Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Very few people said that Lu Anran made sense.

But most people are scolding her for being shameless, saying that she fell asleep with her brother.

Lu Anran was so angry that her eyes were red. When she was about to scold back, the knock on the door rang, and then Tong Qiao pushed the door in and came in.

Lu Anran subconsciously hid the phone behind him, "Mom, why are you back?"

Tong Qiao walked toward the room and said, "I know what to hide."

Lu Anran got up from the sofa, "Mom, things are not what they said."

Tong Qiao came to Lu Anran and pressed her shoulder, "Sit down and say."

The two sat down one after another.

Tong Qiao took the lead in opening his mouth, "I probably understand things. Tell your mother, what do you think of your brother?"

Lu Anran was already uncomfortable when they were scolded by those on the Internet. Now Tong Qiao even asked, the grievances in my heart flooded in an instant, red eyes said: "Mom, he is my brother, what can I think of him? Do you also Think I'm the kind of messy person?"

In Lu Anran’s heart, Lu Ziqian was her half-brother, Tong Qiao was anxious and almost forgot this stubble, took her daughter’s hand and appeased her, “Mom didn’t mean that, mom was too anxious to say the wrong thing. , But I remember you always disliked your brother, when were the two of you so good to be able to go out together?

Lu Anran asked me if I wanted to tell Tong Qiao what I knew.

Tong Qiao patted the back of her daughter's hand gently, "Tell my mother what you have in mind, don't hide it, so that mother can find a solution to the problem, you know?"

Lu Anran bit her lips lightly and nodded. "I used to hate Xu Fengyu because you have been thinking about him all the time. I'm worried that he will steal you and your dad's favor..."

"You silly boy." Tong Qiao realized that he had interrupted Lu Anran, and said again, "You continue."

Lu Anran did not continue to speak but asked: "Mom, I once asked you something about Xu Fengyu's mother, do you remember?"

Tong Qiao frowned for a few seconds, "That's the time when you asked me to tell me the story of your father and your brother and mother that night?"

Lu Anran nodded busy, "That's when I saw Xu Fengyu having a nightmare. Mom didn't see you. He was like that... trembling, dreaming, he kept saying that there was a lot of blood in his mouth, and he also said that mother should not leave me, even if I just stand Beside, you can also feel his fear and fear."

"So you asked me how his mother died?"

"Well, I think his mother’s death left him with a very deep impression. Didn’t you say that when his mother died, he had nightmares every night? I think maybe this incident has produced indelible marks on him, The nightmare was not only done at that time, but always followed him..."

Lu Anran thought of something suddenly, "Oh, yes, he is dizzy blood, in fact, I think he is not dizzy blood, halo blood should be dizzy when seeing blood, but he is not, he sees blood is shaking with fear, I think this should also be The sequelae left at that time."

Tong Qiao opened her mouth slightly, and it was hard to accept. She never thought about the matter. In the past seventeen years, Lu Ziqian had not come out of that incident. She neglected, experienced such a **** scene, and stared at it. His own mother died before the eyes, and the adults may be unbearable, not to mention that at that time he was just a child of five or six years old.

Lu Anran's voice continued to ring in the room, "I think he is actually quite pitiful, and since then, I haven't hated him so much, and the dishes he made, the taste...not bad, and that time he At the opening ceremony of our school, I heard him sing for the first time. It was really nice. I used to be prejudiced against him. After that, I think it's good to have such a brother."

Tong Qiao temporarily suppressed her concerns. Lu Ziqian’s nightmare may not be resolved in a while. She had to see Xu Dechang to understand the details and make a decision. She had to resolve Weibo first. Thing.

I don’t know if she knew Lu Ziqian wasn’t Lu Anran’s older brother, so seeing the photos of them on Weibo, Tong Qiao always felt that the two were not like brothers and sisters, but really like a little couple in love.

So she had to understand Lu Anran’s thoughts first, but it’s not easy to ask too directly. After thinking for a while, you said, “You and Xiaoyi have been holding hands for so many years, I have never seen you hold hands, how can you go out with your brother? , Have you been holding hands?"

Lu Anran's face was slightly reddened, her head drooping, and she was embarrassed to say: "Mom, I never told you, in fact, I have a little manual control, that is, when I see beautiful and beautiful hands... I can't help but want to see them. Touch it... Xu Fengyu's hands look good..."

The more I talked, the lower my voice was, and I didn't dare to talk down, because Lu Anran saw Tong Qiao's face getting more and more ugly.

Tong Qiao calmed down for a while before speaking, "So you are holding him purely because his hand looks good?"

Lu Anran didn't know why, and he was hesitant for a moment, but Tong Qiao kept staring at her, she had nodded, "Anyway, he is my brother, and he will not lose a lot of meat when he touches it."

"Nonsense." Tong Qiao got up from the sofa, walked back and forth a few steps, stood still, and looked at Lu Anran with his head down: "Although you are brothers and sisters, you are all adults, generally speaking, you can't Holding hands, otherwise why would mother want you and Xiaoyi to sleep separately?"

Lu Anran groaned slightly, "I can't help it. His hands are really beautiful, mom, haven't you read them carefully? His hands are white and slender, his bones are elegant, and he feels like..."

"Lu Anran!" Tong Qiao snorted coldly.

Lu Anran shut his mouth, bowed his head, and made a mistake.

Tong Qiao started pacing again by the sofa. The fact that the two were not brothers and sisters could not be said, but they didn’t have the consciousness that men and women can’t get close to each other casually. She was really anxious to death. Are you fooling around?"

Lu Anran whispered, "My brother won't let me touch the hands of other boys..."

"Have you touched the hands of other boys?" Tong Qiao raised his voice.

Lu Anran raised his head and hurriedly explained, "Mom, don't think about it, I didn't touch much."

"How much did you touch if you didn't touch a lot?" Tong Qiao raised her throat with a sigh of relief. She found that she didn't know her daughter anymore. Was it a mistake to educate her so that her daughter had such quirks? know.

"Except for my brother, I touched a boy's hand, and only touched it once, just hit by my brother. Then he promised that I could touch his hand as long as I didn't touch the other boy's hand."

Tong Qiao, "..." What's the matter?

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