Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 170 The mouth is so sweet

The latest website: When Li Chun left, the two continued to eat.

"Husband, do you think that we are not equal in our marriage relationship?" Guo Xiang asked.

"No." Gu Zhennan shook his head, "Although you earn a little more, you respect me and don't look down on Li Chun like Yu Xiuxiu. This inequality is not about how much money you earn, but your psychological approval."

"Yes." Guo Xiang nodded, glad that Gu Zhennan would think so, "Actually, I think my husband is the best, no one can compare!"

The corners of Gu Zhennan's mouth curled up and scratched Guo Xiang's nose, "The mouth is so sweet!"

After dinner, Guo Xiang gave Gu Zhennan acupuncture and moxibustion, and then the two read a book together.

Guo Xiang sat opposite Gu Zhennan and looked at the man in front of him. He lowered his head slightly, his eyebrows were very handsome, his deep eyes were lowered, the bridge of his nose was high, and his thin lips were slightly pursed. How could he look so good-looking?

Guo Xiang moved to Gu Zhennan's side, poked his arm, "lift it up."

"What's wrong?" Gu Zhennan raised his arm, and Guo Xiang got in and sat in his arms.

Gu Zhennan's mouth curled up, "Don't read books anymore?"

"Look at you." Guo Xiang looked up at him.

"Then what are you doing?" Gu Zhennan lowered his head.

"I see you." Guo Xiang blinked his eyes.

Wei lifted up and kissed his chin, looking at him.

"Don't make trouble!" Gu Zhennan chuckled lightly, so he couldn't read the book at all.

Guo Xiang kissed again, Gu Zhennan's ears were slightly red, but he still didn't move.

"Don't sit in a mess." Guo Xiang hugged the man.

Gu Zhennan's body froze for a moment, the ghost knows how much effort she had to restrain herself, and she was still making trouble.

Guo Xiang laughed, couldn't help it?

Gu Zhennan jumped off the kang, turned off the lights, and went back to the kang.


After ten days,

Lin Guangrong excitedly came to Guo Xiang with an induction cooker and a frying pan.

"Master, the induction cooker is ready."

"So fast?" Guo Xiang was surprised and took the induction cooker from Lin Guangrong's hand. The whole body was still black and had no color, but it didn't matter if it was a sample.

"How much did it cost?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Five thousand!" Lin Guangrong replied.

"Ah? Why is it so expensive?" Guo Xiang was stunned, what the hell would he sell?

"No, it's because I've done many experiments, scrapped a lot of materials, and ran around to ask the experts about how much money I spent on fares and meals." Lin Guangrong was anxious.

"Oh." Guo Xiang breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be the case. Just now, he thought about it, thinking that the cost of a single machine is so expensive, so what else are you selling, and who can afford it?

These 5,000 yuan are equivalent to product research and development costs, only 5,000 yuan, which is very little.

"Then I'll try." Guo Xiang said, looking for the plug, "What's the maximum power?"

"Two thousand and one." Lin Guangrong said.

"Then we don't know if the wires here can afford it." Guo Xiang found the socket, "Look at..."

Because the house is old, the previously installed wiring was not expected to withstand much electrical appliances, and it may trip or blow the fuse as soon as it is plugged in.

"I'll check it." Lin Guangrong said, he was originally an electrical major, and this is what he is best at.

Check the wires in the house. The wires installed now are generally open wires, which are easier to see.

"I'll go look at the main gate again." Lin Guangrong said and ran out.

After a while, he came back, "It shouldn't be a problem, we are the oil team, and the wires were all pulled together at the beginning. There are so many machines in our mechanic team, it is impossible to use too thin wires, try it."

"Okay!" Guo Xiang nodded.

Insert the plug of the induction cooker into the socket, put the pot on, and press the switch key.

The early induction cooker is generally a button, and there are different buttons on it, such as cooking, frying, hot pot, fierce fire, etc. Generally, the startup is on the first gear of cooking, and then adjust as needed.

However, Guo Xiang also bought an induction cooker in later generations. Later, it was simplified. There is only one knob. Press it when it is turned on, and then rotate it. The power is lower when you turn it left, and the higher the power is when you turn it right. Adjust it according to your needs.

Guo Xiang adopted this design this time, which is a return to the basics.

Because many people are illiterate now, especially those who are a little older are basically illiterate, and if the keys are marked with words, they can't understand them at all.

The design of this kind of knob is quite simple, as soon as it is said.

Press the switch, and the lights of the induction cooker light up in a row, which is about the power of one thousand eighteen, which is the power of general cooking.

Guo Xiang put some water in the pot to avoid dry burning.

After a while, the water sizzled, and it seemed that there was no short circuit, and the load on the wire should be fine.

Guo Xiang turned the button to the right, and the indicator light on it slowly came on. When it stopped at the last two thousand and one position, it reached the top. The induction cooker was relatively loud, and the water in the pot quickly boiled.

Then the button is turned to the left, and the lights on the right dim one by one, indicating that the power gradually decreases. The last light is the lowest 120 watts, and the water in the pot has also been extinguished a lot, only slightly steaming.

Then rotate it to the right, repeat it a few times, and it seems to be no problem.

A smile appeared on Guo Xiang's face, "It should be fine."

Lin Guangrong rubbed his hands together and was very happy to be recognized by his wife.

"Then we can officially recruit tomorrow?" Lin Guangrong asked.

"Okay." Guo Xiang nodded, "You are familiar with the oil field, go to which factory to copy the rules and regulations, work manuals, etc., and modify it according to our own situation to improve the management of the factory."

"Well, I know this. My dad recommended a relative to me. He is a distant cousin who has retired and is an experienced old factory manager. I want to invite him over." Lin Guangrong said.

"Okay, since the job recruitment is also handed over to him, they have more experience than us." Guo Xiang said, she originally wanted to check if she was going to check it out. It would be better if there were more professional people. Don't worry.

"When the first batch of finished products comes out, tell me, and I will do the marketing." Guo Xiang said.

"Okay!" Lin Guangrong nodded.

"By the way, the color of this product, it's better to do it according to the design I gave you last time, so it looks better." Guo Xiang emphasized.

"I know that this time it's an experimental product, so it's simplified. When we really want to mass-produce it, we'll add colorants to change the color." Lin Guangrong said.

"Okay, that's hard work for you." Guo Xiang patted Lin Guangrong on the shoulder.

"When the factory is officially in production, will you come over to take a look, too?" Lin Guangrong asked.

"Of course I'm going." Guo Xiang smiled and nodded, "There are also various pots and pans to keep up with, especially the soup pot. I will use it for activities at that time."

"Okay, I will say hello to the kitchen utensils factory. The frying pans and soup pots will be made first, so that we can demonstrate to everyone when we do activities." Lin Guangrong said.

Guo Xiang nodded, the little fat man is still very smart, and he can see through it at one point.


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