After breakfast the next day, Gu Zhennan took Guo Xiang to the hospital. There was no class for the first session today, so he was able to accompany Guo Xiang for the prenatal check-up.

When I got to the consultation room, before Dr. Qian came, Guo Xiang and An Zehan told him, and asked him to help in a while. She went to the obstetric check-up first.

The obstetric examination mainly checked HCG, blood routine, B-ultrasound, blood pressure, urine routine, etc. Guo Xiang had already drawn blood for the first time, so this time, he mainly measured his blood pressure and listened to the fetal heart sound, and did another B-ultrasound by the way.

The maternity room is next door, and people there naturally recognize Guo Xiang, although they usually greet each other in different clinics.

"Are you coming for a check-up?" Dr. Jiang, an obstetrician and gynecologist, greeted Guo Xiang with a smile.

"Yes, please trouble Dr. Jiang." Guo Xiang smiled.

"It's all from the same department, why are you polite?" Dr. Jiang smiled and took a blood pressure meter to measure Guo Xiang's blood pressure.

Guo Xiang rolled up his sleeves and placed them flat on the table. Dr. Jiang tied the sleeve arms to Guo Xiang's upper arm and pressed the airbag. The sleeve arms slowly bulged, and the arm felt tight.

The mercury column on the sphygmomanometer slowly rose, then fell, and stabilized.

"120, 80."

"Blood pressure is quite normal, not elevated." Dr. Jiang said, a little high blood pressure is normal. Pregnant women have higher blood pressure than ordinary people.

"I have always been in good health." Guo Xiang smiled, "Doctor Jiang, I would like to hear the fetal heart sound."

"Come here!" Dr. Jiang nodded, and Gu Zhennan and Guo Xiang walked inside together.

Guo Xiang was lying on the clinic bed, and Dr. Jiang brought the fetal heart.

The fetal heart is a bit like a telephone. A wire is connected to a probe that looks like an ultrasound. It is placed on Guo Xiang's belly for a while, but the fetal heart is not heard at first.

"How many weeks?" Dr. Jiang asked.

"It's almost 16 weeks." Guo Xiang replied.

"That should be audible." Dr. Jiang nodded, and continued to probe Guo Xiang's belly with the probe, not knowing which side the baby was on.

Finally, the sound of "boom boom boom" came from the small speaker connected to the fetus's favorite, very loud.

Gu Zhennan opened his mouth in surprise,

Is your baby's heart beating so fast?

Guo Xiang smiled, "The fetal heart rate of a baby is faster than that of an adult."

"Listening to the voice is very powerful and healthy." Dr. Jiang said with a smile.

"Doctor Jiang, there is one more." Guo Xiang said.

"Twins?" Dr. Jiang was surprised, "I said, why is my belly so big before 16 weeks?"

Dr. Jiang searched for the probe on the other side of Guo Xiang's stomach, and soon there was a fetal heartbeat.

"It really is twins, congratulations!" Dr. Jiang said with a smile, twins are relatively rare these days.

"Thank you, Dr. Jiang." Guo Xiang smiled.

Gu Zhennan stood aside and listened carefully to the baby's fetal heartbeat, with no expression on his face, but at a glance, he could see that his fingers had been moving and moving around the seam of his trousers, and he was very excited.

After listening to the fetal heart, Guo Xiang sat up, "Dr. Jiang, I would like to have an ultrasound. Please help me with the order."

"Okay!" Dr. Jiang nodded. "The B-ultrasound room is not our department. I'm afraid you have to pay to see it."

"I understand, thank you Dr. Jiang." Guo Xiang nodded, and Dr. Jiang did not bill her for these obstetrics and gynecology items for free.

He took the single Guo Xiang and asked Gu Zhennan to pay the fee. After waiting for him for a while, the two went to the B-ultrasound room together.

When I got to the ultrasound room, I didn't see Lin Fang, so I couldn't help but ask, "Is the intern Lin Fang not working today?"

"I heard that I've asked for leave." The ultrasound doctor said, looking at Guo Xiang, he also knew him, who had come to have an ultrasound before, and said in a low voice, "I heard that something happened to her partner."

Guo Xiang knew what happened yesterday, so he nodded, "How is her partner?"

"Dead in a car accident!" said the ultrasound doctor.

"Ah?" Guo Xiang was taken aback, didn't he save him?

"I only found out when I went to work today. I heard that he is still a general doctor. He is only in his twenties, and he is young, which is a pity." The B-ultrasound doctor said while applying couplant to Guo Xiang's belly.

"Look, there are two gestational sacs, it's very likely that they are twins!" said the ultrasound doctor, "Congratulations, now you have both children."

Guo Xiang couldn't laugh a little at this moment, she was worried about Lin Fang.

The B-ultrasound doctor moved the probe to check the baby's condition. "It's still too young to see clearly, so there should be no problem. You can see it clearly when you do it again in five or six months."

"Thank you doctor!" Guo Xiang nodded, took toilet paper to wipe off the couplant on his belly, and sorted his clothes.

I took the printed B-ultrasound sheet, which contained some data about the baby, and Guo Xiang looked at it himself, and everything was normal.

Gu Zhennan took the B-ultrasound and looked at the two dark shadows above, "This is our baby?"

Guo Xiang nodded. Now there is only this kind of ordinary B-ultrasound. In the future, 3D and 4D color ultrasound will be able to see more clearly.

"I'm going back to work, you drive carefully." Guo Xiang said.

"Yeah!" Gu Zhennan nodded, took Guo Xiang to the front of the "Men Stop" sign at the entrance of the gynecology department, and watched Guo Xiang go in before leaving.

Walking into the consultation room, Qian Xueting immediately sneered, "An intern is blatantly doing personal affairs during working hours, Mr. Qian, take a look..."

Guo Xiang rolled his eyes and ignored her.

"What's your attitude?" Qian Xueting was very dissatisfied when she saw Guo Xiang's disdain.

"Mr. Qian didn't say anything, what qualifications do you have to talk about me?" Guo Xiang said, "I'm in the hospital and I haven't gone anywhere. I can't see a doctor if I leave the consultation room? Are you looking at me too high?"

"Besides, you'll be fine in the hospital? I don't believe other doctors haven't seen a doctor in the hospital. It's normal for everyone to be colleagues taking care of each other. Why did you make a big mistake here?" Guo Xiang snorted coldly.

In fact, it is normal for a doctor to see a doctor in his own hospital, and sometimes he will be taken care of, and it will be cheaper to get medicine, which is also a benefit for the doctor.

And it's not that they leave the office without permission at critical moments. There are also doctors who stop by each other. How can they go to work for eight hours without moving?

"You..." Qian Xueting was speechless, and she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't go out for a walk during work hours.

The same goes for Dr. Qian. When I was pregnant, I also took time to go to work for a maternity check-up, which is normal among doctors.

"Go to work!" Doctor Qian said with a stern face.

Guo Xiang raised his eyebrows at Qian Xueting, and saw that Dr. Qian didn't say anything, it was just her good deeds.

Guo Xiang sat down beside An Zehan and sighed as he sat down.

"What's wrong? The prenatal checkup didn't go well?" An Zehan asked softly.

Qian Xueting's ears perked up, is there a problem?

Guo Xiang shook his head, "I just heard that Peng Weiming died."

"What? Dead?" An Zehan was taken aback. The person who was alive yesterday is no longer here today?

"Who is who?" Qian Xueting started gossiping.

Guo Xiang glanced at her and did not want to answer.

"A doctor from Puwai, the former partner of our classmate." An Zehan said.


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