Reborn Tycoon Rise

Chapter 69 Who will give you money?

This year is the first time for the family to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Taikoo Shing Community, and it is naturally very lively. However, the law has banned the setting off of fireworks in densely populated areas, but every year there are always some people who think that they will not get into trouble so easily, and the result is...

Everyone has become accustomed to a life of leisure and financial freedom without money. After staying at home for a few days, everyone felt bored. After some discussion, they boarded the speedboat directly and came to Omen.

At present, industry in Hong Kong is still one of the main economies, but Omen has been leading Hong Kong for decades. The main economies are tourism, hotel industry, casino and real estate economy. This is one of the densest areas in the world. One-third of the land in Xiangjiang supports 1/10 of the population of Xiangjiang. The most important factor is that this is one of the four major gambling cities in the world.

Many people in later generations know Las Vegas, and some people call Omen the Las Vegas of the East. But strictly speaking, Omen’s gaming and gambling revenue far exceeds that of Las Vegas. The previous sentence is actually It should be said the other way around.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, this doesn't seem to be something to be proud of...

Regardless of whether it was in his previous life or this life, Xu Zhi did not smoke or gamble. Drinking may be a last resort due to business needs. Xu Hongbang and Wang Hua went to the casino to play the gambling machines several times, but Xu Zhi was not allowed to do so. They go and play with people, and this stuff is very addictive.

As for the younger sister, he would not be allowed in. Xu Zhi took her alone to buy some lottery-like scratch-off products.

Actually, I want to ask online: Is lottery considered gambling?

A group of people had a great time and together they sponsored more than 1,000 Hong Kong dollars in GDP of Macau.

Xu Hongbang said regretfully: "Dazhi, I won a lot at first, but I didn't expect that I lost more and more later, alas!"

Wang Hua said with disdain: "Later I told you to stop playing, but you just didn't listen. Even if you lose so many times, you will definitely win next time."

Xu Hongbang said harshly: "I just have a bad character."

Xu Zhi took out a coin from his pocket, threw it in the air, then caught it with both hands and covered it, and asked: "What do you think the probability of this coin being heads is?"

Everyone looked at Xu Zhi like a fool and said, "Of course it's half?"

Xu Zhi nodded and smiled: "Okay, then if I throw it again, what is the probability that it will be heads?"

Xu Yaxin was the first to answer: "25%."

Xu Zhidao: "What about the third time?"


"the fourth time?"


Xu Zhidao: "Okay, then let me ask you again, what is the probability that it will be positive the fifth time?"

"Of course it's 3.125%!" Xu Yaxin shouted happily, but suddenly she reacted and frowned: "No, it should be 50%, right?"

After thinking about it for a while, he seemed a little relieved.

Xu Zhi smiled and asked, "Are you sure which one it is?"

Xu Yaxin thought for a while and said: "It should be 50%!"

Xu Zhi nodded and said: "Yes, so the so-called bad luck will definitely get better, or vice versa. In fact, it doesn't make any sense. The probability is whatever it is."

Xu Hongbang said: "These are all nonsense theories of yours. In fact, many casinos are controlled by humans."

Xu Zhi raised his thumb and praised: "Yes, no matter what kind of casino it is, there can be no fairness. That's what you think. These bosses have invested in such a big casino, raised so many employees, and paid so much tax. Is it to make you happy?" Come here to win money and give it to you?”

After hearing this, Wang Hua immediately said to Xu Hongbang: "Look, my son is still smart. Who would be so stupid to do such a big charity?"

Xu Zhi said with a smile: "Yes, like Xiangjiang or some other places, casinos are illegal. Then I should add that the people behind them not only invest in casinos and raise people, but also risk going to jail. Is it just to lose money to you?"

Seeing that everyone was targeting him, Xu Hongbang suddenly said unhappy: "Okay, okay, I'll just play a little longer. As for you, are you targeting him like this? I'm not that kind of gambler!"

Wang Hua immediately shouted: "You played for a while longer, and you lost several thousand yuan in a while. Is it because your son is rich and you don't know how to save..."

The two started arguing like a textbook again.

Xu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. The so-called gambling was like this. As long as it was not the kind of small gambling between relatives and friends, all casinos and most card games were actually designed.

The same is true for the Internet platforms of later generations. Without talking about probability, character, luck or auspicious days, let me ask you: I risked being caught, rented a server, and gave some commissions. After spending so much money, are I still prepared to give away money? for you?

This kind of thing can be figured out by thinking about it with your feet. Therefore, many times when we think about problems, we don’t use our brains, but our feet.

But it’s useless to say too much. The human heart is a very strange thing. Think about it for yourself!

After spending a few more days in Omen, the four of them returned to Xiangjiang.

After the New Year, claw machines began to expand rapidly in the RB market. Although competition is still fierce, the market is too big and everyone is busy making the cake bigger. It has not yet reached the point of life and death.

In terms of arcade machines, Xiangjiang Cube and Snake each made 50 samples. After supporting a primary school with some daily necessities, all the children were sent over to play games.

When Apple's Steve Jobs made the iPhone, he once said: My products are for children.

The same is true for games. Whether in the 1970s/80s or in future generations, many game companies spend a lot of money to hire so-called game masters to test and plan game layouts, but it is difficult to test whether a game or electronic product is good or not. Well, the easiest way is to invite a group of kids.

If all the children are rushing to play the game, it will be difficult to get rid of them.

On the other hand, if the children get bored and start playing with each other, it's basically nothing.

Of course, Xu Zhi has absolute confidence in Xiangjiang Cube and Snake, but the reason for conducting such a test is actually to test what kind of difficulty and descent speed will achieve the best results.

The game is too easy. As you play it, it becomes boring without any challenge.

If the game is too difficult and people can't always pass the level, they will get bored and give up the game.

In later generations, Tetris appeared in the mid-1980s, and when it was popularized, it was already dominated by home game consoles and handheld consoles.

Unlike arcade machines, these two products are owned by customers after they buy them home. They can play however they want. They can also set the difficulty. If they want it to be easy, they can make it difficult. If they fail, they will just quit and start over.

But the customers of arcade machines are various businesses. They need to maximize their profits. The games cannot be too easy, otherwise they will not make money. But it can’t be too difficult. If it’s too difficult, it will end if people get bored.

Therefore, both easy and difficult products will lead to product failure. The only way is to find a difficulty balance point in the middle, so that players can have fun and businesses can make money.

In fact, Xu Zhi did not expect this problem. He thought he could make a lot of money after developing the game, but he discovered the possibility of failure after receiving questions from He Guoyuan.

Even a classic game may fail completely if it appears in the wrong era.

Like Xing Ye, being too early may not be a good thing.

PS: Gambling is very harmful. Take a look at what I said. It may not be the truth, but it should make some sense!

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