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Huo Yan tilted his mouth to draw a commercial smile, "I am Huo Yanqing, President of the Huo Group."

Mr. You was surprised, "Are you the President of Huo Group?"

Huo Yan tilted his head slightly.

"No wonder I..."

"Mr. You, I'm here to sign the contract." Huo Yan interrupted Mr. You's excited words with a faint voice.

Mr. You froze for a moment, then understood something like that, and nodded, "Have you brought the contract?"

Huo Yan leaned towards Song Li, "The contract is for Mr. You."

Song Li handed the contract to Mr. You.

Mr. You scanned the contract, and the conditions were similar to that of Zhongzhou Group. He turned and walked to He Jingxing. "General Manager He, thank you for your hospitality during this time. I'm really sorry. My choice is Huo Group."

Song Li couldn't understand Mr. You's words.

Is this solved? He thought that there would be a war without smoke, or verbal fighting, there was nothing, he said a few words, and Mr. You signed a contract with them?


This unscientific!

Is it because the five masters are handsome?

But Mr. You is a man, and he cannot be confused.

He Jingxing didn't expect that the cooked duck could fly, suppressing his inner unhappiness, and said with a smile: "Where are you dissatisfied with Mr. You's contract, we can discuss it again."

Mr. You, "General He, let me tell you the truth. I chose Huo to not be a contract. The conditions you gave are almost the same. I'm really sorry."

He Jingxing could see that Mr. You didn't want to say more, and he could see that the business was yellow. He was very unwilling in his heart, but he still behaved gracefully, "I hope we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

"Okay." Mr. You.

He Jing walked in front of Huo Yanqin, with a warm and rudy smile on his face, "Zhuo Huo, I have prepared the signing ceremony. I didn't expect to serve you all. You have to remember me."

"I pushed Tang's group into a desperate situation, but it was you who finally acquired Tang's group, and you owe me a favor." Huo Yanqing looked faintly.

The smile on He Jingxing's face deepened a bit, "Zhuo is worthy of being a businessman and refuses to eat at all."

"Is the losing trader still called the trader?" Huo Yanqing asked.

He Jingxing laughed aloud twice, "General Huo said that He Mou had to leave beforehand."

Huo Yanqing, "Go slowly."

After He Jing walked, Huo Yanqing and Mr. You continued the signing ceremony. After the signing, the reporters scrambled and asked, "Mr. You, why did you suddenly change your mind and sign the contract with the Huo Group?"

"Mr. Huo, do you have any signing secrets? Why did you change your mind as soon as you appeared?"

"Mr. You, President Huo, did you know each other before?"

Huo Yanqing doesn't like to deal with this kind of scene. In one sentence, all questions are thrown away. "I have something to discuss with Mr. You. If you have any questions, you can ask my secretary."

Surrounded by reporters, Song Li, "..." Wu Ye didn't take this kind of play. I didn't know the questions they asked. You didn't tell me why you could sign the contract as soon as I came. I'm also curious. !

Finally, Yang Ji brought more than a dozen bodyguards to rescue him from the reporter's media.

Song Li sat in the car and asked Yang Ji, "Where did the Five Lords leave the signing site?"

Yang Ji, "Let's have dinner with Mr. You."

Song Li, "..." left him alone and bombarded by those reporters for more than an hour, which is too humane.

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