Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 749 The Angel's Judgment


Clutching the bleeding wound on his abdomen, Takahashi dodged the attack pitifully and with difficulty.

A storm of bullets hit from all directions like a heavy rain, and Gao Qiao didn't dare to take these bullets with powerful potential force.

But the abdominal wound seriously affected Takahashi's movements, and even a little movement would tear the wound open.

Kanbara Hiroshi's sword was not unpleasant, as the blade just touched the skin and cut into it as if touching the surface of water.

But at the moment when the blade almost cut him in half, Takahashi pitifully activated his right eye power to wrap half of his body, narrowly dodging the fatal attack!

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as being cut in half of the body.

Not only the abdominal wound, but the right eye after using Kamui also suffered from overload.

"In this situation..." Takahashi pushed the bullet away pitifully, sweat dripped from his forehead, "It is impossible to escape even with the shadow technique in the air."

"I can only fight recklessly!"

The angel in the air suddenly shrank its body, and its wide wings wrapped itself like a ball.

"Target changed form."


Turner felt that he was playing a difficult game. The boss of the game was defeated in the first form and then transformed again.

But transforming means that the boss has come to the last moment, and the game is over!


A shocking momentum erupted from the black ball, and the purple transparent 'flame' was burning fiercely, and the flame expanded violently to envelop the bullet in mid-air.

"Here it is, the giant skeleton!"

Behind the purple flame is a Gundam-like skeleton. Turner has seen it in the video data. The upper part of the skeleton body looks like a demon in hell in the video, a shit angel!

Although the giant humanoid weapon is a stupid invention in the military, it is also exciting to see it in reality.

Of course, what's more important is that this kind of monster will be defeated by General Turner!

Takahashi spread his wings pitifully, and the Gouyu in his eyes changed shape.


Purple giant!

The huge Susano almost stretched out his legs, like two Optimus Primes stepping on the slums.

The jaws of the skull clicked, and the hollow eyes made people panic.


The giant's left foot stepped on the direction in which the poor were fleeing, and unintentionally stepped on it, so many people cried out in pain.

Every move of the terrorist existence is a big mistake for the weak.


Not only the skeleton of the upper body, but also a giant skeleton with two legs appeared in the city of Morelia.

Two legs, two arms, and a structure like second arms or wings grew out on the back.

Compared with the half-length giant in the data, this is a more complete posture!

There are no buildings taller than giants in the city of Morelia, so even in the suburbs outside the city, the towering giants are extremely abrupt.

General Turner didn't know how many stages the skeleton giant's form could be divided into, but even without thinking about it, he could be sure that the full-body giant was much more terrifying than the half-body giant, and the black angel had become stronger again!

The replacement of extraordinary existence power is much faster than the arms race between countries, and it only takes a period of time for the power to change so much.

Takahashi was pitifully stuck in the giant's skull, and dense machine gun bullets hit the Susanoo like mosquito bites. Only missile attacks had little effect.

"Master Angel is about to bring the final judgment! All the villains will die."

The old pastor waved his arms and looked excitedly at the giant summoned by the angel.

Every step the giant takes will create a ruin, a human-shaped natural disaster.

Human beings became insignificant black dots like ants, and tall giants penetrated the sky and the earth.

Countless people didn't care whether it was the reinforcements summoned by the angels or not, and they ran for their lives in the surroundings. They were at a loss, and they didn't even know that the place ahead of their escape was the place where the giant landed.

The advancing Amelika army was also at a loss. A main battle tank was parked on the road, and a giant's foot fell from the sky and pressed directly on top of the tank.


Modern tanks are hard, and the solid metal armor forcibly withstands the weight of giants, but the ground where the tracks touch sinks suddenly, and the main battle tank is embedded in the ground as a whole.

The giant continued to raise the soles of its feet, and five toe bones hit a four-story building.

Like a child kicking a building block, the unstable masonry crackled and flew into the sky.

Once again, the walls are broken, and the dead people and ruins are intertwined.

"The infantry fighting vehicle is retreating, the machine gun position..."

A century-old church in the city of Morelia was brutally murdered by a giant. The towering spire structure was forcibly broken off by the giant, aiming at the direction of the chariot and throwing it over.


The minaret flew over the heads of the crowd, fell to the ground and covered a whole street, and the dust that was thrown up flew into the sky, and the power facilities that were interrupted in the city went off sporadically.

Slums, such deformed communities that are not suitable for human life, have never considered fire protection at all. The substation exploded, the gas tank exploded, and the missile fell on the ground. All the explosion factors constituted a terrible fire.


Children's clothes and unwilling dead help the flames grow.

Countless people wailed in the sea of ​​flames, and the high-temperature demon would not measure whether a person was poor or rich. It swept across all urban areas of Morelia without discrimination.

All of this has nothing to do with Amelika who came to maintain peace in the region. Perhaps these tragic materials can be used later when they are used to promote the viciousness and cruelty of the black angel.

Turner nodded slightly to the left and right: "Order the people in the center to retreat."

The headquarters is stationed tens of kilometers away from the city of Morelia. Although it seems far away, with the help of modern technology, this distance can be said to be close to the front line.

The tanks and chariots in the city that received the order turned around and retreated. The ordinary sea of ​​fire had no effect on the modern tanks with three defense devices. The speed of the tanks was astonishing under the reckless horsepower acceleration. A small number of infantry trapped in the encirclement also rushed to the nearest infantry Chariot, now even the most fanatical believers put down their weapons and started running for their lives.

"Oh shit."

In the ruins of the explosion, the inhuman Kanbara Hiroshi slowly stood up holding his sword.

Fortunately, he split the sea of ​​detonating symbols with his sword, otherwise, if he was surrounded by the detonating symbols and exploded, a hundred of himself would not be enough to die.

"It's enough for me to get here with all my might, she... how can she be so weird." After spitting out a broken tooth, Feixiang Shenyuan felt his whole body was burning, as if every inch of skin had been burned by a flame, "Is it okay... It's up to you."

Looking at the sea of ​​flames burning in the slums, he jumped towards the periphery with all his might.

With the evacuation of the tanks and machine gun positions, there was a brief "truce" in the city of Morelia, and only the terrifying giants marched among the flames.

"call out!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a special plane in the sky, and it slowly dropped a few missiles like other fighter planes—but the missiles looked a little strange.

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