Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1573: , No pain, no sound when crying

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Mu tranquil Jane's hands tightened in front of him, hesitating for a few seconds, he said, "Do you want to sit up?"

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Shen Tingxi lowered her lips and looked at Mu Tranquility.

Since he nearly forced her that time, she never let him go upstairs, and every time he sent her back, he watched her go upstairs and left.

Mu Serenity dared not look at Shen Tingxi, lowered his head and lowered his eyes, his expression was clearly tense, but said, "I'm not afraid."

Shen Tingxi glanced at Mu Tranquility for a moment. In fact, he knew that Mu Tranquility was not really not afraid, but he was indeed in a bad mood. He wanted to stay with her for a while, even if she didn’t speak, just accompanied him quietly just like in the car, He also felt at ease in his heart.

So he and Mu tranquil went upstairs.

Mu Tranquility came out of the kitchen with the tea. He didn't see Shen Tingxi's person on the sofa. He raised his eyes and saw him standing on the balcony with his back to her. He should be smoking. There was blue smoke floating from the side of his face.

The man's shoulders were wide and his waist was narrow, and his smoky gray shirt was draped in a black trousers without any trace of creases. As he raised his hand to smoke, the shirt was slightly tightened to outline a smooth and long figure.

Even if he just looked at his back, Mu Serenity would blush and heartbeat.

Take a deep breath, adjust the breathing and quietness before carrying the tea to the balcony, "You first drink a cup of tea, I'll cook."

Just now, the two of them returned from Shen Jiuyan without eating anything.

Shen Tingxi took the tea handed over by Mu Tranquility, and wanted to explain what happened to the villa just now. He knew that with Mu Tranquility's temperament, he wouldn't say, she wouldn't ask, but when she turned around and thought it was not a decent thing, I didn't say it at the end, just asked: "Do you need my help?"

"No." Mu Tranquility, afraid of Shen Tingxi's boredom, turned his eyes and pointed at the TV in the living room. "You can watch TV."

Shen Tingxi raised his hand holding the cigarette, "I'll go in after smoking."

"Well." Mu Ningran turned to the kitchen.

After she finished smoking, Shen Tingxi leaned on the kitchen door and leaned on the kitchen door to watch Mu Tranquility cooking. Her demure appearance calmed him down.

Mu tranquil was stared at him uncomfortably and turned to look at him, "Why don't you watch TV?"

"You look better than TV." Shen Tingxi put her hands in her pockets, lazily holding her tea cup, lazily looking at Mu Tranquilly, casually, with a hint of light taste.

Mu Serenity blushed immediately, turned slightly, and left his back to Shen Tingxi.

Shen Tingxi lowered his head and took a sip of tea. His eyes never left Mu Tranquility. "The back is also beautiful."

The knife on Mu Serene's hand slipped, and the blade was brought over from the slender fingertips, and a string of blood came out immediately, but she just frowned, the bleeding finger shrank back, and the injured place was pressed on Palm, continue to cut vegetables.

Shen Tingxi, who was standing behind Mu Tranquility, naturally did not notice her small movements.

Blood dripped from the palm of the hand to the cutting board, Mu Jingjing's quiet eyebrow tightened again, thinking about how to prevent Shen Tingxi from going to the sink without knowing it, flushing the blood from his hand, and it sounded behind him. Ringtones.

It's Shen Tingxi's call.

Hearing that he was on the phone, Mu Tranquil thought that his attention should not be on her at this moment, so he took a vegetable pepper and went to the sink, pretending to wash the vegetable pepper, and flushed the blood from his hand. .

Mu Tranquilly walked away, and Shen Tingxi's eyes that had been fixed on her naturally fell on the fluid table that she had just stood, and a touch of blood on the cutting board on the table fell into his eyes. His brows were tight, and he walked over to the fluid table and The dishes without fish and meat are all vegetarian dishes, so the blood is quiet.

Shen Tingxi walked to Mu Tingxi and pulled her hand under the faucet to wash vegetables. "Where's the injury?"

Mu Serene pumped his hand out, "It's okay."

Shen Tingxi clenched tightly, and soon saw blood on the fingertips of Mu Tingxi's index finger, which raised his eyebrows, his tone was distressed and blamed, "Is it all bleeding? Is it okay?"

"Xier, who bleeds?" Ju Qiulan's worried voice came from the end of the phone.

"Ning Ning's hand was injured. Don't make trouble with him. You can't please. I'll go to you later."


Before finishing the conversation, Shen Tingxi hung up the phone, put the phone on the countertop, and pulled Mu Ting out of the kitchen.

Shen Tingxi’s pace is a little big. Mu Tranquility needs to trot to keep up. She pumped her hands, unable to move, and said in a small voice: “A little injury, it’s really fine.”

Shen Tingxi ignored Mu Serenity, took her into the bedroom, and pressed her to sit by the bed, with a strong tone, "Sit down and don't move." Then she turned around and took the medicine chest on one knee to treat her wounds in front of her .

Mu Tranquility's eyes fell on Shen Tingxi's knees on the ground. He didn't look away until his eyes became hot, watching him deal with the wounds for her, and the obvious distress between the eyebrows. These moments that made Mu Ting's eyes hot The mist fogged up.

After Shen Tingxi treated the wound and looked up at Mu Tranquility, she realized that she was crying. She was too quiet. She didn't talk about the pain and no sound. He didn't even notice it.

"Is it painful?" Shen Tingxi blew his distressed finger distressedly.

Mu Tranquility shook his head, "No pain."

"Why doesn't it hurt? Can you cry if it doesn't hurt?" Shen Tingxi obviously didn't believe it.

Mu Tranquility shook his head, the heat wave rolled in his heart, no one would care about her as much as Shen Tingxi, tears like a flood rushing out of the gate, flowing more fiercely.

Shen Tingxi used to hate women crying because they were crying in order to pretend to be weak and take advantage of him. They dumped a card and they laughed.

But he knew that Mu Serenity was different. She was the kind of girl who didn't like to cause trouble, and she carried it by herself no matter what.

Even if he and she are the closest boyfriend and girl friend, she is not used to relying on him and will not tell him even if she is injured.

So every time Shen Tingxi sees Mu Qingran's tears, he will panic, a little overwhelmed, and pull her up, "I'll take you to the hospital for a check. Did the pain hurt your bones?"

Mu Serene hugged Shen Tingxi from behind, his head gently shaking on his back, his voice softly stained his crying cavity, "No pain."

Shen Tingxi was ecstatic in her heart. It was almost a month after the incident. This was the first time Mu Tranquility approached him, but he was now more worried about the injury on her hand. Although it looked not serious, her skin was so tender and she cried. It's terrible, in case of bone damage.

Although it was very comfortable to be held by her, Shen Tingxi pulled back her hand reluctantly and turned to hold her shoulders and said, "Ning Ning, let's go to the hospital to see and be obedient."

Mu Tranquility shook his head and leaned into Shen Tingxi's arms. "It's are so kind to me...I just cried."

Shen Tingxi felt pain in her mouth. How much hardship did she have to cry before because of him?

Why can't he meet her earlier?

That will save her a little bit of suffering.

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