Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Huo Yanqing turned around as if nothing happened, walked upstairs with long legs, walked a few steps, turned his head, and saw Shu Xin still standing in the corner, "Aren't you going up?"

Shu Xin gave Huo Yan a glance. It was true. When I first came to someone's house, they were held by two people and hugged each other. It was so ridiculous that she didn't even see anyone.

Shu Xin walked upstairs with a scalp.

Huo Yanqing waited for Shuxin to come to him and reached out to pull her hand. Shuxin first put his hand in his pocket and gave Huo Yan a hinted look: pay attention to the image, don't pull it.

Huo Yanqing didn't seem to understand her eyes, approached her, and grabbed her waist directly.

Shu Xin's first reaction was to look at Lu Jinshen on the steps. He looked at them with a thin smile on his lips, as if there was a trace of envy in his eyes.

Shu Xin smiled embarrassingly, his cheeks were hot, and when landing Jin Shen's face was not good, Huo Yanqin was pushed away directly, and he could only hug him upstairs.

Coming upstairs, Lu Jinshen pointed in a certain direction, "Qiaoer is in that room."

"Okay, I'll see her." Shu Xin liberated his waist from Huo Yanqing's big palm, and when he walked into Tongqiao's room, he didn't forget to look back and sneer at Huo Yanqing.

"How does it feel to see her?" Lu Jinshen asked.

Lu Jinshen already knew on the phone that Huo Yan tilted his eyes and recovered.

"Never see enough." Huo Yan leaned into Shuxin's room before taking back her eyes. "Go to your study, I have something to do with you."

The two came to the study sofa and sat down. Lu Jinshen took out the cigarette case, shook out two cigarettes, and handed one to Huo Yanqin.

Huo Yan missed, "Stop."

Lu Jinshen was struck with surprise on his face, and then looked at Huo Yanqing with a smile, "Really?"


Lu Jinshen took a cigarette in his mouth and lit it. After taking a sip, he placed the cigarette case and lighter on the coffee table in front of him. "Shuxin won't let you smoke?"

"I want to quit myself."

Lu Jinshen looked at Huo Yanqing through the blue and white smoke. His eyes obviously did not believe what he said.

"Smoking is harmful to my health. I am nine years older than Xin'er. I don't care about my health anymore. After walking in front of her, I can't worry about her alone."

Lu Jin was stunned and didn't expect this reason.

For a person who smokes, quitting smoking is not as simple as saying verbally.

For example, Huo Yanqing wants to smoke when he sees the smell of smoke, but he is strong in self-control and has been suppressing that thought in his heart.

Huo Yan tilted his hand and twisted Huo Yan's cigarettes in his ashtray. "Second-hand smoke is not good for your health."

Lu Jinshen glanced a thin smile at his eyes, "Can't help but just say, why make excuses?" But extinguished, extinguished, listening to Huo Yanqing said, Lu Jinshen suddenly felt that the smoke did not seem so good Smoke.

Huo Yan glanced at Lu Jinshen without acknowledging it. He was silent for two seconds and said, "There was something about it five years ago."

"Really not an accident?"

"Well, a few months ago, Tingxi found a former small follower of Luo Zhenlong. I learned from the population that they were able to suppress us because they received a call from our troops in advance. They made a good deployment in advance, only Waiting to catch the turtle in the urn."

"Are you talking about traitor?" Lu Jinshen was unbelievable for a while.

"Well, I recently arranged for Chen Qiang to investigate in the army, and things have progressed."

"Having found a traitor?"

"Not yet, but there is a general direction." Huo Yanqing said, looking at Lu Jinshen with dark eyes, "It's about you."

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