Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1547: , Here, just kissed by Xu Fengyu

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Lu Anran drove to the place he had made an appointment with Lin Lan, Lin Lan had already waited for the food station.

Lin Lan got on the bus and found Lu Anran's face pale and asked with an anxious tone: "An An, your face is not very good, is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Anran drove the car into the traffic, "No, maybe it's getting up early in the morning. After going back to sleep, everything will be fine."

"That's good. Have you seen Zi Qian?"


"Then he agreed to the official announcement?" Lin Lan asked again.

Lu Anran remembered what he said when he left Xu Fengyu's studio. He said, ‘If the official announcement is what you want, I listen to you. ’

The hand holding the steering wheel was slowly clenched, and the bones gradually became prominent, slightly whitened, "...I don't know."

Lin Lan frowned, "Why don't you know? Didn't you ask him?"

"Ask..." Lu Anran paused for two seconds and said, "He didn't say that."

"What did the child think in the end? Don't you have a good future?" Lin Lan said worriedly, and then looked at Lu Anran, "An An, did you ask him why he didn't agree with the official announcement?"

" question."

"then you……"

"Grandma Lin." Lu Anran was worried that Lin Lan would ask other questions that she had difficulty answering, and had to interrupt her. "Xu Fengyu is very busy, and the company has many eyes, and I separated from him without a few words. "

Lin Lan nodded, seeing Lu Anran driving without saying anything.

After returning home, everything was safe. Lin Lan entered the villa and kept loosening her nerves. After seeing Lu Anran, she seemed a little unhappy all the way, thinking she was blaming herself because of Lu Ziqian, so comforting her, "An An, this can't be blamed. You, you work hard, Zi Qian may be too young, and do not know the seriousness of the matter, maybe he figured it out tonight."

Lu Anran didn't want Lin Lan to worry, and slightly pulled the corner of his lips, "Well, I went up to make up."

"Go, for Ziqian's sake, I think you haven't slept well recently."

The first thing Lu Anran returned to the room was to open the phone to view Xu Fengyu's Weibo. If there is no latest news, it has not been announced yet.

Lu Anran just climbed into bed at ease, feeling boring, and really wanted to sleep for a while, but he lay down and couldn't sleep again, putting his hand gently on his lips.

Here, Xu Fengyu kissed just now.

He squeezed the corner of his lips, and his mouth seemed to taste.

The heart thumped again.

Lu Anran pulled the quilt over his head and tried to shake off the messy pictures in his head, but the more he didn't think about it, the more he was full of his mind.

His kiss, what he said...

Frightened at the time, he didn't feel it carefully, nor did he listen to him well.

At that time, those feelings and every word he said began to replay in my mind.

Lu Anran didn't know how long he had been in bed, maybe it was really early in the morning, and she ended up sleeping somehow.

In his sleep, Lu Anran saw Xu Fengyu being terminated by the company, and President Qiu was still killing him in the entertainment circle. He was helpless, decadent, and was drunk every day.

She cried and begged him to cheer up, but he couldn't see her, just pouring wine into his mouth.

A sharp pain on the back of the hand made Lu Anran wake up from the dream, opened his eyes, and there was a worried voice in his ear, "Woke up?"

Lu Anran turned his head and saw Tong Qiao sitting by the bed, "Mom, don't you go to work?"

"You burned like this, what kind of work do I still have?" Tong Qiao answered.


Lu Anran was puzzled. At this time, a male voice sounded in the room, "Mrs. Lu, hit it. Miss Lu should get fever if these two bottles are hit."

"Okay, please."

"No trouble, this is what I should do."

Lu Anran discovered that the family doctor was here, his eyes drooping, and fell on the back of his hand with white medical tape. It turned out that it was so painful that the doctor was giving her an injection, but... "Mom, how did I get a fever?"

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, feeling distressed and angry. "Are you sorry to ask me? I'm such a big man, I don't know if I am sick."

Lu Anran pursed her dry lips, "Mom, I want to drink water."

Tong Qiao hurriedly brought the water that had been prepared next to him and lifted Lu Anran's back to let her drink water.

Lu Anran drank the water and took the phone on the bedside table. He just unlocked it and was about to check it out on Weibo. The phone was snatched by Tong Qiao.

"I'm sick and play with my mobile phone, so I lie down and take a rest."

"I'll just take a look." Lu Anran looked at Tong Qiao's own mobile phone.

"Do not look at half eyes, lie down." Tong Qiao's tone was strong.

"..." Lu Anran lay down and thought about grabbing the phone back when Tong Qiao was not paying attention, but his eyelids were too heavy to hold on, and he fell asleep after a while.

Lu Anran woke up again the next morning.

"It's finally awake." Lin Lan saw Lu Anran open his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. "You get up and wash, I will go downstairs and bring you the porridge that I have boiled."

After Lin Lan went out, Lu Anran sat up from the bed. She didn’t go to wash immediately but took the phone on the bedside table and looked at it. It unlocked. There were two missed calls on the screen, all from Chen Jinxi.

Several other WeChat messages were also sent by Chen Jinxi.

Lu Anran first canceled the silent mode of the mobile phone, and then opened WeChat unread messages.

An An, why didn't you answer my phone?

Is your brother going to hold a press conference? You are also the protagonist of this incident, will you definitely go?

I plan to skip class to see my love bean (thief smile expression) but I don't know if I can go in. If you can't, can you take me in? (Kiss emoji)

After reading the information, Lu Anran was so scared that his face was white. He hurriedly called back Chen Jinxi’s phone. “Xiao Xi, what did Xu Fengyu do at a press conference?”

"Ah? An'an, I'm too noisy to hear here. Wait a minute. I'll pick it up in a quiet place." The end of the phone was very noisy, and there were a lot of people. Chen Jinxi's voice was loud and almost roared. of.

Lu Anran was anxiously waiting. After a while, the noise on the phone was much lower, and Chen Jinxi's voice became clear, "An An, what did you just say?"

"What did Xu Fengyu do at the press conference?" Lu Anran repeated the previous question.

"Of course it was announced that your relationship with his siblings, you don't know? Then you didn't come to the scene today?"

"Where is the address of the press conference?" Lu Anran asked as he got off the bed.

"Tianyu Media, An'an, you really..."

"Do you start now?"

"I don't know. I can't get in. I'm stuck outside. The media reporters are all in. I should start..."

At that end, Chen Jinxi wanted to say something, but Lu Anran had no intention of listening. She hung up the phone and walked quickly towards the door. She had only one thought in her mind: Xu Fengyu could not be held for this press conference.

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