Fu Peiwen sneered. From what she knew about the hotel, there was a piano here, but the piano was moved out because there were so many people at the banquet today. This woman wanted to get away with it, but there was no door.

I just want to make you embarrassed in front of so many people.

You can't escape today, what will you do later?

"Really? Can you play the piano? That's easy. I'll have someone bring the piano over." Fu Peiwen said with a smile.

Guo Xiang's face stiffened a little, but she wasn't afraid, but learning to play the piano was a matter of her past life, and she hadn't played it for many years.

Of course, she has an excellent memory and will not forget it, but her hands are a little rusty.

Just now I saw that there was no piano at the scene, and I said something casually. I never thought that this woman would really spare no effort to beat her.

If you really want to play it, it's not impossible. I started learning the piano when I was five years old, and I continued to learn it until I met a little hooligan when I was thirteen. I have been learning it for eight years.

When I was in the sixth grade, I took the piano grade 10 exam. Now, there are a few people who are well-equipped to play the piano since childhood. Their level can still be deceived here.

Fu Peiwen saw Guo Xiang's face froze for a moment, thinking that he guessed correctly, and hurriedly ordered the people next to him to push the piano over.

"Peiwen..." Cheng Hongjie frowned, and he saw that Guo Xiang's face had changed just now. Fu Peiwen was deliberately embarrassing Guo Xiang.

"What?" Fu Peiwen pretended not to understand, "Don't worry, the piano will be delivered right away. We are all looking forward to Miss Guo's performance."

Soon the piano was pushed over, and the host took the stage at Fu Peiwen's instruction, "Now, please listen to Miss Guo Xiang's piano performance, everyone applauds and welcomes!"

Now Guo Xiang can't run away, can he?

If she doesn't perform, she won't get off the stage, and she won't be able to perform.

Haha, Fu Peiwen was very happy when he thought of Guo Xiang's predicament.

"Guo Xiang..." Cheng Hongjie looked at Guo Xiang worriedly, "If it doesn't work, forget it, it's nothing..."

It's just a bit embarrassing, but this thing can't be faked.

This is not like doing business. She may have been lucky or seized the opportunity to become the richest person in the past few years, but art must be cultivated from an early age, and it must be practiced every day, otherwise, where can I get it?

As far as he knew, her family's previous family conditions were very general, and she used to be just a nerd who could learn, how could she play the piano?

Guo Xiang smiled lightly,

He patted Cheng Hongjie's arm and gave him a comforting look.

Cheng Hongjie is about to cry, so don't be rude at this time, okay?

Guo Xiang walked to the piano and sat down.

I pinched my fingers, it's really been a long time since I played the piano.

An An also learned to play the piano at home, but she had never played it. She never thought that she would still have the opportunity to make a fool of herself today.

Guo Xiang's fingers are slender and slender, which are actually very suitable for playing the piano.

Because of frequent surgery, the nails are also trimmed very short, clean and tidy.

If you have long nails like those women, you can't really play the piano.

What is good to play? Guo Xiang is thinking.

In the eyes of others, she just can't play, pretending to be deep.

The smile on Fu Peiwen's face is almost overflowing. You can't even pretend, can you pretend?

Are you going to pretend your stomach hurts later? Not so cheap.

Fu Qingwen looked at Guo Xiang with some worry, whether he had implicated her, if it wasn't for her performance, her cousin couldn't find a reason to embarrass her.

Guo Xiang thought about it and stretched out his hand.

There are a few unfinished notes under her hand, she just wants to try the feel.

But in Fu Peiwen's eyes, she just couldn't play, and she almost laughed out loud.

Guo Xiang was ready, sat up straight, put his hands on the keys lightly, and then moved...

A happy note suddenly jumped out from her hands.

She played the "Turkish March", the grade 8 test piece. She practiced it many times during the grade test that year, and she will not forget it.

And the song is very cheerful, she likes it very much.

"Turkish March" is composed by Austrian musician Mozart. It is a simple and rhythmic piece of music.

With the rhythm of the rhythm, Guo Xiang's body also shook, smiling, as if immersed in joy.

The white fingers jumped on the keys, the movements were light, and the fingers were flexible, which was completely unmatched by ordinary people.

Everyone was stunned. It turns out that Mr. Guo is really so talented?

Cheng Hongjie changed from worry to surprise at the beginning, and then his eyes were full of brilliance. This old classmate really brought him too many surprises, which was really exciting.

The smile on Fu Peiwen's face froze, his face was as ugly as constipation.

Originally wanted to make her look ugly, but unexpectedly made her look good, and she was about to die of anger.

Some people jumped along with the rhythm, and more and more people joined in. The audience reached a climax, and the laughter was about to burst through the roof.

Cheng Jilin also looked at Guo Xiang in surprise. He didn't expect this woman to be so infectious. It seemed that it would not hurt to let Hong Jie deal with her properly in the future.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause, and the dancer next to him raised his skirt to salute Guo Xiang. She smiled and stood up, nodding to the university.

Many people gathered around Guo Xiang, and the words of praise were beyond words. She immediately became the center of the entire venue.

Guo Xiang was flattered by the humiliation and responded with a smile.

Fu Peiwen's face was so cloudy that water was dripping out.

After the banquet was over, Cheng Hongjie walked up to Guo Xiang, "I didn't expect you to play the piano so well, when did you learn it?"

Guo Xiang smiled and didn't answer directly, "I have learned a lot over the years, I have talent!"

Cheng Hongjie smiled, but it was not modest, but I had to admit that she was really talented, which was really impressive.

It was raining outside the venue, Cheng Hongjie brought an umbrella, "Shall I take you back?"

"No, I'll drive over." Guo Xiang smiled and refused.

At this time, Wang Bin drove the car over, and Gu Zhennan got out of the car, holding a large umbrella in his hand, and walked to Guo Xiang, "Xiangxiang!"

Guo Xiang was surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I'll pick you up!" Gu Zhennan glanced at Cheng Hongjie next to him, a little cold, he hugged Guo Xiang, wrapped the cashmere coat on her, and said softly, "Let's go home!"

"Yeah!" Guo Xiang looked up at Gu Zhennan and smiled brightly.

Cheng Hongjie was taken aback by her smile, and he gave a wry smile, but unfortunately the smile was not for himself.

He looked at Gu Zhennan, really envious, when would he be able to have such a partner.

Fu Peiwen, who was behind him, saw this scene and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Gu Zhennan actually came, and he came to pick her up on purpose, how could someone so big still need to pick her up? Hypocritical!

Looking at the way Cheng Hongjie looked at Guo Xiang, he had never looked at himself like this before.

Her back molars rattled, and jealousy made her face contort, extremely hideous.

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