Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1594: , Compulsive therapy

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"Okay." Mu Yiqing responded with a sip.

"..." Mu Tranquility was just polite. Unexpectedly, he agreed so. The mayor often came to her dilapidated community to eat her home-cooked food. This... there was always a feeling of the emperor entering the slums.

"Then I will come when I am free, won't it bother you?"

Mu Serenity ticked his lips stiffly, "...No."

"I'm not picky, this is very similar to us, so you don't have to prepare anything for me specifically, what you usually eat, I will eat as much as I want." Mu Yiqing said with a smile, as if Did not see the embarrassment on Mu tranquil face.

After eating, Mu Yiqing did not leave but proposed to go out for a walk together to eat.

After eating together and taking a walk, Mu Serene felt that the distance between her and Mu Yiqing had suddenly changed from the mayor and the common people into good friends. Although she was somewhat flattered, she still felt very warm in her heart.

The two went downstairs, did not leave the cell, and walked slowly along the unit building path.

The moon is bright and clear, the breeze slowly.

Mu Tranquility is quiet and does not know how to chat. Basically, Mu Yiqing is talking. She only occasionally nods her head or responds with an "um".

The two walked for about 20 minutes, Mu Yiqing stopped, took a card from his pocket, turned and handed it to Mu Tranquility.

Mu Serenity looked blank, "This is?"

"Not many, it's my heart, it's my elders to meet you." Mu Yiqing smiled and inserted the card into Mu Tranquil's hands.

Mu Serene bowed his head and saw that it was a bank card. His face was so scared that he turned white, shaking his head and returning the card to Mu Yiqing. "Uncle Mu, you are too polite. I can't accept this card."

"Obey, I'll give it to you, you just keep it." Mu Yiqing refused to take it, his attitude was very tough.

"I really can't accept it. You are willing to be close to me. I am very happy. You are like me..." Mu Tranquility was a little helpless. He was really scared by Mu Yiqing's move, and he didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, I continued to say: "I am under a lot of pressure."

"Don't be stressed, I have a good relationship with your mother. Now that she's gone, I'm your loved one. You should take care of you." Mu Yiqing said sincerely.

How does this work?

After all, she has nothing to do with Mu Yiqing.

Mu Serenity felt that the card in his hand was like a hot potato, and he had to return it to Mu Yiqing.

Mu Yiqing was a little displeased with a straight face. "If you are so polite with me, haven't you regarded me as your elder? Why can't the elders meet the juniors?" If you see you this way, I won't come. "

Mu Serenity held the card in the air, his face was at a loss.

Mu Yiqing was sad when he saw Mu Tranquility. He just hoped that she would live better and did not want to put any burden on her. After thinking about it, she said, "In this way, you treat me as the food fee, I will come to eat with you when I have time, can you see it?"

Mu Ting was startled, and then nodded, "Then call me before you come, I will prepare in advance."

In order for Mu Yiqing to accept the money peacefully, she said so, he could only agree.

The two took another walk, and Mu Yiqing left.

Mu Serene went upstairs and put up the card that Mu Yiqing gave her, only to remember that the bank card required a password. He didn't tell her the password, but looking back, she didn't plan to use the money on the card to find a Chances are she still has to return it to Mu Yiqing.

Putting the card in place, Mu Tranquility began to tidy up the dining table, packed up and took out the information brought back from the company to prepare for reading, the phone rang, and a text message reminder tone.

Message from Mu Yiqing: The card's password is your mother's birthday.

Mu Serenity looked at the information for a while, and Mu Yiqing and his mother had been separated for so many years. He still remembered his mother's birthday. He wanted to have a good relationship when they were in a relationship.

Mu Yiqing said that his mother was his first love, and the first love was the most memorable. Mu Serenity instantly remembered Han Xing who had been killed by Lu Zhiwen for her. That was also her first love.

Every time Mu Serenity thought of the gentle and ruthless young man with a flesh and blood, he felt terribly distressed. It wasn’t that they loved me so much at that time. At such a young age, they were also ignorant of love.

It's just that he lost his life for her, which left an indelible mark in Mu Ting's heart. In this life, he has been in her heart.

Mu Qingran thought of the past, and was a little confused in her heart, unable to concentrate on her work. She simply collected the materials and got up to go to the bathroom to wash and wash it out. Mu Qingran calmed down a lot, remembering the daytime conversation with Shuxin, she took out her mobile phone Called Dr. Qin's phone.

Dr. Qin greeted Mu Qing's work and life as usual, let her relax.

When talking about Mu's illness, Dr. Qin obviously felt that Mu's mentality had changed a bit, and seemed to let go of it. He took the opportunity to tentatively ask her if she wanted to be treated face-to-face, so the effect would be better.

Mu tranquil refused.

Dr. Qin also said: "In fact, there is another treatment method, which is more radical, but the effect is very good. I don't know if you dare to try it?"

Mu Serenity lip closed for a few seconds before asking: "What method?"

"Compulsive therapy, you go to prison to meet your stepfather..."

"No, I don't see him." When Mu tranquility thought of Lu Zhiwen when he thought of Han Xing, he was very uncomfortable. At this time, Dr. Qin mentioned Lu Zhiwen again, Mu tranquility was tense instantly, and his face was white and scary. .

"He is the source of your fear, using huge psychological stimulation to perform compulsive treatment on you, this way can be from the source..."

"No, don't." Mu Tranquility unconsciously showed a picture of Lu Zhiwen bullying her. She trembling and hung up the phone, her heart was hard to calm for a long time.

Mu Ning slept very uneasy that night, and almost had a nightmare. I dreamed of a picture of Han Xing’s edema body being pulled out of the river. I dreamt that everyone laughed at her when I was a child. I also dreamed that Zhao Xiangping committed suicide. The ground is the scene of blood, and also dreamed of the picture of Lu Zhiwen bullying her.

Sleeping one night is more tiring than not sleeping.

Waking up in the morning, Mu Tranquility was very tired, with a light black pouch under his eyes, and his head dizzy.

Coming to the company, Shu Xin was startled by Mu Tranquility, "What's wrong with you? Didn't you rest last night?"

Mu Tranquility doesn't lie, he has to tell the truth, "I have a nightmare."

Shu Xin guessed that Mu Tranquility should have dreamed about the previous things. She was afraid to cause her grief, so she didn't ask any more, she just pushed her out, "Go home and rest."

"I'm fine..."

"Why is it okay? You don't know how scary you look like, go back to bed, or I will call Shen Tingxi."

Mu Tranquility, "..."

Back home, Mu Tranquilly lay down and was about to sleep, and the doorbell rang.

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