Reborn Top Student and Sweet Little Wife

Chapter 1596: , I'm afraid it's not that simple

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Mu Yiqing was ready to appease Mu Ting's hand. He froze in the air for a long time. For a long time, his hand curled up and slowly retracted it. He blamed himself, "I'm sorry, Ning Ning, I'm sorry."

Mu Yiqing sat down opposite Mu Tranquility, his face blamed himself, and the painful emotions in his eyes rolled violently.

The two sat on the floor, one was dull, the other blamed, and had not moved for a long time.

Until a ring of bells sounded, the two people recovered from their respective thoughts.

Mu Yiqing took out his mobile phone from his pocket. It was the phone call from his wife. He hesitated and answered it. Before he spoke, a sharp female voice came. "Mu Yiqing, you bastard, you still When do you want to stay with that coquette?"

"Maggie, you misunderstood..."

"If you don't come back, I will inform the reporter media to go to that coquette, and let everyone see what a messy mayor they are in the eyes of a fair and honest and high-spirited mayor?"

Mu Yiqing's expression tightened, "Magic, you don't want to come."

"Did you think about the consequences when you messed up outside?" After that, the end hung up the phone.

Mu Yiqing got up from the ground and squatted in front of Mu Tranquility. "Ning Ning, Uncle Mu left in a hurry. Don't think about it, I will come back to see you again."

Mu serenely nodded blankly.

Mu Yiqing knew that Mu Ting should not be left alone at this time, but Yu Meiqi's person always did nothing regardless of the consequences and angered her. He could really do everything. He finally got his status now. There is also a critical period for campaigning for city officials. At this time, there can be no trouble.

Mu tranquil here he can take it slowly, not in a hurry.

Mu Yiqing thought this way, patted Mu Tranquil on the shoulder, got up and left.


When Dong Tsai got out of the car, the soldier immediately greeted him and shouted, "Brother Dong." Then he passed a cigarette.

Dong Tsai pushed the cigarette away and frowned, asking, "What happened?"

The soldier saw Dongzi didn't pick up the cigarette, and was so scared that she drummed and said: "Miss Mu went to work as usual today. Our people went to breakfast when they saw her in the company. Who knows that she hasn't been in the company for long Came home again..."

"Say the key." Tozai looked impatient.

"Ms. Yu beat Ms. Mu and said Ms. Mu..." The soldier said a little quieter here, "Seduce her father."

Dong Tsai's face sank, and the first reaction was, when it was over, Miss Mu was beaten. The young master knew that he would abandon him? Only then did I think of the latter sentence said by the soldier, and then sneered, "Yu Anna has a pit in her head? Is there such a good boyfriend as Young Master? Is it possible for Miss Mu to seduce Mu Yiqing's old man? Young Master is attractive?"

The soldiers shook their heads hurriedly. Mu Yiqing and Shen Tingxi were totally incomparable in terms of appearance or money. It was like the county magistrate and the prince. Can it be compared? Not a grade, "Fortunately, Mu Yiqing arrived in time to stop Miss Yu. We heard from the residents nearby that Mu Yiqing also slapped Yu Anna for this matter."

Of course, those residents said that Mu Tranquility was shameless, and the soldiers would never dare to seduce such a woman.

Tozai was a little surprised that Yu Anna had been entangled with Shen Tingxi, so he knew more about Yu Anna's family.

The Yu family is still famous in Fancheng, especially in the officialdom. Yu Anna has achieved the national rank of her grandfather, but she has retired with age.

Yu Anna’s grandfather had only one daughter under her knees, and that was Yu Anna’s mother, Yu Meiqi, and Mu Yiqing went to Yu’s house. There was Yu Anna’s grandfather paving the way. Mu Yiqing had a smooth sailing on the official road. Long this position.

However, I heard that Mu Yiqing is a clean official and has outstanding political performance. It seems that he is now preparing to be selected as a senior city official.

Mu Yiqing relied on the Yu family in the official field, so he was particularly fond of Yu Anna, the child born with Yu Meiqi, and now he has played his own pearl in the palm of the hand to maintain Mu tranquility. This is a bit interesting.

Dong Zi suddenly remembered the matter that the soldier and he reported to yesterday. Mu Silence and Mu Yiqing became a business. The two of them also had dinner together at Mu Serene's house at night, and then they walked downstairs together. What gave Mu Tranquility.

Because Shen Tingxi explained that tracking and protecting Mu Ting could not let her know, lest she be afraid or delusional, so their people should not be too close, nor dare to go upstairs, just stay in the dark of the unit.

Going far, and the poor sight at night, so they did not see what Mu Yiqing gave Mu tranquil.

Yesterday, Tsai thought this was not a big deal, it was just a job, but now... I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Mu Tranquility is so quiet that he can be said to be a little autistic. He saw the young master put his whole heart on this woman, but he still couldn’t get close to her. To say that such a woman would have trouble with Mu Yiqing and kill him. Do not believe.

But Mu Tranquility has no other thoughts about Mu Yiqing, it doesn’t mean that Mu Yiqing doesn’t care about Mu Tranquility. Now Mu Yiqing’s official journey is smooth, and his eyes are getting better and better, maybe his heart starts to be impetuous, it seems that this Things have to be reported to the young master.

It's just that Mu tranquil was beaten. How did he speak to the young master?

Will you be killed if you say it?


He dare not.

Dongzai was upset and kicked the soldiers with his feet. "Give me a good watch. If there are any mistakes, be careful of your head."

The foot was not light, and the soldier almost knelt up, but he stood immediately, and Bi Gong said respectfully, "Don't worry, such a thing will never happen again."

Dongzi nodded, turned on the car, did not start the car, but took out his mobile phone and dialed Shen Tingxi's phone, and Mu Muqing knew Mu Yiqing because of the company's project, and Mu tranquil and Mu Yiqing had dinner together. Yu today Anna shot Mu Tranquility, and Mu Yiqing slapped Yu Anna to protect Mu Tranquility. All these things told Shen Tingxi.

Dong Tsai said Shen Tingxi did not hum.

Dongzai felt as if he could feel the super-low pressure on the other end of the phone through the phone. The atmosphere didn't dare to breathe, and the palm of his hand began to sweat.

After being silent for a while, Shen Tingxi opened his mouth, and his voice was so cold that he heard the chills in his back. "Take care of Mu Yiqing, and then check his black material on the officialdom."

Young Master, this is to deal with Mu Yiqing?

But Jiuye said, less than a last resort, and can not directly confront the people in the officialdom.

But now at this time, Dongzai dare not persuade, did not take care of the young master's woman, dare to disobey his order, to find death?

"Yes, young master." Dongzai wanted to ask Yu Anna what to do, and there was a beeping busy tone at that end.

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