"Mr. Luo, you go out first, I'll talk to the old man alone"

Lu Fang clung to Luo Shengyu's ear and whispered.

Feeling the heat from Lu Fang, Luo Shengyu's delicate body trembled, and she couldn't help but glared at him, talking as she spoke, why was she so close.

However, she didn't dare to lose her temper, and said: "Then you speak well, and don't anger my grandpa."

"Do not worry"

Lu Fang smiled.

Luo Shengyu left the ward and closed the door by the way.

"Boy, how much Sheng Yu gave you, I will double it"

"It's so good... Cough cough, old man, you misunderstood me, I'm really Luo... Shengyu's boyfriend"

Lu Fang smiled and said.

"You still want to lie to me? I watched that girl Shengyu grow up. I know best if she has a boyfriend or not."

Luo Tianming turned his back to Lu Fang, not looking at him at all.

"Hehe, I really can't hide anything from the old man, but old man, I will take the money to get things done."

Lu Fang unceremoniously sat on a stool beside him, staring at Luo Tianming, "I know what the old man is thinking, Mr. Luo's marriage is related to the life and death of the Luo family or Mr. Luo's life and death, right?"

Luo Tianming turned around slowly, staring at Lu Fang solemnly.

"It seems that I guessed it right, Mr. Luo must have some stubborn disease, it is difficult to treat, and he will die before the age of thirty.

And the only ones who can cure Mr. Luo's disease are Xiao Heng and his master, right?"

"You, how do you know?"

Luo Tianming looked at Lu Fang in disbelief, his eyes became more serious.

It's an old routine, how could I not know.

But Lu Fang didn't say these things out of his heart.

"Old man, I understand what you're thinking, but do you really think that only Xiao Heng and his master can cure Mr. Luo's illness?"

Lu Fang asked back.

Seeing that Lu Fang knew so much, Luo Tianming had no intention of continuing to hide it. He leaned lightly on the head of the bed and sighed slightly.

"I don't know that there are other genius doctors in this world who can cure Sheng Yu's illness, but there are very few such people. I have searched all over China, and only Master Xiao Heng and his apprentice can cure Sheng Yu's illness.

However, his master's condition is that Sheng Yu must marry Xiao Heng."

"Actually, I have a friend who may cure

got her disease"

Lu Fang suddenly thought of Lin Fan. His medical skills are not low. Although he is a son-in-law, he is also the protagonist after all. How could he have a disease that the protagonist cannot cure.


Luo Tianming's eyes brightened.

"I'm not sure, but give it a try"

Lu Fang didn't dare to be 100% sure, so he could only try it first.

"Okay, if your friend can cure Sheng Yu's illness and Sheng Yu marries you, I have no objection."

Luo Tianming said excitedly.

"Don't make trouble, people will die"

Lu Fang said seriously, this kind of thing is not for nonsense, if Jiang Xue heard about it, then she would not have climbed onto his bed unarmed tonight, and probably would have brought the three-edged thorn with her.

After coming out of the ward, Lu Fang saw Luo Shengyu pacing back and forth restlessly.

"How about it, what did my grandpa say?"

Seeing Lu Fang coming out, Luo Shengyu hurried forward and asked.

"It's done, but the condition is that your illness must be cured"

Lu Fang smiled and said.

"My illness, how could he tell you these things?"

Luo Shengyu's expression became serious. This matter was a secret in the Luo family. No one knew about it except her family. Because the matter was so important, Luo Tianming never told anyone, nor did she let Luo Shengyu tell anyone. people.

"My guess"

Lu Fang chuckled, "Okay, I'll help you with this matter, I'll go find someone now, but you'll have to pay extra for medical treatment."

"Ah? You, you really have a way to cure my illness?"

Luo Shengyu was very surprised, remembering that grandpa said that no one can heal except Xiao Heng's master and apprentice.

That's why Xiao Heng's master proposed that Luo Shengyu must marry Xiao Heng if he wanted to cure his illness.

However, Luo Shengyu wanted to decide to own the marriage by herself. Her illness was nothing more than a few days every month when her whole body was cold. After so many years, she got used to it.

However, she was very happy when she heard that Lu Fang had a way to cure her disease.

Lu Fang nodded, and then called Lin Fan.

Lin Fan is currently selling vegetables at the farmer's market. Hearing this news, Lu Fang couldn't help but roll his eyes. Not only is his wife rich, but his own family property is countless. He doesn't know why he is so fond of selling vegetables.

However, since he likes to do this kind of thing, Lu Fang can't say anything.

Lin Fan said hello and set off to the farmer's market.

Borrowing Luo Shengyu's Ferrari, Lu Fang soon arrived near the farmer's market.

There is no parking space in the farmer's market, and Lu Fang walked around outside for a few times before finding a small parking lot.

After Lu Fang parked the Ferrari, he got out of the car, and a woman with a gorgeous dress and a sexy figure came slowly.

"Handsome, do you have a girlfriend?"

The woman's red lips parted slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend"

Lu Fang is not interested in this type of woman. With such an active woman, who knows how many people she has had affairs with.

Moreover, looking at the other person's appearance, it is obvious that he came here because he saw him driving a Ferrari.

If he came here today on foot or pushing a bicycle, it is estimated that no one would even look at him.

"Then do you mind having one more?"

The woman didn't mind Lu Fang's answer at all.

"No, I don't like being so direct"

Lu Fang waved his hand and walked straight to the farmer's market.

But this woman chased after her, and asked tirelessly: "Then I can do whatever you like, and it's free."

While speaking, the woman showed a charming smile.


Lu Fang clicked his tongue secretly, are all women so straightforward nowadays, or is it because money is too attractive?

"I like the kind who don't want to talk to me"

Lu Fang smiled slightly and said.

"Don't want to talk to you?"

The woman tilted her head suspiciously, and soon, she realized what Lu Fang meant.

"Hate, you are so funny"

Hearing this, the woman not only didn't get angry, but instead smiled beautifully.

Lu Fang was slightly taken aback, why is this woman so clingy, I have refused so many times.

Suddenly, Lu Fang felt that the other party's purpose was not pure. If he was purely interested in his money, it would be impossible to stalk him like this, and he would probably use other means.

While speaking, the woman's hand had already climbed onto Lu Fang's shoulder, her small hand was as white as jade, and her index finger was gently drawing circles on his shoulder, which made Lu Fang's heart tremble.

This woman is so good at flirting.

Lu Fang couldn't help but look at the jade hands that were as delicate as snow.

It doesn't matter, but I was shocked when I saw that there was a band-aid that fit the skin on the woman's wrist.

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