. She also worked hard to learn egg fried rice. Originally, she was planning to learn Chinese cabbage shredded pork noodles or fish soup wonton. These two kinds of breakfast Lin Lan did the best, but she listened Lin Lan talked about how to do it and found it too complicated. With her idiot cooking skills inherited from Tong Qiao, she would definitely not learn it in the afternoon, so she came to think of it and finally chose the less difficult egg fried rice.

The next day, Lu Anran woke up in the alarm clock, quickly washed and went downstairs into the kitchen, fried eggs and fried rice, packed it in an insulated box, came out, and just saw Xu Fengyu go downstairs, um, the time was just right.

Xu Fengyu was surprised when she saw Lu Anran coming out of the kitchen. "Are you destroying the kitchen again early in the morning?"

"..." Is she destroying the kitchen by cooking? Will this man speak? Lu Anran ignored him and quickly walked out of the villa in front of him.

Lu Anran came out carrying the insulation box and saw Guan Sen waiting for Xu Fengyu at the gate. He quickly walked over and handed him the insulation box in his hand, "Brother Guan, thank you for sending me a photo yesterday. I said I invite you to dinner , You said too busy and no time, I had to cook it for you by myself, the taste may not be very good, but this represents my whole heart."

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