The next day Guo Xiang saw a doctor in the outpatient clinic, and a police officer came in.

Guo Xiang saw Zheng Xinghua and knew that he was now in the Criminal Investigation Team of the Public Security Bureau. He must have something to do with him. He hurriedly said to the patient in front of him, "I have something to do here. You go next door and let Dr. Xu take a look."

"Okay!" The patient knew that something was wrong when he saw the police, so he didn't dare to stay any longer.

"President Guo!" Zheng Xinghua called out. Before, he and Ye Qian were called Guo Xiang and Guo sister together. Now that he has official business, it is naturally called a position.

"Team Zheng!" Guo Xiang also called out, of course it's not good to call him Xiao Zheng now.

Jiang Pinchao was a little curious, "Team Zheng, do you know each other?"

Zheng Xinghua nodded, "My wife works in Director Guo's company."

"Oh!" Jiang Pinchao was thoughtful.

"President Guo, we have something to ask you about today," Zheng Xinghua said.

"Please sit down!" Guo Xiang pointed to the chair in front of him, "If you don't mind."

"It's okay!" Zheng Xinghua nodded.

"Xiao Jiang, come and ask!" Zheng Xinghua said, he knew some things, but Jiang Pinchao might not know, so if you want to ask, you must ask more clearly.

"Yes!" Jiang Pinchao nodded.

"President Guo, do you know Fu Peiwen?" Jiang Pinchao asked.

"Yes, you should know from the previous newspapers that we had a festival. She used to miss my husband, but she couldn't ask for it, so she asked a pregnant woman to frame him, saying that she was carrying his child, but was I exposed it."

"Later, she was kidnapped, something happened, and her leg was disabled. She suspected that I did it, and she called someone to ambush me. Fortunately, I hired a bodyguard, and nothing happened." Guo Xiang said.

"She found someone to ambush you? When did it happen?" Jiang Pinchao asked, and Zheng Xinghua also looked at it. He didn't know about it yet, and Ye Qian didn't say anything when he went back.

"Just a few days ago, halfway through the car, someone came to touch the porcelain. I thought I was just trying to cheat some money. Who knew they wanted to beat me, but my bodyguard was a veteran with good skills and beat him away. ." Guo Xiang said, without saying that he also has skills.

Jiang Pinchao and Zheng Xinghua looked at each other. Boss Jia said that Fu Peiwen had been there twice. It seems that these two people were not introduced by Boss Jia.

Maybe it's because these two people didn't succeed, that's why she said she was looking for "someone who can do things and who has seen blood".

"Did you do the thing about her kidnapping?" Jiang Pinchao was very direct.

"Of course not!" Guo Xiang said decisively, "I was going to have a lawsuit with her at that time, how could I do such a thing? After she was dismissed, I cancelled the lawsuit, and the lawsuit was not settled."

"She went abroad to treat her leg. After half a year of treatment, she didn't heal. She came back and found me later, but I couldn't see her leg. It was too serious. The nerves in the calf were necrotic. My medical skills are limited." Guo Xiang said.

"Then you never thought of taking revenge on her?" Jiang Pinchao asked a rather sharp question.

"I thought about it!" Guo Xiang didn't deny it, "but we won't do anything illegal. My lover's grandfather used to be a prosecutor, so he wouldn't allow us to do that, and we wouldn't dare. Besides, Fu Peiwen's legs are all It's abolished, and it's unnecessary. Even if I want to deal with her, I will only file a lawsuit and make her lose face in front of the people of the whole country. Isn't this the best revenge?"

Jiang Pinchao nodded while recording, "But Fu Peiwen is dead!"

"What? Is Fu Peiwen dead?" Guo Xiang was taken aback, "When did he die?"

"By the way, last night, she seemed to have disappeared. Her parents thought we had kidnapped her, and they brought two police officers to my house. At that time, our family was at home, and I was helping the child take a bath. "

"I didn't find it later? How did you die?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Killed." Jiang Pinchao replied, "In a bar."

"Bar? She's already like that, still going to the bar?" Guo Xiang was surprised.

Jiang Pinchao glanced at Zheng Xinghua, but it was hard to tell that she actually wanted to buy and kill you, but killed herself.

But this has nothing to do with Guo Xiang, so there is no need to reveal it to her.

Jiang Pinchao asked in detail what happened last night. He recorded it first, and then went back and checked with his colleagues at the police station to know if it was true.

After asking, Jiang Pinchao and Zheng Xinghua both extended their hands, "Thank you for your cooperation!"

"It should be!" Guo Xiang said, shaking hands with the two of them one by one.

As soon as the two left, Guo Xiang immediately called Gu Zhennan and told him about the arrival of the police.

"Fu Peiwen is dead?" Gu Zhennan was also surprised.

"Yes, I didn't expect it. She was killed, and she still has an enemy?" Guo Xiang was also surprised.

"Don't worry about it so much, we didn't do it anyway," Gu Zhennan said.

After that, Zheng Xinghua and Jiang Pinchao also went to Gu Zhennan to learn about the situation. Naturally, they said the same thing as Guo Xiang, mainly because they didn't know about Fu Peiwen at all, so they couldn't provide any useful clues.

"Could it be that it was really just a slap in the face, and then murdered?" Jiang Pinchao said to Zheng Xinghua.

"Go back to the bureau first and ask the forensic doctor and the colleagues of the trace examination department to see if there are any other clues." Zheng Xinghua said.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Since that Dalong Erlong is a habitual offender, the bureau must have their information, go back and check, and apply for a wanted order, wanted nationwide!"

"Yes!" Jiang Pinchao nodded.

When Guo Xiang came home in the evening, Ye Qian called and found out that Fu Peiwen went to the bar to buy a murderer to deal with her, but she didn't want to kill herself.

It's really self-inflicted.

Guo Xiang sneered, this is called evil retribution. I didn't want to pay attention to her at first. She insisted on killing herself. Now, is she tossing herself to death?

The criminal investigation team met the next day to discuss the circumstances of the incident.

Zheng Xinghua reported to the captain the general situation he had learned in the past two days, and also applied for a warrant to the captain. The captain said that he would report to the director.

After a while, the forensic and trace examination colleagues also came.

"There is a major discovery!" said the forensic doctor.

"After an autopsy, it was found that there were three groups of sperm in the deceased's body, two of which were genetically similar, probably from the two brothers, and the third group belonged to another person!"

"What? There's a third person?" Zheng Xinghua was taken aback, and the others were also surprised. Everyone thought it was the two brothers without a doubt, but they didn't expect things to turn around?

"Yes!" The forensic doctor nodded. "There are also streak marks on the deceased's neck. I couldn't see it clearly in the bar last night. Later, during the autopsy, it was obvious that there were two times. I suspect that the first time the two brothers thought that the person was dead, I escaped. Then a third person came and found that he wasn't dead, so he also..., but when he woke up, he strangled him again."

Everyone is lost in thought, which is complicated.

"We also found the fingerprints of a third person, but there is no such person in the fingerprint database, so there should be no previous criminal record." A colleague from the trace inspection department said, "Of course there are other people's fingerprints. After all, there are people in and out of that box every day, but other fingerprints It's vaguer, less clear, maybe a third person, but no guarantee."

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