Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 1028 Wheat-dependent motor symptoms

Generally, there are two types of allergens, one is in vivo test and the other is in vitro test.

In vivo tests are divided into intradermal test, prick test and patch test. Intradermal test and prick test are mainly to pierce the allergen into the skin of the patient to observe whether there is an allergic reaction.

Such as penicillin skin test is this method, but this method needs to know what allergies are, or take several allergen tests one by one to verify which allergies are, but this girl is already allergic to this and it is not suitable now.

Patch test is mainly used for cosmetics or metals. For example, there was a person who was allergic to copper. As long as you rub the copper product on the patient's body, you can see immediately that the cosmetic is applied behind the ear or on the inner side of the upper arm. Will it be allergic to see if there is redness and other symptoms.

But it doesn't apply now.

Therefore, only in vitro tests are used, mainly blood drawing, IgE antibody detection and IgG antibody detection (food intolerance detection), as long as a drop of blood is enough, and the accuracy rate is still high.

The nurse came over to draw blood and immediately took it to the laboratory for testing.

At this time, the girl woke up, opened her eyes, her eyes were blank, she suddenly screamed, stretched out her hands and groped randomly, "Where am I? What's wrong with me?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" The classmates hurriedly turned around.

"I can't see!" The girl burst into tears, groping with her hands blankly, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"What?" The classmates looked at the girl in surprise, how could she not see with her eyes open?

"Don't be afraid, I'm a doctor, let me take a look!" Guo Xiang quickly took out a small flashlight and looked at the girl's eyes, there was a response, but no focus.

Guo Xiang stretched out his finger and shook it in front of the girl, "Can you see it?"

"I can't see, I can't see anything, it's pitch black in front of me, what's wrong with me?" The girl cried and panicked with big blank eyes. The other classmates were startled, she couldn't be blind, right? How could this be?

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Guo Xiang grabbed the girl's hand and comforted her, "You are temporary, it should be temporary blindness caused by allergies, as long as the allergies are resolved."

"Are you a doctor?" The girl hurriedly clenched the doctor's hand with tears on her face, "I'm really not blind? I'm not blind? Doctor, please help me!"

"Don't be afraid, you're not blind, you're not blind, and your eyes are still responding to light. We are looking for the cause, and it will be cured if we find the cause. Are you allergic to anything?" Guo Xiang asked.

"It doesn't seem like..." The girl wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He sighed, as if remembering something.

"However, I have had measles, repeatedly, for several years. My parents also took me to the hospital to see them, both Chinese and Western medicine, and I took countless medicines, but it didn't work at all, and I still often get rashes. Is this also due to allergies?"

Guo Xiang nodded, "It's very possible. I heard from your classmates that you ate fried noodles? Did you eat noodles before?"

"I do, but I don't eat much. I'm a southerner. I usually eat rice and noodles a few times, but it's fine," the girl said.

"How long has the sports meeting been held after eating fried noodles?" Guo Xiang asked the classmates next to him.

"Does it start soon after dinner?"

"But Lin Nan's project seems to be two hours later?"

"She started doing warm-up exercises for a while before it was her turn, and she fainted shortly after running."

The classmates chatted.

Guo Xiang nodded, he had already guessed something in his heart, and was waiting for the test results over there.

After a while, the test results came out and it turned out to be a wheat allergy!

"How could that be?" The girl wondered, "I usually eat noodles, and sometimes biscuits, bread or other wheat-made things. Is it okay?"

Guo Xiang nodded, "Yes, you usually have no problem eating pasta. Today's mistake is that you exercised after eating. You have 'wheat-dependent motor symptoms'."

"What do you mean?" The students all looked at Guo Xiang, not quite understanding.

"That is to say, if you eat pasta or food containing wheat, if you exercise within six hours after eating, it will cause a severe allergic reaction, and if you don't exercise, there will be no allergic reaction." Guo Xiang said.

"So strange?" Everyone was surprised. Is there such a thing?

"I suspect that your hives are also caused by wheat allergy, but you usually eat less pasta, maybe just a small amount of wheat in some foods, so it is not serious, but the body still reacts, so the long-term hives are not good. "Guo Xiang said.

"In the future, try not to eat or eat less pasta or wheat products. If you really eat it, don't exercise. Stay in the bedroom. It's best to rest in bed." Guo Xiang said.

"Then what if you don't know something is made of flour?" a classmate asked.

"I'll give you some medicine. If this happens in the future, take the medicine quickly, save your life first, and then go to the hospital." Guo Xiang said, now that she knows that she is allergic to wheat, she only needs to take the right medicine.

"After taking the medicine, your wind mass will disappear, and your eyes should be able to see." Guo Xiang said, and immediately prescribed a prescription for the nurse to dispense the medicine.

"That's great!" Several classmates were happy for the girl, and they were really afraid that she was really blind, so how could she explain to her parents.

"You have to pay attention in the future, don't take Lin Nan to eat noodles again."

"Can't you eat cake and bread?"

"Can't you eat steamed bread?" Several classmates said.

"Yes, it's best not to eat all foods containing wheat. Although it may be fine if you don't exercise, you will still get hives and itching will be very uncomfortable, right?" Guo Xiang said.

"Yes, it's really itchy, it makes me want to die. If I don't eat it, I must take care of my mouth." The girl nodded, but it was very uncomfortable not to be able to eat cake. She likes sweets.

With the injection of the anti-allergy medicine, the wind mass on the girl's body was slowly extinguished, and her eyesight was restored. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief. She was really worried that she was really blind, and her life would be ruined.

In the afternoon, Guo Xiang came to see the girl, and she was almost done.

"Doctor, can I be discharged?" the girl asked.

"It's best to observe one night before being discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Guo Xiang said, in case something happens again, after all, it was so serious when it came in the morning, shock and blindness were still very scary.

"Then stay for one night, be careful!" said the teacher who came with the car.

The next day, Guo Xiang checked the girl again and let her out of the hospital after confirming that she was fine.

When she was discharged from the hospital, she repeatedly told her to eat less wheat products in the future, and she nodded in agreement.

However, the current food ingredient list rarely indicates the ingredients in detail, and sometimes it is impossible to prevent, so we can only try to pay attention.

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