Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Xu Fengyu was still happy for Lu Anran's thoughts of him a second ago, but her last words instantly wiped out the excitement and joy in his heart.

Xu Fengyu pulled his arm out of Lu Anran's palm, walked down to the sofa and sat down, bent over to pick up the cigarette case and lighter on the coffee table, shook out a cigarette, bit at the corner of a **** and beautiful mouth, slightly tilted his head, ignited, light He spit out a smoke ring, looked at the landing safely, the action was charming and sexy, and it was not like the first time he smoked. "You go back, I will not proclaim it."

Lu Anran smelled nicotine when she came in. She had never seen Xu Fengyu smoke a cigarette, and she turned her eyebrows and walked over, trying to **** the smoke in his hand.

Xu Fengyu's hand with cigarettes escaped and rested on his knees, "Did you manage too wide?"

Lu Anran felt Xu Fengyu's words seemed to be stabbed, but thinking that maybe the latest things made him in a bad mood and mood, it was inevitable that the words were not good to hear, and he did not care about him, only said: "Smoking is bad for the body."

"It's also my body that's not good. What does it have to do with you?"

Lu Anran was not happy, "You are my brother, how is it okay with me?"

"When did I say that I was your brother? Did I admit your sister? Didn't I say that? If I didn't announce it, then you wouldn't be my sister."

"Xu Fengyu, what do you mean?" Lu Anran twisted her eyebrows, standing on the sofa and staring at the dull man in front of her. "You can't look down on my sister? Where can I not see you?"

Xu Fengyu looked up at the girl in front of her with deep eyes, looked at it for two seconds, lowered her eyes, handed the smoke to her thin lips, sucked hard, and then spit out a long string of blue and white smoke, repeating the sentence Words, "I won't make it official."

The voice is extremely light, the smoke is dull, the **** appeal is good, and there is a trace of helplessness and loneliness that is hard to detect.

Lu Anran thinks that Xu Fengyu just can't look down on her sister, she can't even deserve him?

Angrily, accompanied by an unexplained sour emotion, Lu Anran glared at Xu Fengyu with a small blush, and his eyes were inexplicably swollen. "Do you think I can count on you? Who is rare to be your younger sister? It’s not me. It’s not me who was blocked. I’m really full. I’m in charge of your business. If you don’t declare it, you don’t have it. Is it a half-cent relationship?

After Lu Anran said angrily, he turned and strode toward the door, listening to the movements behind him, hoping that Xu Fengyu could hold her or say something.

No, he did nothing.

It was so quiet behind her that she could only feel his eyes on her back.

Going to the door, Lu Anran's white fingers held the door handle, but did not pull it apart.

Does it really matter to him?

It's okay to cancel the contract. He sings well, and he can cooperate with other companies in the future.

However, he let Tianyu Media lose a lot of manpower and financial resources, and offended President Qiu. If President Qiu blocked him in the entertainment circle, he would have finished everything.

Forget it, forget it, for the sake of the blood that landed on Jin Shen in both bodies, it doesn't matter with him.

Lu Anran exhaled lightly, loosened the door handle, turned around and walked back, stood in front of Xu Fengyu, gathered his temper, and said to him well: "You preach the official, announce our brother-sister relationship, if you I really can't look down on my sister, will you not go to the Lu family in the future?"

Xu Fengyu's fingers were tight, and he buried his head smoking without humming.

Lu Anran felt that he had never been so good-tempered. Xu Fengyu had always been indifferent and cold, and she still posted her hot face up. She must have owed him the previous life, so that she would be his sister in her life to repay.

Lu Anran sat down next to Xu Fengyu, tilted his head to look at him, and yelled, "Brother."

Xu Fengyu frowned slightly and glanced at Lu Anran.

Lu Anran handed him a sweet smile and shouted obediently, "Brother, let's not be so capricious, okay?"

If Guan Sen saw this scene, he would definitely ask Lu Anran, didn't he say it was a fight? How did it become a coax?

One brother screamed that Xu Fengyu was upset and irritated. He smashed the unfinished cigarette in his ashtray in his ashtray. The strength was a bit heavy, and the smoke was deformed. He stood up and walked to the desk, "You go back Well, I am going to work."

Lu Anran took a deep breath, depressed his emotions, and got up and followed, "Even if you don't think about yourself, think about Dad and Tong Qiao, and your grandfather, they are very worried about you... "

Xu Fengyu suddenly stopped and turned around, coldly watching the landing safely, interrupted her loudly, "Go out!"

Lu Anran was frightened by Xu Fengyu’s cold eyes and suddenly raised voice, but could not help but tremble a little, the grievances gathered their hearts instantly, the tears fell without warning, the tears came too fast, and Lu Anran couldn’t prevent herself All panicked.

Why did she cry?

Lu Anran was scrambling to wipe her tears, and half of her hand was held by a big hand, and then the man's warm fingertips wiped on her face.

A second ago, she sneered at her man coldly, but at this moment he looked at her with tender and loving eyes.

Lu Anran was not happy because Xu Fengyu suddenly changed his attitude, but instead felt more aggrieved, tears falling down like a broken bead.

Xu Fengyu couldn't wipe her tears anymore. She looked at the crying girl, and the pain in her heart was tight. She gently pulled her into her arms, hugged her tightly, and coaxed, "Don't cry. "

"Cry, who made you bully me?"

"Sorry, I'm not good."

Lu Anran didn't know what was wrong with him, and she clearly didn't like to cry. She even wanted to cry at this moment. The worries these days, the grievances just now, and many unknown emotions that she couldn't understand, all turned into tears. come out.

She leaned against Xu Fengyu's arms and cried dimly.

Xu Fengyu was frightened and pulled the girl out of her arms. She wiped the face of the girl with tears in her hands. Her voice was gentler than ever. "I won't bully you anymore. Don't cry, eh?" "

Lu Anran still likes Xu Fengyu like this. She is soft and gentle on her Xu Fengyu. How good, she blinked her red eyes and said in tears: "Then do you promise me my official declaration?"

Xu Fengyu's hot and tumbling emotions on his black eyes seemed to be overwhelming. "Not good."

Lu Anran cried more sadly, "Do you hate me so much?"

Xu Fengyu glanced at the landing safely, "I like you."

Lu Anran's heartbeat suddenly missed a half-beat. There were crystal tears hanging on his eyelashes. He looked at Xu Fengyu innocently and murmured softly, "Do you like me?"

Xu Fengyu moved the hair of Lu Anran's forehead gently, "Well, I like you."

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