Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1373 Chen Lin’s rise to power (4)

In this way, Chen Lin secretly came over in the middle of the night every day when she was in the Governor's Mansion to deliver cigarettes, wine, and cooking dishes to Shen Pojun.

Since she has been in business for three years, it is inevitable that she will need to socialize and socialize, so Chen Lin can also drink a little.

Therefore, Chen Lin became Shen Pojun's lifelong drinking buddy, and the two of them drank two glasses of wine every night.

For several days, even Shen Pojun felt a little embarrassed.

"Are you tired if you stay up late every day? Why don't you rest for a few days?" Shen Pojun said reluctantly.

He couldn't live without this magical day!

"Why are you tired? There are people waiting for you to eat, drink, and eat, so I will come over in the middle of the night to stir-fry a few vegetables and make some skewers. I can just sleep for two more hours during the day." Chen Lin said with a smile.

This is the truth.

Shen Ao said that Chen Lin was asked to be a nurse, but the dirtiest and most tiring work, such as pouring feces and urine, was actually done by servants.

"Hey, that's good, that's good!"

In this way, half a month passed in a row.

Shen Pojun became visibly happy and energetic. He was so happy that he even got up to sing a few lines.

After the doctor examined Shen Pojun's body, he immediately made a report to Shen Ao proudly:

"Let me just say, you have to respect science and medicine! The old man's health has gotten better recently. As long as he insists on taking care of himself according to my methods and discards those bad habits, it will definitely be no problem for the old man to live another 10 years!"

Shen Ao said happily: "Thank you very much, Doctor Liao."

"Tch~~~According to your method, the old man will have to burp this year..."

Chen Lin murmured in a low voice.

Doctor Liao glanced at Chen Lin: "By the way, Governor Shen, the most important thing is eating habits! Absolutely, absolutely, never get involved in alcohol or tobacco again!"

"Also, food heavy in oil and salt, like the fried dumplings in spicy soup that this eldest sister made for the old man, is also taboo!"

"'s so scary to be uneducated..."

Shen Ao glanced at Chen Lin awkwardly.

He didn't expect that inviting Chen Lin here this time would not only fail to help, but would also cause a bit of chaos.

Fortunately, this mess was nothing, and the final result was good. After being bedridden for more than a year, the old man finally recovered.


According to Shen Ao's observation, the old man seemed to like Chen Lin quite a lot. Although Chen Lin rarely visited the old man's room, every time he went, the old man always had a smile on his face.

If you go with people like Jing Jing and Wang Xueru, your attitude is completely different!

As for Shen Kui...

This kid pesters himself every day, asking himself when he can marry Chen Lin as his wife so that he can get more Ultraman cards.

Shen Ao is really angry and funny.

The grandson of his dignified governor, what kind of treasure could he not get? He was actually conquered by a broken card!

It's another early morning.

Shen Ao suddenly found Chen Lin: "Sister Chen, I am going to inspect a small fishing village tomorrow. Can you accompany me?"

Chen Lin didn't think much and said, "Okay, I'll go get some fresh fish."

But when this incident reached the ears of Jing Jing and others, it was almost like a frying pan, making all the rich ladies go crazy! ! !

"This Chen Lin is so good! She has developed so quietly that she can go on inspections with Governor Shen!" Jing Jing's teeth itched with hatred.

"What she said at the beginning was that she was from a rural area and just came to work as a nurse. I believed her! You old ladies are so bad!" Wang Xueru cursed in her hometown dialect.

Others also started to curse.

But despite the scolding, they were quite helpless.

Governor Shen just dotes on this person named Chen Lin. What can they do?

"I really don't know what method this rural old woman used to charm Governor Shen... No, if I continue to sit back and wait for death, it is really possible for this old woman to succeed in becoming a leader!"

Jing Jing secretly made up his mind and prepared to start finding trouble with Chen Lin.

Since the morning, Jing Jing began to secretly observe Chen Lin in the mansion, and her every move was under Jing Jing's surveillance.

Unfortunately, Chen Lin almost stayed in her room from morning to night, surfing the Internet, watching TV, and doing nothing.

Before going to bed at night, Jing Jing was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes and wanted to give up and go back.


Chen Lin tiptoed out of her room and walked furtively toward the kitchen.

Not long after, Chen Lin came out from the kitchen holding a food box.

"It's midnight, everyone is asleep, who is Chen Lin cooking for? She's so sneaky and afraid of being discovered, there must be something wrong with her!"

Jing Jing thought to himself and hurriedly followed.


The next moment, Jing Jing saw Chen Lin sneaking into Shen Pojun's room with a food box!

After a while, bursts of joyful sounds faintly came from Shen Pojun's room.

Jing Jing hurriedly walked forward and found that the door was locked.

However, because this is a courtyard house, the custom of papering the hollows on the doors is still retained.

Jing Jing licked his saliva with his fingers, poked a hole in the paper, and looked inside.

The next moment, the scene in the room made Jing Jing's pupils shrink sharply! ! !

I saw Chen Lin on Shen Pojun's bed, and the two of them set up a small table, eating stir-fried vegetables, meat skewers, and clinking glasses and drinking wine! ! !

Jing Jing observed the wine carefully and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. It turned out to be 65-degree Niu Er! ! !

Not to mention that Shen Pojun is almost 90 years old, even young people in their twenties and thirties can ruin their stomachs after drinking this stuff! ! !

"Okay, Chen Lin, it turns out that you used this crooked way to please the old man! I must have caught you now!"

Jing Jing murmured in her heart, and hurriedly took out her flip phone with an ultra-clear camera with 5 million pixels, and started taking photos of "evidence".

"Old man, come, let me go with you!"

"Come on, let's go!"

"Where are you raising goldfish? You haven't even drank them all! You punish yourself with three drinks, don't let me push you!"

"Hahaha, okay, just drink. I won't be afraid of anyone when I drink!"


After the two of them finished drinking, Chen Lin actually took out a pack of cigarettes, lit them for Shen Pojun and let him smoke!

After finishing his cigarette, Shen Pojun lay happily on the bed and hummed: "Beautiful, that one is beautiful, that one is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful~~~"

Everything was filmed on the phone.

Jing Jing only found it shocking!

Not just drinking for the old man!

He even gave him a cigarette! ! !

Those kebabs and snacks that go with drinks are all not heavy on oil and salt! ! !

To put it mildly, this is a sign of not paying attention to the old man's life safety and not taking his body seriously.

To put it more seriously, this is murder. To Shen Pojun, tobacco, alcohol, and food heavy in oil and salt are no different from chronic poison! ! !

After the filming was completed, Jing Jing checked it carefully and made a backup, then contentedly hid aside until Chen Lin was filmed coming out of the old man's room with a food box.

In the darkness, Jing Jing looked at Chen Lin's back and sneered:

"Chen Lin, just wait to be treated like a dog and kicked out of the Governor's Mansion!!!"

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