Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1550: , Kiss and kiss

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Tong Qiao nodded, "When the press conference started, didn't I answer a phone call? An An called me to stop the press conference."

Lu Jinshen instantly understood the meaning in Tong Qiao's words. Not only is Zi Qian interested in An An, but also An An is the same with Zi Qian, "Nice!"

Lu Anran saw Lu Jinshen's face chilled, and subconsciously hid next to Tong Qiao.

"What to hide? Come out!" Lu Jin drank coldly.

Lu Anran clutched Tong Qiao's sleeve, "Mom, you help me and dad talk about it."

"Jin Shen..."

"Qiao'er, children can't be so used to it." Lu Jinshen interrupted Tong Qiao's words and sternly glanced at Lu Anran. "Dare to do what you dare to do, it seems that your determination is not much, then take it as soon as possible. Some thoughts."

Lu Anran overcomes the awe of Lu Jinshen in his heart, walks out of Tong Qiao's body, and stands in front of Lu Jinshen, "Dad, I am serious."

"Go out and run twenty times around the villa." Lu Jin said coldly.

This time Lu Anran did not hesitate, nor asked Tong Qiao for help, turned and trot out of the villa.

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows to watch the landing Jin Shen, "Twenty laps, do you want her life?"

"You are used to it, and you are used to it." Lu Jinshen finished and walked upstairs.

Tong Qiao followed, "How can this be blamed on me? I did not expect that the two of them could have an emotional relationship. When An Qian first came, An An often confronted him. When did the two children look at me, I feel nothing at all. No, you are at home, so you said you see that they are not right?"

"..." Lu Jinshen said nothing.

"You didn't see it right? So, you can't blame me alone, how is the matter of urgency to deal with this matter? Now the two of them are so flamboyant, in any case, you must give the media an explanation three days later."

"What do you think?" Lu Jinshen pushed the door into the bedroom and took off his suit.

Tong Qiao took the coat in his hand and hung it on the coat rack, and habitually walked in front of him to untie him. "At first I heard An An saying that he liked Zi Qian, and he was shocked. Then I went to Zi Qian I asked him what his feelings were for An An, and he directly said that he would marry her and wanted to be kind to her all his life."

Lu Jinshen looked down at Xianhui's caring little wife, raised an eyebrow and asked, "He really said that?"

"Well." Tong Qiao hung his tie on the coat rack, and put his hands on Lu Jinshen's broad shoulders. "I think this is a good thing."

Lu Jinshen put his hands on Tong Qiao's slender waist and lifted her body up slightly, "How to say?"

Tong Qiao tipped his toes with his strength, leaned against his warm body, and looked up at the man with a deep three-dimensional silhouette in front of him, "Zi Qian and An An have no blood relationship, if they really love each other, Can be together.

I know that after Zi Qian went abroad, you have always felt guilty. On the one hand, you didn’t take care of Zi Hua’s children, on the other hand, you couldn’t save Sheng Yufei, and let Zi Qian not only lose her father but also her mother. I see it in my eyes.

Now we will marry our daughter to Zihua's children, let our daughter give his son happiness, Ziqian's life is good, you don't need to feel guilty, and we can kiss and kiss, Ziqian will really be Our child is gone, can we always take care of him, isn't it good? "

Lu Jinshen nodded slightly.

Tong Qiao slowly raised his lips, "So you agreed?"


Tong Qiao frowned, "Why?"

"My wife, you think things are too simple." Lu Jinshen lowered his head and gently bit Tong Qiao's lips, "Zi Qian is not an ordinary person, he is a public figure, especially now he is in trouble with An An. Everyone knows it, I'm afraid it won't end easily."

"What's wrong with public figures? Can't celebrities fall in love?"

"The star is not unable to fall in love, but can not fall in love casually, especially now he is in love with his nominal sister."

"You also said that, nominally, there is no blood relationship between them." Tong Qiao sneered. "I don't care about these things. I only need An An and Zi Qian to love each other and be happy."

"You are always too emotional, regardless of the consequences."

"Don't you like me like this?"

Lu Jin Shenjun's dark eyes gleamed with smiles and slowly lowered his head.

Just when he wanted to kiss Tong Qiao's lips, Tong Qiao twirled neatly, hiding from Lu Jinshen's arms, and said with a smile: "I'll go to see An'an first, twenty laps, it's because you opened your mouth last night He still has a high fever."

Lu Jinshen didn't catch up, standing on the spot and looking at Tong Qiao with deep eyes.

Tong Qiao walked to the door, stopped, and turned back, "Maybe it was not that I thought things too simple, but that you thought things too complicated. If Zi Qian and An An were wishful thinking, three days later, Zi Qian was at a press conference. It was announced that He An'an was not a sibling, but a lover, so the gossip would naturally disappear."

"I hope." Lu Jinshen turned and walked towards the bathroom, and said, "Go and go back quickly, I'll wait for you."

"Old is not serious." Tong Qiao said to the back of the man Wei An and smiled and went downstairs.

After leaving the villa, Tong Qiao stood on the ground and waited for a while, only to see that Lu Anran ran from the corner with a slight breath, "An An, don't run away."

Lu Anran raised his hand and wiped the fine sweat beads oozing from his forehead. "It's still fifteen laps."

Tong Qiao said, "Your dad has lifted your punishment."

Lu Anran didn't stop, "No... I must finish."

Tong Qiao raised his eyebrows, "Are you still addicted to running?"

Lu Anran exhaled and inhaled again, even after adjusting his breath, he still breathed a little, "Mom, I am serious about Xu Fengyu... I want to prove my determination to you."

"..." Tong Qiao went back to the villa and moved out a chair to sit on the ground. Lu Anran was very tempered. This time, I didn't know if it was feverish. Tong Qiao was going to come back and ask Lu Anran. Now that she wants to use this The way to prove her determination is also not a good way.

In the past, Lu Anran was punished to run laps, and yelled in a few laps. Coquettish, tired, shouting, and rescuing soldiers, all kinds of tricks were used. This time, if she can really bear to run down, it can really show that she is working hard.

However, she was just ill and Tong Qiao couldn't rest assured. It was better to watch here. By the way, Lu Jinshen sent a text message: Wait slowly!

After about 20 minutes, Tong Qiao felt that Lu Anran spent a long time in this lap, and ran to the back of the villa for several minutes. I never saw her running back. Tong Qiao felt uneasy and got up and ran towards the villa. .

As a result, Lu Anran turned pale on the grass beside the garden.

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