Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 916: A New Fire (Second Update)

Half of Susanoo's right arm was exploded, and the burst water cannon fell from the sky and turned into torrential rain.

The bean-sized raindrops fueled the fear of ordinary people, and countless tropical trees suitable for growing in abundant rain were also crushed down by the heavy rain.

"Yu... Feathered Serpent God!"

"It's Lord Feathered Serpent God who has appeared!"

"Master Feathered Serpent God wants to destroy that monster, we are saved!"

The town is naturally dominated by the belief of the Holy Bishop, but the Mayan mythology is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Although I have never believed in the Mayan religion, it is good to embrace Buddhism temporarily. believer.

She Ji still doesn't know that she has become a Feathered Serpent God in the eyes of ordinary people.

In fierce battles, ordinary people can't notice the claws of Snake Princess and the dragon horns on her head. Even if they don't see the feathers on the body of the 'Feathered Serpent God', blind followers will not remember it. If one side is on their side, things are not so hopeless.

Seeing that the blow caused a lot of damage to the opponent, Snake Ji didn't intend to continue to fight for a long time. She didn't want to fight to the death with the opponent, and the damage Susanohu caused to her was not trivial.

"Everyone is going to die!"

Takahashi gritted her teeth pitifully, the tense strings in her mind collapsed in an instant, hope appeared suddenly, and then turned into fly ash in an instant.

The same person died twice, and the second time he died tragically in front of him.


She stared wide-eyed, several rounds of Gouyu trembled and swayed, the red color deepened to a deeper red, and the blood was unstoppable from the corners of her eyes.

After Susanoo was severely injured, the blood torn from the corners of his eyes became more intense, and his eyes almost completely collapsed in a short period of time.

Even if he doesn't have to fight fiercely with Snake Princess, Takahashi will not be able to bear the loss of Susanoo.

"Draw your sword!"

The complete Susanoo clasped his palms, and in a flash of purple brilliance, a half-sword comparable to the length of a battleship appeared with infinite power.

Dazzling brilliance, exaggerated length, and sharp blade, this purple-handed half-sword is well-deserved as a ship-slaying knife, and any battleship that falls on the earth with one sword will be broken in two.

The moment they saw the sword, Snake Ji and Pu Piaole felt cold in their hearts.

Are there still weapons that can be used in the extraordinary battle room? This is probably too much.


Susanoo held half the sword in one hand, and the sharpness of the sword tip pierced a ravine on the ground.

"Immortal art!"

Pu Piaole and Snake Ji built a water wall in front of them with a tacit understanding. This water wall not only hangs down like a waterfall, but also looks like a Newtonian fluid. It's just whether this kind of fluid that is strong when it is strong can withstand a wave of water. No one knows the power of the sword, but according to Pu Piaole's inner premonition, this wall probably won't be able to resist it!

But if you can't stop it, you have to stop it, otherwise you will die.

"Ash, what the hell is going on!"

Pu Piaole was about to go crazy, he and Snake Ji had just come to this place for tourism, they had obviously avoided each other, but in the end they still had to face each other.

He has already recognized that the other party is the legendary black angel. How can he deal with this kind of extraordinary existence that is famous all over the world? From my impression, I only thought it was a monster that was wiped out in the Kunisaki Peninsula.

Even if the professional ones are all involved in extraordinary incidents, is it just bad luck, or a pair of invisible hands are arranging everything.

"Her attack is coming!" Snake Ji is now a ferocious monster, her lower body has been cut off in the previous battle, and the remaining half of her body must be preserved no matter what.

Carrying boundless power and influence, Susano is almost a thunderbolt who came into the world.

But when the satellite was faithfully recording and broadcasting all this, Susanoko's movements suddenly stopped, and the hand and half sword that had just condensed from his hand turned into particles and dissipated in the air.

Like a giant robot that has lost its power supply, the empty shelf stands upright in place.

How thunderous and furious the previous attack was, how sudden the current standing still is.


The huge water wall stretched across the sky and the earth strangely. Behind the water wall, the two Snake Girls couldn't see the strange scene. In their perception, it was just that the opponent's attack was extraordinarily long.


Takahashi is pitifully rooted on the top of Susanoo's head, like a tree, with blood gushing from his eyes.

Not only the lower eyelids, but the entire eye was filled with blood. Normal people could not see anything in front of them clearly in this state.


The corners of the eyes, the pupils, and the poor, tall eyes cracked uncontrollably, and blood spurted out of the cracks.

"Zoom in! The black angel's eyes... are broken?"

"good news!"

The power of the black angel comes from, at least a small part of which comes from those eyes. This is the consensus of everyone, but they don't know what kind of power these eyes have, but if the eyes are disabled, Takahashi's poor fighting power will definitely decline.

But even though he couldn't see anything in his eyes, and his power was rapidly leaving him, Takahashi still had no intention of shrinking back.

With her legs stuck in Susanoo, she leaned forward with all her strength, controlling the movement of the mountain-like giant.

"Get better!"

But the more he wanted to move, the more severely damaged Takahashi's poor eyes became, and the open wounds spread from the eyes to the surroundings.

"Kill them!"

"Move, move for me!"

A pair of wings appeared behind Takahashi pitifully, and the wings flapped Susanoo's body.

But Susano remained silent, and the man and snake behind the water curtain also noticed that the situation had changed.

Amelika's careerists couldn't help but be ecstatic. Takahashi seems to be dying in the battle. This is a good thing that everyone is happy. There is nothing more exciting than this.

Now she should not be able to use that weird space ability, but fortunately, her rationality controlled them not to give the order to drop the nuclear bomb.

Takahashi is pitiful as if she is in a deep quagmire. She feels that everything has left her. In despair, there is no hope. smashed.

What's the point of keeping such a world, it's better to destroy it directly, to destroy it directly, who would be nostalgic for this kind of world.


The Sharingan in Takahashi's pitiful pupil suddenly had a new change, the Gouyu were connected to each other, and at the same time, a new part extended out of the pupil.

Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan!

The blood flowing from the corner of the eye gradually stopped, and the open wound healed in the blink of an eye.


The frozen giant raised its right foot, and a brand new weapon appeared in its hand.


A very different kind of fire burns on the giant as well as on the half-handed sword!

Just the slightest spark fell on the ground, and a raging fire rose into the sky.

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