Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 97 Spiritual Signal

Hoto is actually wide noodles. Island country noodles focus on broth, and Kawaguchiko Hoto is no exception. The soup used includes white radish, taro, pumpkin, etc., so Mizuno feels that the taste is a bit hard to describe, and there is a side of Hoto. There is a plate of Hoto sauce made by the store. Yes, Hoto is eaten with sauce, or you can simply cook noodles with sauce...

"You must have sauce when you eat Hoto, which is our Kawaguchiko tradition." The shopkeeper smiled and guided the two Mizuno, who looked like foreigners at first sight, "Hoto is a food that came from the Tang Dynasty in the Heijo-kyo period, and the sauce at that time was Rare things can only be rewarded and used by the nobles in the imperial court, and those lower-level servants cannot enjoy them."

"In terms of the current position, only the cabinet and members of Congress can eat."

Hearing the news on the radio, the owner of the store learned to use it.

It seems that this is not the first time that the shop owner has dictated the history of Hoto.

Haibusha found that the store's pronunciation of Hoto was different from Mizuno-kun's just now, and "don't know" who pronounced it wrong.

But she was smart enough not to point it out, and just took a sip of Calpis.

Just when the two had just finished eating, the street outside suddenly became noisy.

"Oh, the ceremony has begun." The boss is a native of Kawaguchiko, and he explained to Mizuno and the two of them self-servingly, "The ceremony of the Inari Shrine here is different from the ceremony of the Inari Shrine in other places. The special feature, the priest will go to the stage to perform the dance possessed by Inari God. It is said that when the Inari God is possessed, making a wish and money is very effective, and there will be fireworks at the end, although it is not comparable to the fireworks conference. But it's still pretty."

Possessed by Inari God? Why does Mizuno feel that the Inari Shrine under Mount Fuji is a bit crooked and turned into a sign of a great dancer?

After thanking the shopkeeper for the hospitality, the two curiously moved towards the place where the noise came from. The Inari Shrine is built on the mountainside, and the center of the shrine is through the statues of Inari God's assistant fox and civet cats. The image of Inari God in mythology can be male or female, and it is an unstable image of a god. However, because the alias of Inari God is too similar to the pronunciation of a fox, the rumored Inari God appears in the image of a fox in many works.

The priests simply made mistakes. Anyway, no one has actually seen Inari God. What if Inari God really looks like a fox.

The priest on the high platform wore a fox mask and held a Suzuki in his hand. He walked in a strange posture, and said prayers in a weird voice.


After dancing the strange dance for a while, the assistant next to the priest imitated the sound of a fox.

At this point in the dance, the crowd began to move to one side. The place where they walked was the place where the shrine drew lots and painted horses. Mizuno estimated that this was what the manager of the Hoto store said about making a wish.

Inari God's priesthood was originally a harvest of food, and then gradually evolved into a symbol of wealth. Today, among the shrines in the entire island country, Inari Shrines have the largest number of shrines and are spread all over the place. It seems that people still prefer money to their health and home safety.

Kaibu and Mizuno followed the crowd to the place where the part-time miko was.

"Hello, do you want two?" The maiden of Inari Shrine is a part-time maiden in high school, with long hair tied in a bunch at the back of her head and neck.

Mizuno looked curiously at the things in the hands of the witch. Unlike the emas and gods commonly used in other shrines, this somewhat strange Inari Shrine also uses emas, but believers will draw them next to the emas after writing down their wishes. Some crooked lines on it.

Maybe it's a spell, but it's not, maybe it's a random graffiti, and it's a bit arbitrary.

Seeing the doubts of the two, the part-time priestess explained: "This is a unique way of praying in our shrine. Through each person's unique symbols, personal desires can be sealed inside, forming each person's unique symbols, so hanging on the If it is in a shrine, the gods will not mistake who the wisher is."

"Like the signal frequency band of a radio station?" Mizuno Sora said with a smile, and took the ema from the hand of the part-time priestess.

Mizuno Sora's skin is still good, and coupled with his smile, it is still very lethal to little girls, but seeing Kaibusha beside Mizuno, the part-time shrine maiden is a little discouraged.

How angry, do pretty people have such handsome boyfriends?

After taking the ema, Mizuno and Kaibe imitated others who wrote their wishes on the ema and then drew symbolic lines.

Since he is Inari God who is in charge of wealth, Mizuno simply wrote down the words on the ema to bless his wealth and prosperity, but he has no interest in the eight million gods. After all, as long as he wants, he can release as many If you escape from fire and escape from water, if you proclaim yourself to be one of the eight million people, many people will believe you.

It is not morality but cowardice that stops others from manifesting themselves in front of others.

Mizuno has a clear understanding of his own strength. He and the modern armed forces are like two spears. If used properly, Mizuno can destroy a company's strength in a street battle. If Mizuno is upgraded to the second or third level, it is impossible to wipe out a small coastal town. But contrary to the attack, Mizuno reckons that his body can't even talk about missiles. , Even the special bullets of the sniper rifle can't defend against it.

He can make ordinary troops suffer heavy losses, but ordinary people can also make Mizuno die instantly after they take up heavy weapons.

This is the balance created by the mouse-tossing trick.

That's right, not cowardly. Mizuno nodded inwardly.

Just when Mizuno drew a bunch of lines casually, a line of text boxes suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Acquire sealing technique: LV1]

This group of crooked ghost symbols is actually a sealing technique?

Seeing the sudden unlocking of the sealing technique, although he couldn't laugh or cry at this nonsensical way of obtaining it, Mizuno couldn't help but feel relieved. Unexpectedly, he did not unlock the ninjutsu on the court, but unexpectedly unlocked the seal at the festival surgery.

And what is unlocked is the all-rounder's sealing technique.

As the name suggests, the sealing technique is to ban something. This kind of ban is not only aimed at the body, but also includes the soul and chakra. When used properly, it can be used on oneself, such as storing excess chakra and sealing it into the Yin seal of the body. , when the seal is released, it can burst out powerful chakra energy instantly, and the tailed beast plays a role in advancing the plot in the whole work. After sealing the tailed beast into the human body, the person who is sealed will get a huge amount of Chakra and strength bonus can be called strategic weapons.

"Mizuno-kun, Mizuno-kun..."

Just as Mizuno Sora was thinking about the information about the sealing technique, Kaibusha had already called out many times.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now." Mizuno put down the pen and picked up the ema, "Come on, let's hang the ema."

There are a lot of people queuing up to hang ema. The ema at the festival is a little more expensive than usual. It is estimated that tonight the shrine will be able to earn a lot of money just by ema. After queuing for a few minutes, it is finally Mizuno’s turn. He Haibusha hung up his painted horse.

[Bless you to be financially free in the future. 】

[Bless Mizuno-kun to make a lot of money in the future. 】

When each other's emas were hung up, they could see each other's eyes. Mizuno scratched his nose and looked at Kaibusha's emas, and his strong heart beat faster.

There was another howl of foxes on the high platform, and the priest on the stage put away the performance, officially announcing the end of the festival, but the commercial street outside the shrine will continue until midnight.

Foxes, possession, necromancy, sealing...

Mizuno closed his eyes, and an immature idea slowly formed in his mind.

"Mizuno-kun, look, it's fireworks." Kaibusa's voice rang in Mizuno's ear.

"Bang bang!"

Blossoms of streamers rose from the shrine, and then bloomed into gorgeous fireworks in the dark night.

The entire Nandu County where Kawaguchiko Town is located can see the fireworks in the sky, and the Inari Shrine, which is backed by Mount Fuji, is even more brightly illuminated.

But if you look carefully from the bright high altitude at this moment, a brown shadow quietly appeared from the forest behind Mizuno Sora, and then quickly sneaked into the forest of Mount Fuji, before disappearing again.

While it was still dark, Mizuno and Kaibusha hurried back to Xintianzhuang. Although it should be time for the students to fall asleep, sneaking into the dormitory feels like disturbing others' rest, but it is impossible to live with Haibu at night. It's outside.

He helped Haibusha cover and watched her return to the dormitory, and Mizuno also returned to the dormitory.

And in the sea of ​​trees on Mount Fuji, a vague figure gradually became clear.

There should be a third update tonight

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