The 12th main god of the Foundation has fallen! ! !

Chen Mo kills a god again! ! !

After the members of the Hongmeng Club learned about this, they were all excited and cheered!

This is the second main god that Chen Mo killed!

In the future, there will be a third one, a fourth one, or even destroy the foundation and replace it!

They also have the opportunity to become the leaders of the world's financial circle!

On the other hand, the foundation is looking gloomy.

All the Lord Gods are worried that they will be the next one to be killed. Some Lord Gods have even decided not to agree to Solomon's request and face Chen Mo alone.

If you want to do it, you must do it together with the foundation, and everyone should bear the risk together!

They still vividly remember the tragedy of the Obonmo family.

After a few days.

Solomon Rosicchild is discharged from the hospital.

He wore an eyepatch over his right eye because he was blind and couldn't see.

Even though Solomon Rothschild was as rich as the rest of the world, he still couldn't save his right eye.

Cedric's bullet shrapnel destroyed his optic nerve, making even an eye transplant useless.

This made Solomon Rothschild, who was very confident about his appearance, furious.

He blamed all this on one person - Chen Mo!

So he gathered the Lord Gods for a meeting again, with only one purpose, and that was to do everything possible to destroy Chen Mo!

"The 'children' sent information that Chen Mo recently spent huge sums of money to acquire the gold mines of the Auburn family in various countries!

Even the "golden fleece" of the Omotomo family was sheared by Chen Mo. How can we bear this? "

"Everyone, please speak freely and try every means you think is possible to kill Chen Mo!"

But having said that...

No one answered...

Solomon Rothchild said angrily: "What's wrong? Are all of them mute? He's just a Daxia man. What are you afraid of?"

"Don't forget, we are still a foundation that monopolizes the world economy! We still have the power to dominate the world economy!!!"

Still no answer.

Everyone lowered their heads and pretended not to hear.

Solomon Rothchild became angry and pointed at the third god: "Third brother, tell me! What should I do!?"

The third main god muttered: "How do I know what to do? The cost of dealing with Chen Mo is so high, I won't go anyway."


"Okay, okay! Fourth, tell me!"

The fourth god adjusted his glasses: "Let me tell you, recruiting him is the best policy. If we can recruit Chen Mo to our foundation, wouldn't all the problems be solved?"

Solomon Rosicchild shook his blindfold three times angrily: "Are you sick? The Lord God was beheaded in two by Chen Mo, and now you want me to lick my face to recruit him?"

The fourth main god nodded: "Is there anything you can't do? Don't forget the purpose of establishing our foundation."

Solomon Rosicchild: "No! I don't agree! You say it, Sixth!"

The sixth god said very calmly: "Judging from the current situation, if you want to kill Chen Mo, you must be prepared to sacrifice all your own interests and go bankrupt. Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to defeat Chen Mo by means alone."

Solomon Rossicheld: "Yeah, the analysis makes sense, then, Lao Liu, this difficult task is..."

The sixth god responded quickly: "Boss, you have to handle it! You are the current head of the foundation, so it would be perfect for you to personally face Chen Mo!

Don't worry, we people will be your solid backing! "

The sixth main myth fell, and other main gods agreed.

"What Lao Liu said makes sense!"

"Boss, with great power comes great responsibility. It's up to you to lead the charge this time!"

"The Rosichild family has a great business. Even if it loses 90%, it can still be proud of the world. It doesn't hurt!"


Solomon Rothschild: “…”

From the reactions and words of these Lord Gods, Solomon Rosicchild could feel that they were resentful of themselves for not helping Cedric Obern.

"Ahem... I thought about it carefully. Taking into account the overall situation, recruiting him is not a bad idea." Of course, Solomon Rosicchild would not be so stupid as to sacrifice his own interests to trade with Chen Mo.

All the gods smiled and said nothing.

No one is a fool.

Especially the bosses who have reached their level are even more talented.

After the meeting ended, the second main god looked up at the foundation's logo "Eye of God" and sighed.

Cedric Oborne's final words were astonishing and deafening.

The foundation seems to be an iron bucket and indestructible, but that is only when the wind is smooth and there are no big obstacles.

In fact, it’s time to sacrifice one’s own core interests in exchange for the foundation’s development and future…

Who else is willing?

When Chen Mo killed two main gods in succession, the cracks within the foundation became more and more obvious. The relationship between the main gods, especially the relationship with the first main god in power, became more and more subtle.

"Could it be true that as old Cedric said, the Foundation will eventually fall into the hands of that dragon..."

The next day.

Moyuan Capital Headquarters.

All senior executives of Moyuan Capital gathered together.

"I called everyone here to announce good news!"

"The 12th main god, Cedric Auburn, is dead. Together, we killed the second main god of the foundation!"

"The Oban family went bankrupt and the global diamond market was completely defeated by us!!!"

“Whether it’s a gold war or a diamond war, we at Moyuan Capital and Hongmeng Club will win completely!!!”

Wow! ! ! !

Thunderous applause! !

Everyone was so excited that their palms were swollen!

Within a year, two major gods were killed in a row, and the two top families in the world, the Roefeller family and the Obanmo family, went bankrupt!

Such achievements, looking at the past five hundred years, are definitely considered to be a level that is shocking to the world!

At this time, Gong Ziyuan smiled and said: "Not only did we defeat the Omoto family, we also made a lot of money in this business war."

"Currently, our artificial diamonds are on track and are gradually eroding the natural diamond market. Of course, we have also acquired some natural diamond mines at very low prices. We will make some balance between the natural diamond and artificial diamond markets in the future. Let both parties become markets for our Moyuan Capital to make money."

Although the price of natural diamonds has completely plummeted, as long as Chen Mo controls the shipment volume of man-made diamonds, it can still be sustained.

Even if he just breathed a sigh of relief, this part of the profit was very, very considerable. Of course, Chen Mo couldn't give up.

"Doesn't that mean that in the future, we, Moyuan Capital, will replace the Obonmo family and become the entity that controls the global diamond market?" Ma Teng said excitedly.

"It's understandable, but the current price collapse in the diamond market means that the profits from this area are definitely not comparable to those of the Obanmo family. However, if we can spend more than 10 years on marketing and hype, I think we can recover part of it. Very impressive profits." Gong Ziyuan said with a smile: "But the focus this time is not on diamonds, but on gold!"


Everyone looked at Gong Ziyuan in confusion.

Gong Ziyuan smiled and turned on the projector and the ppt at the same time.

"Guo——Lande Gold Mine!!!"

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