Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1643: Panda drinks take the world by storm

at the same time.

Chen Mo has already asked Song Ziyan to register the trademark of the Panda Beverage series and completed all the procedures.

In the two main target markets of Baguo and Daxia, we also spent money on TV advertising and local promotion.

Within a day, advertisements for Panda Drinks can be seen in the streets and alleys of Baguo, in supermarkets, residential areas, subways and other places.

The most conspicuous thing on the brand, besides the Panda Beverage logo, is the line "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories", which occupies almost three-fifths of the billboard.

“Stop sugar and choose Panda Drink!”

"Losing weight until I have no energy, 0 sugar, 0 fat and 0 calories, just drink Panda Drink!"

"Health is not just a slogan, Panda Drink protects you every day!"

"A variety of nutrients give you a different sense of health when you drink it."


Advertising slogans like this that put the concepts of "health" and "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories" in front of others are overwhelming and crazily brainwashing the people who see the ads!

The staff responsible for local promotion will also use relatively gentle words with a little artistic processing and language beautification to recommend and brainwash people who are curious about Panda Drink.

"Our new drink tastes better than the Kekou series. The most important thing is that we have 0 sugar, 0 fat and 0 calories. There is no sugar, no fat, and no calories. It is very suitable for people who want to lose weight and love health!"

"The spokespersons for our Panda Drink are A Luo and Kebi. Before they accepted the endorsement, they drank it for a month to make sure that the product was healthy, and then they were willing to accept it. Think about it, top athletes and top rich people like them are all If you are willing to drink our drink, wouldn’t it be a good thing?”

"The sweetness in our drinks is not actual sugar, but sugar substitutes. Now all major mainstream gyms recommend using sugar substitutes when losing weight!"

"Our drinks have been tested by mainstream hospitals. They are absolutely green and healthy. You will not get diabetes if you drink them regularly."


Because the economy of the hegemonic country is the first in the world, the people's living standards are high and they eat well, the obesity rate is naturally the highest in the world.

Super fat people who eat like a mountain of meat can be seen everywhere.

Although these people are extremely ill and greedily consume sugar every day, and are not afraid of death, but at this time, someone suddenly tells you that there is a drink that tastes similar to the Kekou series, but it is very healthy, with 0 sugar, 0 fat and 0 calories, and the price Pretty much the same.

Then of course he would choose a healthy drink without hesitation!

at the same time.

The Panda Express restaurant chain, which is popular in the country and has a market share of 80%, has replaced the Panda Beverage billboard in the most conspicuous position.

Song Ziyan also asked all managers to provide training to employees to promote Panda drinks.

There is also a promotion in the restaurant. No matter what set meal you buy, you will get a can of panda drink as a gift.

A mother brought her child to Panda Restaurant for consumption.

When Panda Coke was presented to her, her mother immediately refused and said, "Coke is not healthy. I don't want my child to drink it. Please give me a glass of ice water."

At this time, the waiter will start to promote: "Madam, this is a 0-sugar, 0-fat, 0-calorie healthy drink developed by our head office with a huge investment of 5 billion. It does not contain any unhealthy ingredients. You can safely give it to your children."

The mother immediately agreed to let her child drink it.

The child immediately opened the Panda Cola and drank it happily.

Mother asked: "Does it taste good?"

Child: "It tastes good. It's not as sweet as Coca-Cola, but it doesn't seem so greasy. It feels refreshing after drinking it."

The mother smiled happily and said, "It's just not that sweet!"

Examples of promotions like this are happening at all major panda restaurants at the same time.

Countless diners know about this drink with 0 sugar, 0 fat and 0 calories.

As for supermarkets and convenience stores, Chen Mo adopted an even more unique trick - giving away free freezers!

Commercial transparent glass freezers in 2005 were still quite expensive.

When I heard that a merchant was willing to give away free freezers, naturally many people wanted to ask what was going on.

At this time, Chen Mo said: "The freezer is free, but the condition is that our panda series of drinks must be placed in the most conspicuous position on the outermost layer. Once you fail to comply with this agreement, we will recycle the freezer."

At the same time, Chen Mo showed his affection and profit: "Our panda drink is definitely a new health product that can lead and represent the future! And the profit of a bottle of our drink is slightly higher than that of the Kekou series.

You can take the freezer back for a try first. If it doesn't work, you can contact us and we will bring the freezer back for free. "

Businessmen pursue profits.

With free freezers, slightly higher profits than Kekou, and no trial and error costs, of course everyone is happy to try it!

Ever since, freezers with "0 sugar, 0 fat, 0 calories" printed on them have appeared in major supermarkets and convenience stores.

The most conspicuous position of the refrigerator is placed with the Panda series of drinks.

The Kegu series of drinks are placed below and inside where they are not easily accessible.

Beverages, even 20 years later, will still be mainly sold offline, supplemented by online purchases.

Seizing the channels of supermarkets and convenience stores is tantamount to seizing the lifeblood of beverage sales!

Consumers are actually very lazy, especially wealthy consumers. It doesn’t matter what they drink, they just grab a bottle to drink on the go after shopping.

At this time, whoever can occupy the main position in major supermarkets and convenience stores will be able to sell well!

Coupled with the bombardment of the concept of "0 sugar, 0 fat and 0 calories" that can directly hit the pain points of consumers.

The Panda series of drinks were completely sold out in just one week! ! !

The sales volume in the previous week can only be said to be excellent, but not top-notch.

A week later, 20 million bottles were sold in Baguo alone! Reaching one-fifth of the one-day sales volume of the Kekou series in Overlord!

And it is strongly welcomed by obese people and sports enthusiasts!

This is only the sales volume in the overlord country.

In Daxia, because of Chen Mo's "heroic" effect, many patriots gave up the Kekou series and bought the Panda series instead!

Even in TT space, Weibo, TT Tieba and other places, there is a trend of showing off one's own panda drinks!

Within one day, Daxia's sales surged to 15 million!

This sales volume can reach almost a quarter of the Kekou series!

Other countries have also started product distribution and marketing operations. It will be available on shelves in countries all over the world within half a month at the earliest, directly competing with Coca-Cola Company in terms of sales!

Some are happy and some are sad.

The sales of Panda drinks are booming, which will inevitably cause the sales of Kekou series of drinks to plummet.

Already labeled as "unhealthy", and with the sugar-free series not yet on the market, sales of the Coca-Cola series dropped off a cliff within a week!

An authoritative data agency estimates that if Coca-Cola does not take strong measures to fight back, Panda Beverage will completely replace it and become the world's number one beverage company in the next six months! !

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