Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1568: , It’s gone when you take it off

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Xu Fengyu knew that the autograph meeting would go without changing the time. He is a responsible man. How could he really leave his fans empty? It's just that Lu Anran sacrificed them for a day. He was unhappy and wanted to punish her and make her anxious.

So the autograph session was about to begin, and Xu Fengyu drove towards the stadium.

Lu Anran's mouth was almost broken, and he sweated in a hurry.

It was already 3pm after the autograph session. Xu Dechang called Xu Fengyu halfway and said that he had prepared dinner in the evening and asked him to take Lu Anran to dinner.

After eating, Xu Fengyu sent Lu Anran home, and at the door, Lu Anran let Xu Fengyu go in and sit down.

Xu Fengyu shook his head, "Go in, I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Really don't go in and sit down?"

Xu Fengyu touched Lu Anran's head, "Not going anymore."

Lu Anran pulled the hand from her head and held it in her hand. She knew that Xu Fengyu didn’t go in because she didn’t want to meet Lu Jinshen. When she came back this time, she saw that Xu Fengyu and Lu Jinshen didn’t have two years. It was so rusty before, but the relationship was still very rigid. Except for the necessary greetings and scenes, they barely communicated, "Are you still resenting Dad?"

Xu Fengyu looked slightly slack. For the past two years, he was accustomed to the current mode of getting along with Lu Jinshen.

Avoiding landing Jin Shen is almost a subconscious move of Xu Fengyu, less meeting and less embarrassing, but he has no resentment against Lu Jinshen, let alone hate.

It's just that there are some gaps in my heart for more than ten years. Even if it is resolved, I want to get along with other fathers and sons intimately.

"Xu Fengyu, I like my father very much, respect him, fear him, rely on him, and wait until he is old, I will honor him and serve him, I will not leave him in this life, if you want to be with me, you can’t avoid it I will see him..." Lu Anran looked at Xu Fengyu seriously. "You two are indispensable people in my life. I hope you are well."

Xu Fengyu hugged Lu Anran into her arms and gently stroked her hair. It took a while to open her mouth. "I knew it was not his fault that year. You said you respect him. Why not? He taught me justice. The church It made me brave and taught me how to be an upright man. Although he is harsh on me, I know that he cares about me and loves me, but..."

Xu Fengyu paused for two seconds and continued: "Some things have accumulated in my heart for too long, and I think there is no way to change. Give me some time and I will try to change."

Lu Anran raised the corner of his lips in Xu Fengyu's arms and hugged him tightly, "Okay."


Next day

Xu Fengyu went to the Lu family to pick up Lu Anran early. The two came to City C, first found a restaurant to eat, and then went to Baoxi Garden.

The first thing Lu Anran played was rock climbing. This time Xu Fengyu also accompanied her to climb. After two years of training, Lu Anran was much better in physical strength, but after all, she was a woman. How could her arm strength be comparable to Xu Fengyu who spent a year in the army? ?

The closer to the finish line, the more difficult Lu Anran felt, but she finally insisted that she climbed up.

Xu Fengyu gently wiped Lu Anran's sweat with a smile on her eyes and praised her progress.

The two looked at the top of the rock climbing to determine the next play route.

I want to play everything I didn’t play the last time, but the gods don’t make beauty. At three o'clock, the sky started to drizzle, and the sky wouldn't stop in a short time.

In the end, the two could only leave and found a hotel near Baoxi Park, planning to continue playing tomorrow.

Opening two suites, Lu Anran sat on the sofa staring at her backpack in a daze with a set of **** pajamas. She proposed that there were actually other purposes in City C. She wanted to give Xu Fengyu the first time here.

Lu Anran rubbed his hot face for a long time, got up and walked to Xu Fengyu's room next door, but he didn't dare to take that pajamas.

Xu Fengyu had just finished the shower when the doorbell rang, he opened the door and saw Lu Anran still wearing the previous suit, his shoulders were soaked in rain, tightly attached to the skin, and he frowned, "Why didn't you Change the wet clothes?"

In Lu Anran's sight, Xu Fengyu was wearing a white nightgown, his wet hair was still dripping with water, and a few drops of water were hanging on the handsome eyebrows on his face, which was extremely sexy.

Looking down, it is a slightly open neckline, the collarbone is **** and charming, and it feels more beautiful than the woman's.

She has seen his nightgown fully open. She remembers that he has a very good figure. It is the type that is thin and undressed and has meat, tight chest muscles, and **** abdominal muscles...

There may be evil thoughts in his heart, and he clearly wears his nightgown well, but Lu Anran is afraid to look at him, and walks around the room toward him. "I didn't bring the changed clothes."

Xu Fengyu closed the door and followed Lu Anran, "There are nightgowns in the hotel bathroom..."

"I'm not used to wearing a nightgown, and the clothes are only a little wet. It doesn't matter." Lu Anran interrupted Xu Fengyu's words and then changed the subject. "I'm so bored to be there, come and watch TV with you."

Xu Fengyu went to the table and took the hair dryer. Lu Anran thought he was going to blow his hair. Unexpectedly, he came directly to her and looked at her shoulder. "Sit down a little, and I will dry the clothes for you."

Lu Anran only wore a **** long-sleeved shirt, and when he took it off, it was gone. "It's okay, don't blow."

Xu Fengyu turned slightly to hold Enron's shoulder and let her sit sideways.

Lu Anran twisted his body and saw that he was going to let her blow in her clothes. "This is very hot."

"Don't move, it will catch cold in wet clothes. I promise not to burn you." Xu Fengyu pinched her shoulder.

Lu Anran didn't move anymore, but wanted to see how he played?

Xu Fengyu turned around and plugged in the power while saying, "Unlock two buttons."

"...Oh..." Lu Anran first loosened the tie of the neckline, then unbuttoned the two buttons, looked down at his neckline, the collarbone was exposed, and the gully in the chest was vague.

Thinking of his purpose, Lu Anran blushed instantly, and it was not easy to speak directly. Perhaps such an indirect temptation would be good, and then let things happen naturally.

Xu Fengyu plugged in the power supply, turned around, and slender fingers gently pushed Lu Anran's head, "skewed his head."

"Oh." Lu Anran obeyed.

Xu Fengyu pulled Lu Anran's collar, and then stretched out his hand from the side of Lu Anran's collar, placing it under her wet clothes, blocking direct contact between the clothes and her skin.

"..." like this? Lu Anran felt his face began to get hot, and Lu Anran's heart jumped with the rumbling of the hair dryer.

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