Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

"Disgust me." Huo Yan's deep voice seemed to be stained with loneliness.

"I don't have it. I like that you are too late. How can I despise you."

"If you don't touch me, I feel that my eyes are invisible and I can't tell the difference between good and bad. Isn't it disgusting?"

Shuxin, "..." Conscience of the world, she really didn't dislike him, but it was clearly unclear if you didn't touch him.

Shu Xin put his **** lingerie into Huo Yan's hand, and a small face was already red. He couldn't see it, and he wasn't so embarrassed. "You touch it."

Huo Yan stared at the underwear with very few **** fabrics, and immediately suffocated a string of flames, "Isn't it a coat?"

Shu Xin opened his eyes and started making nonsense, "No, it's underwear. The underwear I'm wearing is a bit uncomfortable, so I want to come and change it."

Huo Yan tilted the cloth in his hand tightly, loosened it, and handed it into the air. "Then change it."

"...Okay." Shu Xin took it and waited a while to see Huo Yanqing still standing still and asked, "Aren't you going out?"

"I don't want to be separated from you. You can change yours. I can't see it anyway." Huo Yan said with a heartbeat without change of color, and then walked to the cupboard where he put his watch calmly, opened the drawer, and took a watch at random. Play in your hand.

Shu Xin saw that he was not going to leave this posture. When it comes to this, she won't change either, but change it. Shu Xin looks at the **** underwear in her hand. How do you wear this?

Cry without tears.

Su Xin suddenly flashed in his mind, anyway, Huo Yanqin could not see, she didn't know if she didn't change it, just make some changes to change clothes.

Emma, ​​Shuxin, you are so smart.

Shu Xin praised herself in his heart, and then began to undress.

Huo Yan tilted the watch in his hand and watched Shuxin's movement quietly in the corner of his eyes.

The little woman didn't know what she had thought of, and a small fox-like sly smile flickered on her small face, shining and dazzling.

Huo Yan tilted his mouth unconsciously and also evoked a shallow arc.

The ground was spotless, and Shuxin directly threw off his undressed clothes on the ground.

Jacket, sweater, trousers.

After that, Shuxin paused. Should I take off Qiuyi?

At this time, Huo Yan's deep voice rang in the cloakroom, "Why don't you take it off? Don't you want to change your underwear?"

Shu Xin felt that Huo Yanqing's sensing ability was too strong, but when he looked back, he could compete with Lu Jinshen without seeing his eyes. The sensing ability and adaptability were indeed quite abnormal.

It seems that it is not easy to get through.

Shu Xin "huh", ready to continue to take off, feeling a hot eye fell on her, turned to look at Huo Yan tilted, he looked at her side, his eyes calm, seemed to be thinking about something, and then passed two Second turned his head to continue to play with his watch.

Shu Xin frowned a little, what happened to her recent failure?

Shu Xin took off Qiu Yi as well, just after taking off, there was a bang in the cloakroom, the sound of something falling on the ground.

Shuxin turned his head and saw that Huo Yan tilted his watch on the ground. Huo Yan squeezed his eyebrows, his expression on his side was a little tight, and it seemed very painful.

Shuxin hurried over, only to hear that Huo Yanqing was breathing heavily, and there was a moment of anxiety between her eyebrows. "Yan Qing, what's wrong with you? What's wrong? Dizziness?"

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