Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the reborn Xueba Xiaoqi wife!

Tang Qingya, "What do you want her to do?"

He Jingxing, "For example, drive Shu Xin out of Huo's family."

"Impossible." Tang Qingya shook her head.

He Jingxing took a sip of tea and said, "It's all artificial."

Having to say He Jingxing's words made Tang Qingya very emotional, but she knew these were easy to say and very difficult to do. Yao Huiqin now treats Shuxin as painful as her daughter. How could she be driven out of Huo's family?

Huo Yan decisive decision, how can he easily make him have nothing?

If she really joined forces with He Jingxing, the end result was unsatisfactory, let alone Huo Yanqing, fearing that he would be lost forever.

Last time, Tang Weizhong took advantage of Huo Yan's unconsciousness and wanted to win Huo. She had taken a risk. Although Yao Huiqin had already believed her, she obviously felt that Shuxin was not as enthusiastic about her as she used to be. She was suspicious.

For Huo Yanqing, Tang Qingya did not dare to take risks, "Mr. He is sorry, I can't..."

"Don't rush to decline first." He Jingxing put a bronzing business card on the table, and the slender index finger pushed the business card in front of Tang Qingya. "This is my business card. Call me at any time."

Tang Qingya hesitated for a few seconds, and finally put the business card away and put it in his bag.


on Saturday

The mobile phone at the head of the bed vibrated, and Huo Yan tilted the woman in her arms gently, fearing to disturb her, got up and picked up her phone to the balcony, and connected, "Mom."

"Xiaowu, take a rest today. Take your heart back to the mountain village for dinner. You haven't been here for a long time. Yun Ma missed you."

"it is good."

"Okay, then I'll ask Yun Ma to prepare more of your favorite dishes, Xiner? Are you still sleeping?"


"Have she been particularly sleepy recently?"

Huo Yan pondered for a moment, and Shu Xin said almost every day that his tossed body would break up and would not get up in the morning, "Uh."

"Did she say that she felt tired and tired?" Yao Huiqin's voice at the end of the phone was a little excited.


"Then did she vomit?" Yao Huiqin's voice became more and more excited.

Huo Yan Qingjun frowned, feeling a little wrong, "Mom, what the **** do you want to ask?"

"You answer my question first. Has Xin'er recently vomited?"


"No? Are you sure?"


"Some people are pregnant with infertility." Yun Ma's distant voice came from the phone.

Huo Yanqing finally understood why Yao Huiqin asked these questions, "Mom, my heart is not pregnant."

"how do you know?"

Huo Yanqing said of course: "Xin'er didn't tell me."

"Maybe she is pregnant, she doesn't know herself?"

Huo Yanqing thought that the two of them had not used contraception recently, and they did a lot. They might be pregnant or not, but thinking that Xin'er might be pregnant with his child, Huo Yanqing crossed the heart.

Yao Huiqin also said: "Xin'er's monthly affair comes on the 4th of every month. It's usually punctual. When I went to your house to clean your room these days, I didn't find sanitary napkins in the toilet. Are you saying that Xin'er's affair is not Come?"

He lingered with Xin'er twice last night, and was sure he didn't come, "Uh."

Yao Huiqin got a smile in her voice, "It's 10th today, and it's delayed by 6 days. The probability of Xin'er getting pregnant is very high."

Huo Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart, "I took Xiner to the hospital for examination, and I hung up first."

"Wait a minute, the child is too young to take the B-mode ultrasound. You should first buy a pregnancy test paper and let the heart test."

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