Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1582: , Do you know what Shen Tingxi is doing?

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Shu Xin was afraid that Mu Ting would blame herself and said, "Not all because of you. Shen Tingxi has long been dissatisfied with Hu Xin'er, just because your things inspired his emotions. Without you, Shen Tingxi might also move her in the future."

Mu Serenity nodded gently, but... "Hu Xin'er didn't hit me."


"Not her."

"Who is that?"

Mu Tranquility bowed his head and fell into silence again.

Probably because of pregnancy, Shuxin sees Mu Tranquility like this, he is anxious, and the volume is a little louder. "Don’t hum, tell me who hit you?"

Mu tranquil shook his head, "No."

Anxiously, he got up from the sofa and walked back and forth a few steps, "Ning Ning, you can't do this, everything is hidden in your heart, it will only make us who care about you more anxious, you want me to be because of your Did you eat well, did you sleep well?"

Mu Tranquility looked up at Shuxin, his eyes turned red for a long time, "You need to be good, I want you to be good."

Shu Xin saw Mu Tranquility like this, and his irritability dissipated instantly, and sat down opposite Mu Tranquility, "I'm sorry, I... I'm too anxious, don't cry, don't cry, if you don't want to say it, I won't ask, Doesn’t matter if I don’t ask?”

Mu Jingran crying is always very quiet, silent, but just crying, as if there is no breath, which is particularly distressing.

She choked slightly: "I'm sorry...I worried you..."

Shuxin held Mu Tranquil's hand, "What nonsense you say, you are my loved ones, I naturally have to worry about you, well, don't cry, when you go out of my office later, others thought I was bullying you. "

Mu Serene lifted his hands to wipe the tears, pursed his lips to calm down the emotions in his heart.

Shu Xin thought about it, and felt that some things still had to be talked to Mu Tranquility. After all, Mu Tranquility was to spend a lifetime with Shen Tingxi. "Ning Ning, do you know what Shen Tingxi does?"

Mu Tranquil looked at Shuxin, and was silent for two seconds, shaking his head, "Not very clear."

Shu Xin asked: "Do you want to know?"

Mu Ningjing pursed her lips and nodded.

"Shen Tingxi is the gang leader of the Black Dragon Gang. The Black Dragon Gang confessed to being the underworld, but that was before. After Shen Tingxi took over, he began to transform the Black Dragon Gang. He did not do things that violated the benevolence and morality and hurt the truth. Dare not do it..."

Shu Xin thought about it and continued to say: "For example, Yan Qing's dead debts, please Shen Tingxi shot, certainly more with less effort, and for example, Yan Qing those uncle secretly dealt with him, please Shen Tingxi shot to teach them, that's roughly what it means."

Mu tranquil still had doubts in his mind, "but... Tingxi said he would kill."

"This..." Shu Xin frowned. What did Shen Tingxi say so plainly? How does this explain to her? "Yan Qing said that Shen Tingxi would occasionally take some more...dangerous work...such as...transportation arms..."

"Gun?" Mu Serenity's face was instantly white.

Shu Xin felt that he could not explain it this way, and he quickly waved his hand, "I was wrong, I was wrong... Um... I told you this, some people are not forgiving, but he has money or power, treacherous and cunning, the police can't catch Their handle, but they seriously threaten the interests of some people, and then someone will ask Shen Tingxi to come forward to solve it, I said so... do you understand?"

Mu Serene looked at Shuxin confusedly, obviously not quite understanding.

Shu Xin tightened his eyebrows anxiously, "It's like... the ancient chivalrous man." Shu Xin's eyebrows stretched and clapped his hands, "Yes, the chivalrous man, your boyfriend is a hero, you think it's right, otherwise Look at Lu Jinshen, but he is the chief. If Shen Tingxi is really doing things that violate the law and discipline, Lu Jinshen will not agree first, right?"

Mu Qingran thought about it and nodded, apparently convinced by Shuxin's words.

Shu Xin sighed in relief and could not lie or scare Mu Tranquility. The task Shen Tingxi handed to her was very difficult. Fortunately, she was clever, but Mu Tranquility's next words made Shu Xin's mouth smile instantly solidify.

She said frowningly: "However, the general heroes do not end well."

"..." Shu Xin squeezed his eyebrows, silenced for a moment, and said his true thoughts, "Shen Ting Xigan must be in danger, otherwise, if you are not together now, will you leave him?"

Mu tranquil immediately shook his head, "No."

This is not a joke. Shu Xin has carefully asked Huo Yanqing from there. It is indeed dangerous to be with Shen Tingxi. Mu Qingran has suffered a lot and suffered a lot from childhood to comfort. Shu Xin hopes she will find a good family to marry , Don’t seek wealth and wealth, only peace of mind.

But Shuxin is not the kind of unreasonable person, especially since she died once, and she is more open after rebirth. If you are not happy, what does it mean to live longer?

If you let her and Huo Yan fall together, even if it is only a year, she feels worth it.

So she respects Mu Ting's choice.

Shu Xin said: "Since you don't want to leave him, you should have a good time together. He almost killed Hu Xin'er for you, and because you gave her a word, you can see that he really put you in my heart. He hangover yesterday, this It must be a headache for a while, you go to see him?"

Mu tranquil wanted to go, but... "He lives with his mother, I..."

"Last night he and Yan Qing were drinking outside. How did they get home drunk? Yan Yan found a hotel nearby for him to stay in." Shu Xin said and handed a business card to Mu Tranquility, "Room 302 ."

In fact, Shu Xin wanted to talk to Mu Tranquility last night, and then asked her to take care of Shen Tingxi, but she was afraid that Shen Tingxi would not be able to control herself after drinking, and if Mu Tranquility was used again, then he and Mu Tingxi would be really over.

Mu Serenity took the business card, got up, and whispered with blushing, "Then I will see him."

Shuxin waved comfortably, "Go, go and take good care of him."

Mu Serenity took a taxi to the hotel on the business card, entered the lobby, took the elevator, and came to the door of Room 302. She was a little scared and didn't dare to go in. He drank. At this time, I didn't know if the wine was awake.

People say that a drunk man is dangerous. Will he bully her?

Mu Serenity's nerves became a little tight, and there was an uncontrollable sense of fear deep in his heart, and his slightly palm was sweating with tension.

Mu Serenity was extremely unconfident in her relationship with Shen Tingxi, and Ju Qiulan's disdain for her identity, and she was indeed bullied by Lu Zhiwen, Mu Serenity felt dirty from the bottom of her heart, which made her feel more worthy of her Not going to Shen Tingxi.

But Shen Tingxi almost killed her this time. Although the practice was extreme, she deeply shocked her.

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