Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1518: , Must his heart be very painful?

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Lu Anran clearly saw the change in Xu Fengyu's expression. I don't know why. Seeing him like this, she was a little bit distressed, "Why don't you talk?"

Xu Fengyu took his hand from the back of his head, put it in the bed, turned around, and turned his back to the landing safely. "Take the door when you go out."

"...Grandma Lin said it was time for dinner."

"I'm not hungry, I want to sleep, and trouble you to go out."

Lu Anran felt a little uncomfortable, and felt that such Xu Fengyu made her more difficult to accept than the Xu Fengyu who usually lifted the bar with her. "You didn't eat at noon..."

"Go out!" The man's voice was raised high, obviously impatient.

Lu Anran's heart twitched slightly, not knowing whether he was angry or sad. "What do you roar? If you don't eat or pull, whoever cares about you is the best, starve to death." He turned and went out.

Lu Anran came downstairs, Tong Qiao and Lu Jinshen had returned from get off work.

Tong Qiao works at Lu's Group to help Jin Shen take care of the company together.

"How about your brother?" Tong Qiao asked.

"You didn't let me look at him, how do I know?" Lu Anran didn't have a good air.

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, "Who's provoke you again?"

"No one." Lu Anran walked directly towards the restaurant.

Tong Qiao poked Fu Yiran watching TV, "Did you mess with her?"

Fu Yiran shrugged and shook his head, "She just went to Brother's room."

"Zi Qian provokes her?" Tong Qiao murmured to himself, got up from the sofa and walked towards the restaurant.

Lin Landuan came out and did not see Lu Ziqian, asked Lu Anran, "An An, why didn't your brother come down?"

"He doesn't eat." Lu Anran sat down in his seat angrily.

Lin Lan worriedly said, "I didn't eat it at noon, but I didn't eat it at night. How can I bear it? No, I will call him."

Tong Qiao heard Lu Ziqian not eating at noon and said, "Aunt Lin, let me go."

Not long after Tong Qiao went upstairs, Xu Fengyu followed her down.

Lu Anran curled his lips, hypocritically, but only saw him come down to dinner, but what happened to her heart?

At the dinner table, Lu Anran remembered that her mobile phone was still there with Xu Fengyu, and then asked her to go to his room to find him. She was a little afraid to enter his room three times. Once she met him just after taking a shower, and she accidentally grabbed her phone once. He kissed him and fell asleep on his body again today, blushing and heartbeating more and more, and she wanted to live alive.

Lu Anran glanced at the man next to him, but fortunately said at the dinner table, "I dropped my phone in your room last night, and I will return it later."

"Well." Xu Fengyu didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and he readily agreed.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lu Anran looked at the screen of the mobile phone, but he was thinking about Xu Fengyu's trembling and fear when he had a nightmare. He usually looked at him unlike a timid person. It must be that the fear in the dream penetrated his bones, otherwise How could he be such a big man?

She remembered that he shouted in the dream to tell Mom not to leave him, is it about his mom?

By the way, his mother should be about the same age as Tong Qiao, why died?

Lu Anran thought about it and decided to ask Tong Qiao, lost his cell phone, got out of bed, went out of the room, came to the door of Tong Qiao's room, and knocked, "Mom, are you asleep?"

"Nothing." Tong Qiao's voice came from the room.

When Lu Anran came over, he saw the study light was on, knew Lu Jinshen was not in the room, and pushed the door in.

Tong Qiao came out of the cloakroom with Lu Jinshen's pajamas in his hand, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Lu Anran walked to the sofa and sat down, "Can't sleep, Mom, don't get dad's things first, come over and chat with me."

Tong Qiao put Lu Jinshen's pajamas on the head of the bed, walked to Lu Anran and sat down, "Why can't I sleep?"

"Just... don't want to sleep, mom, can you tell me the **** stories of you, dad, and brother?"

Tong Qiao leaned over to serve the water on the coffee table and glanced at Lu Anran. "What is the love triangle of dog blood?"

Lu Anran sat next to Tong Qiao, "Then tell me, why did your love rival die so young? Accident or illness?"

Tong Qiaoshui handed it to his lips and took it away. "How come I suddenly asked this?"

"It's nothing, just ask." Lu Anran pinched his shoulder to Tong Qiao, "Idle is also idle, you tell me."

Tong Qiao took a sip of water, put the cup back on the coffee table, leaned on the sofa, enjoying her daughter’s massage service, roughly speaking that she was kidnapped 17 years ago, Sheng Yufei and Lu Ziqian were held hostage, and finally Sheng Yufei was rescued by Lu Ziqian The shooting.

Lu Anran stunned, "So Xu Fengyu..."

"Call brother."

"My brother saw his mother die in front of himself?"

Tong Qiao nodded, thinking of these feelings a little sad, "After Sheng Yufei's death, your brother was frightened, night and nightmare, and then he followed his grandfather Xu abroad."

Watching his own mother die in front of him, and the scene was still so bloody, the blow was indeed a bit big.

No wonder more than ten years have passed, Xu Fengyu still has nightmares, and his body reacts so strongly, trembling and fearing, indicating that the events of that year left indelible marks in his heart.

Tong Qiao saw that Lu Anran had stopped the massage, and thoughtfully, he asked, "An An, what do you want?"

Lu Anran recovered, and didn’t tell Tong Qiao that Xu Fengyu still had nightmares. She didn’t want to worry about Tong Qiao. The hostages caused his mother to die with his father?"

Tong Qiaoyou sighed, his expression dimmed, "Zi Qian said he didn't hate your dad, but I think he must be angry in his heart, otherwise he would never call your dad again since then."

"So you want to keep him at home to ease his relationship with dad?" Lu Anran asked.

Tong Qiao nodded.

Lu Anran finally understood a little bit, but... "Mom, why are you so good to my brother? Although he is the father's son, he is also the son of your love rival. I have never seen a woman as generous as you. "

"What do you know?"

"I don't understand, so I asked you."

Tong Qiao thought about it, and it was not appropriate to tell Lu Anran. For example, Lu Jinshen’s life was saved by Xu Zihua. When he said it, Zi Qian’s life story could not be concealed. “It’s late, go to bed.”

Lu Anran was urged back to the room by Tong Qiao, thinking of Tong Qiao's words even more sleepless.

Watching his mother die in front of his own eyes, he has nightmares, fears, fears, and trueness after more than ten years, must his heart be very painful?

Was she angry with him before, was it a bit excessive?

Isn't it excessive?

She kindly went to see him, he even spoke coldly to her, and drove her out, it was his bad attitude first.

Yes, he asked for it.


He had a nightmare, and he was in a bad mood at that time, was that understandable?

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