Reborn Wife Strikes Back in the 80s

Chapter 195 Difficult and Miscellaneous Diseases

The latest website: After dinner, Guo Xiang went to see Ji Changlin with two packs of specialties brought from the northeast.

When he arrived, he was still seeing a doctor, and Guo Xiang stood by and waited.

Ji Changlin glanced at her, "Are you back?"

"Master!" Guo Xiang called out.

"Come and see!" Ji Changlin said naturally.

Guo Xiang put his things down and walked over, sat down in front of the patient, and stretched out his hand to check the patient's pulse.

I felt the pulse of the left hand, and then the pulse of the right hand, no problem.

"Master, I can't diagnose it!" Guo Xiang frowned, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

She turned on the fluoroscopy again and scanned the patient's body a little, but didn't see any problems.

Ji Changlin nodded, "It's a bit strange!"

Guo Xiang asked the middle-aged man in front of him, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"The back hurts and I don't dare to touch it. When I touch it, it feels uncomfortable, like a thorn. But I showed my mother-in-law and there was nothing." The middle-aged man said.

"Can you take off your clothes for me to see?" Guo Xiang asked.

The middle-aged man nodded. It doesn't matter if he is a man. Besides, when it's hot, many people take off their clothes to work, and it's not uncommon for them to be shirtless.

He took off his clothes and turned around to show Guo Xiang his back.

Guo Xiang lowered his head and looked at the middle-aged man's back carefully. The countryman's skin was darker, but he looked healthy. Except for a few moles, he didn't find anything unusual.

He stretched out his finger and touched it.

"Pain!" The middle-aged man shouted, reaching out to scratch the place Guo Xiang touched just now, "It's itchy again!"

Guo Xiang touched a few other places again, and every time he touched the man, he screamed, and his entire back was almost uncomfortable, but everything else was fine.

It's really strange, Guo Xiang has never encountered such a case in his previous life.

"Have you been to the hospital for an examination?" Guo Xiang asked.

"I checked, and the doctor doesn't know what's going on." The middle-aged man said with a bitter face.

"The doctor helped me wipe it with alcohol. I also took a bath and washed it several times at home, but it didn't work. It was itchy and painful when I touched it. It was really uncomfortable, and I couldn't sleep well!" The middle-aged man said with a face sad face.

"I've never seen such a case." Ji Changlin shook his head.

"Doctor Ji can't even help you, so what should I do?" the middle-aged man wailed.

Guo Xiang pondered, he had seen that kind of skin scratch disease before, as long as he scratched it lightly, he would scratch one after another, and one would swell up, as if he had been beaten. Also called artificial urticaria, it is an allergic reaction to the blood vessels of the skin.

But there were no scratches on this person's skin, and only the back reacted, nothing else, it was too strange.

Is there something wrong with the body's immune system? However, this cannot be checked, nor can current medical technology achieve it.

"Uncle, when did your symptoms start?" Guo Xiang asked.

"It's just two days ago, not before." The middle-aged man said.

"Two days ago?" Guo Xiang frowned, which was even more wrong.

If it is a scratch disease or the body's autoimmune problem is usually congenital, it will not grow so big and just appear.

Guo Xiang shook his head at Ji Changlin, "Master, I don't know anymore."

"I'll take another look." Ji Changlin frowned and reached out to check the pulse again.

From the pulse phase, there is no problem, at least it is not caused by internal organs, it should be the external cause, but from the outside, there is nothing at all, which is really strange.

Guo Xiang was also thinking and asked, "Uncle, did you encounter anything special two days ago? Or did you eat something strange?"

"A special thing?" The middle-aged man frowned, thought and thought, then shook his head, "No, I was just at home, then went to the vegetable field to grow vegetables, and came back to eat, it was the same food as usual, and I didn't buy it. something special."

"Recall the things before you had this symptom, all the details." Guo Xiang said.

It was fine before, but it just appeared two days ago, so something must have happened to cause this symptom, it won't appear for no reason.

"All?" the middle-aged man began to recall, "I got up that morning, ate sweet potato porridge at home as usual, and then took a straw hat and a hoe to the vegetable field. My mother-in-law said she wanted to plant some chili seedlings, so I went. already."

"The sun was very strong that day, and I sweated a lot after turning the ground for a few days, so I took off my clothes and worked shirtless," said the middle-aged man.

Guo Xiang nodded, many people in the countryside are like this, it's commonplace.

"Then I planted the chili seedlings, took my clothes and went home. When I passed by the big locust tree of the village committee, someone called me, so I went over and took a sip. At that time, the wind was strong and cool, and I was there with many people. We chatted for a while and then went home."

"Because there was still work to do in the afternoon, I didn't take a bath right away. After I finished my work in the afternoon, I went home to take a bath, and I ate sweet potato rice, kimchi, and green vegetables at night, and there was nothing special about it. It's uncomfortable, the back is itchy, and it hurts when I scratch it," said the middle-aged man.

"Have you come home from the vegetable field in the morning without wearing any clothes?" Guo Xiang asked.

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head. "The clothes were all sweaty and uncomfortable, so I didn't wear them. I tied them to a hoe and took them back."

"I didn't encounter anything strange in the process of going home?" Guo Xiang asked again.

"No..." The middle-aged man shook his head, just as usual.

Guo Xiang pondered, why is it so strange?

She took a look at the uncle's day, a few key words, breakfast, farming, sweating, undressing, locust trees, chatting, drinking water, dinner, bathing...

If there is one word in it that is different from daily life, it is the locust tree?

What's so special about the locust tree? The locust tree is also called the ghost tree among the people. Some people say that the locust tree attracts ghosts. Could it be that he has fallen into evil? Guo Xiang doesn't believe it, she is an atheist.

"Is the sophora flower blooming now?" Guo Xiang asked.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, "Yeah, the weather is warmer this year, and the flowers bloom earlier than in previous years."

"Is Uncle allergic to pollen?" Guo Xiang asked.

"What is pollen allergy?" The middle-aged man wondered.

"I just can't smell the locust flower. If it touches the pollen in the flower, the nose will itch, sneeze, and the pollen will cause a rash on the body." Guo Xiang said.

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head, "The locust tree has been in the village for decades. We grew up under the tree when we were young. We used to pick and play with locust flowers, but nothing like what you said."

This is not that and it is not. Guo Xiang is really discouraged, this is really a difficult problem.

"Forget it, you can go back first." Ji Changlin said to the middle-aged man, "I'll think about it at night."

The middle-aged man had no choice but to go home.

Guo Xiang took the special products he brought to Ji Changlin, and he took it. "Have you come back to prepare for the college entrance examination?"

"Yeah!" Guo Xiang nodded, "I can only play my western medicine director after studying in the university and entering the hospital."

"Then take the test well, Master believes you can do it," Ji Changlin said.

"Thank you, Master!" Guo Xiang nodded.

When he went back, Guo Xiang deliberately went around under the locust tree in the village committee to have a look, but he couldn't see anything at night, so he decided to come back tomorrow.



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