Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 1873 The real wedding is about to begin!

Gong Ziyuan stared at the scene in front of her and listened to Chen Mo's words, tears of emotion flowed down her face.

My husband spent one trillion yuan and nearly half a year to create a unique wedding for himself!

With a wedding like this, what more could a woman ask for! ! !

"Honey, do you feel satisfied with today's wedding?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

"Satisfied! Extremely satisfied! 100 points... No! 10,000,000 points!!! There can be no better wedding than this one in the world!!!"

Gong Ziyuan's pretty face was filled with happiness and satisfaction, and she danced exaggeratedly. 🄲

Because she designed the wedding, she knew that the wedding was coming to an end.

A unique wedding should end like this.

In major live broadcast rooms around the world, billions of viewers are also frantically posting comments:

"It's over!!!"

"I've been paying attention to this wedding since I woke up in the morning, and I didn't want to blink until the evening, for fear of missing some detail! It's so exciting!"

"Congratulations to the Dragon King and his wife on their wedding!!!"

"Finish spreading flowers!!!"

"Finish spreading flowers!!!"

"Finish spreading flowers!!!"


Shang Wangfu.

When the decadent Shang Li saw this, he gritted his teeth and murmured with bitter eyes: "It's finally over..."

The wedding that had tortured him all day was finally coming to a perfect end!


The twelve main gods (with newly added main gods) sitting together, a rare gathering together!

In the past, when the twelve main gods gathered together, there must be major events that could affect the world structure to be discussed.

But today, they got together just because of a wedding!

Seeing that the wedding had come to an end, Solomon, the first god, murmured with a complicated expression.


Said: "I didn't expect that Chen Mo's Hongmeng Laboratory has developed to this point."

The other gods couldn't help but said:

"Solomon, why don't you give up your ultimate move?"

"Chen Mo now has satellites, rockets and even the International Space Station. If we wait any longer, we will lose all our high-tech advantages!"

"The price of a mass murder weapon is very high, comparable to the impact of a nuclear explosion, but if we allow Chen Mo to continue to develop, the price we pay will be even greater!"

"How many Lords have we killed by him? How many oligarchs have we lost? What are you still hesitating about?"


Solomon put his hands behind his back and looked at Chen Mojunyi's face on the big screen. He narrowed his eyes and said, "I said, you can only use the "big killer" if it threatens the core interests of our foundation.

At present, Chen Mo is still not interested. "

The second main god snorted coldly: "If you ask me, the price of a "big killer" is too high, so I might as well just ask the assassins from the "Tarot Club" to kill Chen Mo! "


Solomon shouted angrily: "Sacrificing a "big killer" is still within the scope allowed by the rules. If you hire a killer, do you know what the consequences will be? "

"With the personality of Chen Mo's wife, she even dared to use all the tens of trillions left by Chen Mo to hire assassins to assassinate us!!!"

All the main gods shuddered.

How many people can you hire with that much money?

Let alone destroying them, even destroying a medium-sized country would be enough!

Within the scope allowed by the rules, no matter how much you do, even if you force people to have their families destroyed, nothing will happen.

But hiring a killer is something that obviously breaks the rules.

Once used, it will definitely cause chaos!

If everyone stops abiding by the rules, the world will be in chaos and the economic order will collapse. By then, no one will be able to live well!

This is why, even after Chen Mo crushed the Foundation so many times, Solomon still refused to use a killer.

If he uses a killer, Chen Mo will definitely use a killer as well. Both sides will go back and forth, and the end result will be that both families are completely dead!

"The "Big Killer" cannot be used for the time being, and you don't even think about using the "Tarot Club"! First, collect funds in various countries on a small scale and replenish the blood. "

Solomon said solemnly.

And just when everyone thought the wedding was about to end...

Chen Mo suddenly smiled and said to Gong Ziyuan: "Okay, the appetizers are finished, it's time to serve the big meal!"

"Honey, let's start the real wedding right away!"

"Appetizers? A real wedding?" Gong Ziyuan said in surprise, "But... these are all the wedding contents I designed!"

Under a full moon, amid the bright fireworks, Chen Mo put his hands on Gong Ziyuan's shoulders at the top of the imperial capital and said solemnly:

"Honey, would you like to go to the moon with me and hold our real wedding?"

boom! ! !

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, Gong Ziyuan's eyes widened in disbelief, and she couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hand to prevent herself from screaming!

" mean...the real the moon?!"

"Then our training at the Hongmeng Aviation Base these days is for..."

Gong Ziyuan has completely figured it out!

There is no such thing as the official thankless effort to select two entrepreneurs to land on the moon!

It was clearly something Chen Mo did with his own money and effort!

Gong Ziyuan never expected that she would


Zi's ​​hard training is not for others, but still for himself!

"All the weddings on the ground are designed by you, but the real wedding in the sky is designed by me, the husband."

Chen Momo asked seriously: "Comrade Gong Ziyuan, I want to ask you again here, are you willing to fly to space with me and hold this real, unique wedding?

Even if it may cost you your life! "

Gong Ziyuan didn't even think about it, biting her red lips and nodded fiercely: "I am willing! Even if it costs me my life, I am willing to go to space with you!"

Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Let's go then!"

Then, Chen Mo sent a signal.

Immediately, a private helicopter landed on the roof of the hotel.

The two got on the helicopter and headed straight to Hongmeng Space Base.

at the same time.

In live broadcast rooms around the world.

"Let it go, let it go!"

"It's over!"

"Everyone should go back to his own home and find his own mother!"


Some people are already preparing to quit.

But at this moment, a shocking news was suddenly released simultaneously in the live broadcast room:

"Please don't go away! The truly unique wedding begins right away!"

As soon as the news came out, audiences around the world were stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

"Isn't the wedding of the Hundred Kingdoms over?"

"What is a real wedding? Isn't this a real wedding?"

"I'm going to choke you, what are you doing? A trillion yuan wedding, you tell me it's not a real wedding?"

"Is it possible that there will be a sequel?"


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