Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1727 I won’t join the union if it dares to come.

What is the overlord's trade union?

To put it simply, it is an organization that helps workers fight for their interests and welfare, and stands up for them against the company.

In fact, at the beginning of its establishment, the hegemonic union also existed to benefit one side.

Under the oppression of capital more than 100 years ago, workers in the hegemonic country generally had to work 14 to 16 hours a day, which made the people of the hegemonic country miserable. The people could no longer bear this kind of working hours that almost reached the limit of the human body.

As a result, they all united and held a strike march. Because the scale is so large, this also makes the capitalists of the hegemony feel great fear. After all, if the workers all go on strike and quit, they will be the ones who lose the most.

In order to appease the workers, the capitalists introduced an eight-hour work system. The workers thought they would be out of trouble, but they underestimated the greed of the capitalists. Although the system has been introduced, no one has actually implemented it. Feeling cheated, the workers had no choice but to launch another strike, and the number and scale were far greater than the last time. This directly led to the paralysis of all walks of life in the hegemonic country.

Such a huge impact attracted the attention of the hegemonic officials. For the sake of the stability of the country and society, the officials began to intervene and required capitalists to implement the eight-hour work system.

Over time, trade unions were born as organizations to protect workers’ rights. They help workers obtain better benefits and wages, promote workers' consumption, and also promote the development of the national economy from the side.

Therefore, the existence of trade unions in their early stages is still commendable.

But as time goes by, this organization that seeks the welfare of the people and protects their rights and interests has gradually changed.

People in the hegemonic country need to pay membership fees if they want to join a trade union. As the membership fees increase, the wealth and strength of the union will grow.

In a capitalist country like the Hegemony, money and power are equated.

Trade unions have begun to become a headache for companies from various countries operating in hegemonic countries.

They use their workers to negotiate with major companies and organize workers to go on strike if they don't accept their opinions.

And behind these actions, it is not really for the welfare of workers, but to increase their own income by raising workers' wages. Because according to the union's payment standards, workers need to hand over 5% of their income to the union every month.

The higher the income of workers, the more dues they pay. And if the company does not agree to the union's request for a wage increase, the union will control the workers to go on strike against the company.

As a result, your company will be unable to operate and produce normally, and will be in danger of being overtaken by its peers. In the face of the general trend, we can only choose to spend money to eliminate disasters.

Many local entrepreneurs in hegemonic countries, such as Masik and Bezos, have ridiculed unions in public, saying that they are useless except for sabotage.

And after learning that the people of Daxia actually opened a factory on their own territory, and they were incredibly well-funded!

If this is just a big deal, it would be a shame for the union!

So while Gong Ziyuan was still thinking about how to solve the production capacity problem, the trade union on Baguo's side had quietly contacted Baguo employees at Hongmeng Chip Factory and asked them to come to the union at night to discuss salary issues.

Of course the workers in the hegemonic country know what a trade union is. You have to pay a large sum of money to join a union, and only then will they help protect their rights.

But most workers went anyway.

Because they think, if the union can help to win wages that far exceed the union fees they need to pay, then why not do it?

That night, the venue organized by the trade union was packed with people.

The union executives stood on the podium and started to denounce the various inhumanities of the Hongmeng chip factory according to their usual routine.

"The wages are so low and there are so many dangerous jobs. This simply doesn't treat us hegemons as human beings!"

"In your battle with Hongmeng Chip Factory, the trade union will support you and fight side by side with you!"

"We will let the Hongmeng chip factory know that our overlord does not do things this way! We hegemons are not so cheap!"

The impassioned speech aroused bursts of cheers from the workers in the audience!

There are many workers complaining about the low wages at the Hongmeng chip factory.

They even forgot that if Hongmeng Chip Factory had not been willing to take over their workers, they would have become homeless long ago.

"Here, I want to set a goal for everyone! Let me tell you a number..."

The union executive raised a finger in the air, looked around, and after whetting everyone's appetite, he shouted loudly: "Everyone's salary will be doubled!!!"


“Long live the union!!!”

“Double the salary!!!”

The workers celebrated with their hats and eyes shining brightly, as if they had seen the dawn of victory and struggle.

The people on the trade union side also smiled evilly.

It doesn’t matter how much these workers get a raise, they have already paid the union fees anyway.

As long as the union can stay in the Hongmeng chip factory for a long time, the union can continue to extract profits from the Hongmeng chip factory on behalf of the workers.

As for whether the factory can survive...

If you can’t survive, it’s because your factory is incompetent and there’s something wrong with your business methods!

What does that have to do with their union?

So the next day, a group of overlord workers, with the help of the union, came to the official to report.

The reason for the report is that the Hongmeng chip factory is too dangerous and the wages are too low. It is hoped that the union can enter the Hongmeng chip factory and help them fight for a salary increase on behalf of the workers.

Soon, the official side sent representatives to find Gong Ziyuan.

"Hello, Miss Gong, my name is Willy Charlie. I'm here today to talk to you about the union's entry into the Hongmeng chip factory."

Willy straightforwardly told Gong Ziyuan the whole story.

Gong Ziyuan almost went crazy after hearing this!

"Is there anything wrong? The largest car factory here has closed down. The Hongmeng chip factory has been established. It can help solve the employment problem of 10,000 local employees and increase your fiscal revenue. It can be said to be a lot of benefits!"

"Is this how your officials treat our manufacturers?"

"Willy Charlie, right? Come on, come on, tell me why the last car factory closed down? Tell me!!!"

Gong Ziyuan was so powerful that she looked like a giant when facing this strong foreign man who was over 1.9 meters tall.

Willie was trained like a dog by Gong Ziyuan, shrinking his head repeatedly.

Of course he knew how that car factory closed down.

It is because of the interference of labor unions, long-term strikes by workers, and various manipulations that have led to increasingly low production efficiency, leading to low production efficiency. In the end, it was unable to make ends meet and had no choice but to close down.

But Willy is also helpless!

The workers here don't care about this at all. They only think that the wages given by Gong Ziyuan's factory are too low and it is completely a sweat shop.

"I understand you, but look..."

"Nothing good but!"

Gong Ziyuan was categorical and tough: "If the trade union dares to settle in Hongmeng, I will quit the factory!!!"

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