Reborn with wealth that rivals the country

Chapter 2232 Anti-Foundation Parade

The people of Hegemony have never obtained the so-called democratic freedoms mentioned by the top leaders.

This has been the case from the moment the hegemony was founded to the present day.

Hegemony is never guided by public opinion, and capital can control the country at will.

Therefore, public opinion has been calling for decades to reduce student loan interest rates, reduce the burden on college students, and give the future mainstay of Hegemony some breathing space. However, the top leaders of Hegemony have never pretended not to see it.

There is no other reason, because one of the "four mountains" in the hegemonic credit economy is student loans!

In 2007, the total household debt in the hegemony swelled to 17.5 trillion hegemony dollars, a record high.

Among them, the balance of housing mortgage loans, student loans, car loans and credit card loans are 12.3 trillion, 1.6 trillion, 1.6 trillion and 1.1 trillion hegemonic currency respectively, which can be called the "four mountains" under the hegemonic credit economic system.

Rapidly rising student loans have seriously dragged down the country's economic growth and have become the second largest category of consumer debt after home mortgage loans.

In early 2008, when Chen Mo's daughter was born, more than 40 million Chinese were already burdened with student loan debt.

Many hegemons even have to spend their entire lives working for them to repay their loans, and a large number of ordinary people even go bankrupt because they cannot repay their loans.

The largest lender of student loans is the foundation!

It is precisely because it is a foundation that the top leaders of Hegemony never pay attention to the voices of the people and allow the interest rates on student loans to rise higher and higher, and the interest rate is still compounded.

So Chen Mo wanted to persuade these overlord students to protest against the foundation, and asked Jiang Pengyue to start with student loans.

Then, he listed the foundation’s evidence from various aspects such as finance and housing loans.

Of course, there is also the most complained-about medical system in the hegemonic country!

The hegemonic country is the number one power in the world today and spends huge military expenditures on national defense construction every year. However, the annual cost of the medical system in the hegemonic country is five times the military expenditure, accounting for one-third of the fiscal budget! ! !

Accounting for so much fiscal expenditure, do you think it is used to subsidize public medical care?

Quite the opposite!


The hegemonic country is the only developed country in the world that does not provide universal health insurance to its citizens. Instead, for decades, the medical system has been like a gold-eating beast, sucking the marrow of the poor in the hegemonic country. Many poor people cannot afford medical treatment due to high medical costs, and die in helplessness and pain.

Pull out a tooth and get 30,000 national coins.

Appendicitis costs 150,000 national coins.

Calling an ambulance costs an average of 1,500 dollars.

It is not a joke for a Baguo person to tell those around him not to call an ambulance before he faints when he is sick.

The high medical prices in Baguo are recognized around the world. If you don’t have insurance in Baguo, you will be facing sky-high treatment fees.

Some Daxia netizens likened it like this, if you don’t have insurance to see a doctor in Hegemony, you will lose a house in the imperial capital after you see the doctor.

In the last life, Chen Mo had a classmate who took his child to travel to the Overlord Saint-Loduoto. Because the child accidentally fell from a height, he went to the hospital for a checkup. After the doctor at the hospital did a set of examinations, he let The child drank a glass of milk and told classmate Chen Mo that there was no problem.

When treating a doctor in Baguo, one needs to see the doctor first and pay later.

When classmate Chen Mo and his family returned to Daxia and collected the bills, their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

The bill stated that the emergency fee was 3,190 Hegemony coins, and the bed activation fee was 15,646 Hegemony coins, for a total of 18,836 Hegemony coins.

After conversion, it’s close to 140,000 Daxia coins! ! !

Just an emergency call, a set of examinations, a glass of milk, and the whole thing costs you 140,000!

Who can handle this?

People in Hegemony love fitness so much, but they are afraid of getting sick and spending money on going to the hospital. Therefore, what people in Hegemony care most about is not housing, but medical insurance.

The operations of medical institutions in Baguo are very different from those in Daxia. In Baguo, they can be divided into public medical institutions and private institutions, but the market share of private medical institutions exceeds 8.50%.

Overlord's private hospital distribution

It is equipped with the most advanced medical equipment in the world, has experienced doctors, and the medical environment is very beautiful and comfortable. However, the fees of private hospitals scare away many people.

Private hospitals in Hegemony are independent entities. The government cannot supervise them. Patients have no bargaining power in front of private hospitals and clinics. However, as a result, it is very common for hospitals to charge excessively.

Take the CT test as an example. In Daxia, the fee is 30-50 Hegemony coins, in Ma Daguo it is 97 Hegemony coins, but in Hegemony it is as high as 896 Hegemony coins! ! !

For the MRI examination project, the price for Baguo is about 90 Hegemony coins, and for Ma Daguo it is 450 Hegemony coins, but for Hegemony it is as much as 1,420 Hegemony coins! ! !

The foundation controls the vast majority of private hospitals and commercial medical insurance companies, forcing the people of the hegemonic country to hand over most of their income to them.

Precisely because all the money earned was taken away by the foundation, when Lucian was in power, he promoted the reform of the medical service system many times, but was brutally stopped.

The majestic and overbearing emperor can't push forward any medical reform. This shows how deep the water and oil are here and how powerful the foundation is!

This point was also one of the reasons why Chen Mo and Jiang Pengyue were able to persuade this group of hegemonic college students to march in protest.

"Universities in various states are ready, just waiting for the order from us!" Jiang Pengyue said excitedly.

To be able to lead such a historic action would be extremely exciting for everyone.

Don't worry, you first have people pick out our overseas students from Daxia in private.

"The Overlord people are marching to protest against the foundation. It's a dog-eat-dog situation. Even if something goes wrong, the officials won't do anything to their own people. They will just keep them in jail for a few days and give them a few warnings."

"But if one of our own people participates in this parade, the nature will change and we will definitely be severely fined!"

Chen Mozhen warned.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

About two days later, Jiang Pengyue found Chen Mo again and said that all the preparations were done.

This is a pep talk I wrote before the march, please send it to

He must be the leader of the parade of this group of overbearing college students.

In the afternoon.

Chen Mo and Jiang Pengyue dressed up together and came to Harvard University.

This march against foundations and boycotting foundation products will kick off from Harvard University!

The president of the Harvard University Student Union faced tens of thousands of student marchers on the playground and held an impassioned speech:

“For a long time, we thought that expensive student loans, sky-high medical insurance, and all kinds of incredible consumption were contributing to the country.

In fact, consumption is promoted by the dominant society as an important manifestation of "patriotism"! "

"All I can say is shit!!! We were all scammed!!!"

"Under the intentional guidance of the foundation, the "dream of hegemony" will be firmly bound to consumerism. With more and more material goals included, the "dream of hegemony" will become more and more expensive!!!"

"The Foundation, as well as the group of gods and apostles who claim to be gods, and the ethnic groups, have tried their best to use various means and information to bombard us and brainwash us!!!"

"Their various methods have only one common goal: to let us borrow more money to spend!"

"In the 1970s, my father was the sole breadwinner, while my mother stayed at home to take care of five children. By the 1980s, my brothers and sisters all went out to work, and I was the only one living at home. My mother later had to go out as well. Working full-time, I have seen the financial structure of the country change since then."

"Both my parents worked until the day they died. They didn't want to work, they had to work. This is the new reality!"

"This is the reality that is forced upon us under the guidance of the Foundation!!!!"

“All the foundation products we buy today will become bullets hitting us in the future!!!”

“So, brothers, sisters, comrades, unite!!!”

“Let us join together to oppose the foundation headed by Solomon Rothschild!!! Oppose the purchase of all products under the foundation’s name!!!”

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